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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Thanks to everyone who entered, and especially everyone who voted for me. I'm really flattered that you liked it. I'm writing up the description of the next competition. I hope you enjoy it.
  2. See, lots and lots of big words. Thanks Yellowman, I was hoping you would be around to solve this riddle.
  3. Ok illegal is a little harsh and not accurate so I will retract that statement. I looked over all of them and only one is described as a Paint.net fans/users group. The others do not implicitly say they are official, but they imply they are by the use of links and incorrect information, i.e "Paint.NET has evolved from a simple replacement for the Microsoft Paint program,". However, if it does not bother you, then there is no reason it should bother me. Sorry for the outburst and no offense intended.
  4. Beautiful. one comment though, the hair and eyelashes are so detailed you can see individual hairs, but they eyebrows you can't. I think the brows could use a little more detail. She is a very pretty young lady, I'm sure she is thrilled by the portrait. So much talent, Dude, U R So Awesome!
  5. Soka, very nice, very nice. I like the darkness of it and the shine on the beads. It looks so smooth and polished.
  6. A wonderful idea and a wonderful piece to go with it. Beautiful !
  7. It's really very good. Very nice image over all. I did notice that the horse is missing an ear. Have you tried using the gradient tool to do some of the shading and hi-lites? You also might try using a blur on some of the colors to soften the edges so the transition between the colors is softer and more subtle. Looking forward to seeing more from you. This is something I did last week. Mister Sunshine
  8. Kind of squid like. I like it. Why don't you post a thumbnail of the image?
  9. This is one of the things about Facebook that really burns me up. This is just not right, this person is a fraud. How can this be legal? Holy Cow ! I just checked and there are five who claim to be Paint.net !!!! Is there an Official Paint.Net Facebook page?
  10. Oh no, too many big words! Just kidding, I think I know what you mean. I've just not had much time to play around with it but I downloaded your image to play with. I think you might be able to get there/get close with Shape 3D with the right settings. Problem is, it's one of the most complex plugins in PdN. I think if you try the cylinder shape first you might get what you are after. Maybe you will be lucky and Yellowman will show up and give some advice. He is much smarter than I, and is a master with Shape 3D. (And he understands the big words too )
  11. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm not much at photo manipulation but there are some really great tutorials on this forum that should enable you to achieve the desired effect you need for your memorial shirts. Here is a link to a tut by Tabou on removing tricky backgrounds in photos. viewtopic.php?f=36&t=29129 You should be able to find most anything in the tutorial section to make a great image.
  12. Hi Mark, If you are trying to get just the logo without any kind of border around it, I'm afraid that you will not be able to when you import it into AutoCAD. Have you considered importing it into AutoCAD and then redrawing it as a .dwg? I'm a 20 year vet using AutoCAD and I understand what you are trying to do. If the logo is not too complex, you should be able to recreate it as a drawing file and then make it a block that you can insert into your plot page layouts. Keep in mind that if you are plotting on a white media, a white background on your logo won't show up anyway. What version of AutoCAD are you using?
  13. I'm not real clear on what you want to do, but if I'm understanding your request, have your tried Shape 3D? Yellowman has a couple of tuts in the Text section of the Tutorial forums that deals with rotating text using Shape 3D. BTW, cool fish picture, are they salmon or trout?
  14. Testing a new idea. Used it in a wallpaper Whatcha' think?
  15. Nice colors and good swirl effect. I like how the red part looks. Do you mind if I make a suggestion? If you work with the circular text plugin a little more you can get the text to be more circular around your spiral. You might even play around with some of the other plugins that come with the circle text and see what you can do with it. For just doing something while being bored, it's pretty cool.
  16. I'd go along with that. It would be nice to have someone that is on every day who will be attentive of the competition. Congrats Falken! Really great image. I love it.
  17. I have it now, thank you Simon. For some reason I could not access the downloads area from my home connection, but here at my office it opened up quickly and I was able to download the dll. Thank you very much, I am sure I will find this to be a valuable plugin.
  18. @ WB, Anytime you want to pinch an idea from me, please do! Considering I have so many of yours lying around. @ Barbieq, Thanks ! That is like three different stone textures and a couple of different techniques of modifying them to get that look. I kept looking at it and thinking "I have to do something with this! It's too cool looking to just let it set." Then it set around for a couple of weeks because for the life of me it took that long to think of the coyote. @ CSM, & Chrisco, Thanks ! I had a lot of fun with that sig. At first I thought the theme would be hard, but once I had an idea, it came really quick. I think the poll is open now. I was just devastated when Manning threw that interception. I still had hope that they could pull it out until that happened. I've seen them come back in so many different ways. This time it just wasn't meant to be. Fate and Providence was behind the Saints all season long. They deserver it. Chrisco, your Hawks will be back soon. They have so many good players, it's just a matter of time.
  19. You might also try the metallize plugin. It does some of the same things shown in the image link you provided.
  20. WOW ! Cool ! I have another one I'll post. Thanks Simon!
  21. Oh, my mistake. I appears to be a map showing building footprints, a roadway, and a watershed boundary. Where did you get the image? It does look to be exported out of a GIS program of some kind. If you know where it was obtained you might be able to find an online GIS mapping site for this area and reproduce the image. Otherwise, I don't think you will be able to enhance the sharpness of the detail. The colors you should be able to manipulate with PdN.
  22. I'm really enjoying your style. Great new images since I was here last.
  23. Very clever ! I love the burger! I would add some bacon, not necessarily to yours, to the ones I eat.
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