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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Man what's with you? You don't like cats and you don't like spiders...... Gotcha! Helen, I commented on the fanatics forum and in the realistic thread that I think this is your best piece yet. I nominated it for the Galleria! So very well done! One of the best pics on the entire forum. And I like cats, I just don't have one anymore, too many dogs and parrots!
  2. WOW :shock: :shock: Simply amazing! So beautiful.
  3. CamStudio also exports the video as an AVI (as well as SWF), although I don't know what codec the video is in, as AVI is just a container. I have an older freeware version that only exports as a SWF. Have you tried Tip Cam? It does a really nice job. I have used it for tutorials on my mapping website and found it to be a little more versatile. I liked being able to set it so that the capture window follows your cursor when zoomed into a part of the screen. This gave me a better output resolution when showing details like tools settings and dialog boxes.
  4. You image looks like it was exported from ArcGIS or maybe AutoCAD? If so, you could improve the resolution through the export function in ArcGIS by increasing the quality of the exported file. I do this all the time and have found that I can get an excellent output by adjusting the default settings in ArcGIS. Let me know if this helps or if I can advise you further.
  5. I, like you am not very technical savy, but I don't remember seeing Java as a part of the install of PdN. I could be wrong though, but maybe it's the .Net framework that they are concerned with. I hope that they will reconsider because this would be a real savings to your program's budget and would give your students a great start in preparation for the more advanced classes in middle and high school. Maybe you can appeal this to the school's administration. I'm sure they are more sensitive to budgetary concerns and the needs of the students. This is what it's all about isn't it? The needs of the students?
  6. Another program you might try is Utipu's Tip Cam. I like it better than Cam Studio (which I also have) because it has a few more features than the Cam Studio version I have and it also allows you to export the file as an .avi making it easier to edit in a program like Movie Maker. You also might consider adding screen captures to your tutorial. This would allow you to do markups on the .png file like text, arrows, and circles to draw attention to settings in plugins.
  7. And the point being? As Pyro said, it's a weekly competition, but for me it's more about how this competition was really starting to take off and gain momentum. It was becoming a very popular competition for people who like to work in a larger format than the sigs allow. I also think that the WOTW has more potential for a broader range of themes than the SOTW. I would hope that the mods would take this competition over and run it in the same manner as the SOTW. I think it would help if it were made a sticky topic so that more people would see it on a day to day basis.
  8. @ CSM, Very nice! Great idea for a still life. I love the idea of the news paper rolled up on the table. @ Helen, I think I commented somewhere, but this is your best piece yet. Simply beautiful! Very good use of the smudge tool. It's sometimes a difficult tool to use and you have done so flawlessly. @ Goonie, Great image! I was really impressed with the 2D version but this is just amazing. The texture of the wood, the detail on the radio, the reflection, the color scheme all are very classy. Very well done! @ Falken I really like the texture of both the planet and the moon. The starfield is really nice too. If you added some colorful gaseous nebula clouds in the starfield it would be a completely awesome image. This is a bug I made last week. It's a robotic ladybird beetle. (thumb links to a really large image)
  9. Thanks! No, it's not a bowl, it's a wire frame football. I think they call it a bowl game because the stadiums all used to be bowl shaped. A lot of them still are, but the new ones like the Colt's new stadium are a lot different looking from the outside. Thanks Chis, I appreciate it. I wish they would have won, but I'm glad that if they didn't it went to a team as deserving as New Orleans. Thanks Helen! I think the conversation we had with Yellowman was what finally got it through my think skull on how to make things in the proper perspective. It has been a real game changer for me.
  10. I too like rainbow beast. very pretty!
  11. I heard that ! @ Sokagirl, Beautiful piece! Such color! So smooth and silky! Love it!
  12. No, you made it. It is, 11:12 p.m. Eastern Time. Congratulations!
  13. Yes, and it's growing moss. Hey that would be a good WOTW theme, mossy!
  14. Tried the plugin, not really working well for me. it makes a star field only at the very top, and very little of that. Thanks for the idea though. Let me know if you get it worked out.
  15. Hi Simon, is this plugin still supported? I tried the link provided but all I get is the source in a zip file. Sorry, but I don't know what to do with the source. I looked in your plugin pack and didn't see it there. Any chance of getting it as a dll for the current version of PdN? Thanks I use the height field to normal map for textures quite a bit and this plugin looks to be something I could really use.
  16. @ Nathan, very nice! I really like the colors and the 3D effect is great. These are a wallpapers I did for Valentines Day. The first one I made for my wife and I wrote the poem in it. The second one I made for the ladies in my office. The other two I made for my sisters and some friends on my forum. Happy Valentines Day !
  17. @ Topezia The mirror/chrome sphere is awesome but I particularly like the ink pen. The oranges and apples are also very realistic looking. Very nice job, very impressive. I've not seen you on here in a while and it's good to see you back. @ georgian, Wow, nice shotgun. I think it would look better with shot coming out of the barrel instead of a single projectile. You could make little chrome spheres to look like .00 buckshot. @ Goonie, Awesome radio man! We had one very much like that when I was a kid. Yeah, I'm that old. I'm vintage too.
  18. Do you think we could call this one now? It's been going forever. :shock:
  19. I've got my entry in. I think this would make a great WOTW theme too.
  20. Steam Punk Possums no renders, no stocks, 100% PdN Oh, chemist, eh? Do we get to blow something up, then?
  21. To clean up the edges you might try the alias and feather tools.
  22. I agree with Sozo, but if you want to keep that image and "spiff" it up a bit, try the curves plus plugin and play around with the various settings depending on what you want to enhance.
  23. Yes, you are looking for the Multi Color Gradient to make the rainbow gradient. I believe the term you are looking for to describe the dirty look is "grunge" or "grungy". There are many ways to get such a look. You might look through the tutorials and see what is available. I myself like to use the custom brush mini and use a special brush collection named grunge. You should be able to locate a link to them on a related thread to the custom brushes.
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