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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. You have an awesome backyard ! Where is that?
  2. Love it. Good humor ! Also very nice vase, but the spheres are amazing!
  3. Some really great stuff in your gallery ! Wow ! Love it. My fav is the gecko and cog piece. Very clever. You have a good sense of humor to your images, I appreciate that.
  4. Here is a thread with brushes and links to brushes. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=23095&hilit=custom+brushes You can get brushes on Deviant Art as well. They are mostly PhotoShop brushes that you can convert to PdN brushes with a handy program ABRViewer.Net. It will convert them for you, but you will need to make sure you put them in the correct folder. Here are some more links that might help. You can do a search and find more info and techniques. viewtopic.php?f=38&t=27088&hilit=ABRViewer viewtopic.php?f=12&t=31178&p=279253&hilit=ABRViewer#p279253 viewtopic.php?f=16&t=29868&hilit=ABRViewer Ok now, before you read all of that, and I hope you do, look at it this way. Depending on the brush you use and the speed settings and the image you are working on, you can do things from soften and shape an edge, smear colors together to create a texture (the grass in my mountain landscape), a finger paint effect, or even smear/scratch things up. The smudge tool has as many possibilities as your imagination allows it to. Check out some of Topezia's work, she has made some beautiful images with the smudge tool. The same can be said for just painting with the brushes. There are so many things that you can do by painting layer over layer of brushes. Ok, now go have some fun and let me know when you have something to show. I know it will be great ! Oh and be careful and don't poke yourself in the eye with one of the brushes like I did. 8)
  5. Thanks. The original title for the image was Planet of Ice, Moon of Fire, but that sounded pretty stupid so I changed it. Kind of a room with a view pic. Yes, I picked up on that. That was my feeble attempt at humor. And now you know why they call me Roadkill....that joke was as flat as a Possum waffle.
  6. Oma, that is so pretty. I know this will sound weird but my favorite part is the little orange lines arcing down on the left side. The contrast is brilliant. Wonderful piece!
  7. You must try the brushes ! I still have the original Draw with Custom Brushes loaded, but I am really loving the Custom Brush Mini plug-in. I have TONS of brushes now to play with. Just getting started but they are a blast to play with and also great for the smudge plug-in too ! @ Axel Nice image ! I really like the colors and texture. Very good job. @ Oma, thanks ! Actually there was alpha displacement in there. Drop ripple, ripples, alpha displacement and then seismograph. The thumb of your new image is really beautiful. >>>>> Going to your Gallery to see the full size now !
  8. I thought you said it was a snowflake not a bug. Now I'm confused. :shock: @ Welshblue, COOL ! I love the combination of the shoreline and the sub ! Great image ! That sub looks so real ! What kind is it? I bet it's a research sub looking for jellysquid. And meanwhile in another part of the galaxy... A View from an Ice Planet. @ Yellowman, I am really enjoying this technique. It is one of the best and most fun I have learned on here.
  9. I was hoping that you might do a tut for this.
  10. Your glass work and digital art is really good. I really enjoyed going through your gallery again. Nice additions since I was here last.
  11. Thanks for reposting the images flip ! I'm glad I can see them now. The very last one of your name in multi colors is my favorite. So sharp and crisp and clean. Very good. The moon (or planet) is my second choice. Great texture and the aurora and flairs around it are a very nice touch. Beautiful image. The water (?) drops on the blue stripe background is my third choice. Again, very clean looking. The others are also very well done, but those three are really pleasing to me. BTW, have you composed any music lately? I have not had a chance to visit your site in a while. Keep up the great work.
  12. Chad, I really like the gemstone. Have you been through both tuts? They were really great fun. I really love your new sig and avatar. Man those are really nice !
  13. Whispers is absolutely stunning. Your last three abstracts are the most amazing things. I still love the "honey" best of all. That will be my favorite abstract for a long, long time, maybe forever.
  14. Very nice wood texture. I'd like to see you make something out of it.
  15. I had not been to your gallery before. Your latest works are really great. Love the duckling, curtains is beautiful and very clean, and the gem is a really great spin on Ash's gem. I'll have to come back later and see the rest of your images. (When my internet connection is better !)
  16. Very, very nice star field. To get the number of stars must have taken a long time. I love the color of the stars too, they don't look just white but have a blueish halo around them. Very realistic !
  17. You may have posted too many large images in your last post, I can't to get them to display. I know I have a slower WiFi connection, but usually I can see your images. The browser just keeps timing out before they load. I'd really like to see your latest stuff.
  18. Wow I was just on your gallery ! So you think the trees improve the background? I think it looks much better this way. I did a couple of other images, one in realistic and one in abstract.
  19. Wonderful stuff Helen ! The wireframe building is brilliant as is the shiny blocks with the rose. The little girl in the tub is great ! Another one for the book? Your work with gradients is just the best. I think the spheres with the sparkles in them are my favorites.
  20. It was Ash who did the tut, and I did use it but it looked too realistic so I altered it with the smudge tool. I was going for more of a cartoonish style. I'm glad you stopped by, it's been a while. Thanks, I was pretty happy with the hummingbird. I've been wanting to do another image like that but I'm not sure what animal I want to do. I loved "Lost in Space" (the old series and the movie). Do you remember Robbie the Robot from the 50's and 60's movies? He was the inspiration for parts of the robot. The pumpkin was something I did for the ladies at the office for Halloween. I would like to do a more realistic one some time. A while back I did the guitar and banjo image. There were some (really a whole bunch) that didn't like the background. So today I added a little more detail with a set of brushes I found and some textures on the mountains and was wondering what you all thought of it. Is it better?.... Still sucks?..... I should give up on PdN and take up kite flying?
  21. I think it might be my hair conditioner or all that greasy fried food. About what? Really, I like your image. I don't think it needs any color. Just for fun, try using the invert colors command and then use the zoom blur or the splinter blur on it. @ Frontcannon, that is absolutely beautiful. WOW ! @ Oma, Oh wow that is incredible! The colors are beautiful. I did this last week just goofing around with the seismograph and other things. Sonic Boom
  22. @ emeraldcullen awesome duckling ! I can't wait to see the background you come up with. Maybe a barnyard scene? @ Yellowman, I swear I didn't know you were working on another spacescape ! That is really awesome. I really like how you transition from the space into the atmosphere. The planet texture and lighting is really great. I do think the larger stars could use a little Gaussian blur, maybe a 1 or 2. This is something I did this afternoon while watching the Colts game. Yea ! Go Colts ! The Black Hole
  23. And I thought they were geese. :shock: I don't think they would have been distracting if there had been one or two closer to the observer. Just enough detail that you could tell they were sheep and the others that are far away would have been recognizable and not at all distracting.
  24. @ Yellowman, Thanks ! I was just goofing around with a couple of the plug-ins. It seems that I can't set down and try to create an abstract, they always come out though experimentation (goofing around). @ ChronosRegex, I love that image. That is just great ! It would make a great wallpaper too. Again, just goofing around.... No name other than Abstract #4. I think the colors are real pretty.
  25. Possum Roadkill


    Don't stop trying. Everyone has to start somewhere. Check out my gallery and you will see some really awful stuff in my earlier work. I got better with the help of people like Ash. You can get better too, but not if you give up now. I know if Ash were around right now, he would tell you to keep trying and reading the tuts and to learn from everyone else on here. It takes time and effort and anyone will tell you that anything worth doing takes effort. Now get back to work !
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