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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. I'm not sure I understand the brush rule. I have made several of my own brushes, and some of them I don't really remember where I got them, and others came in brush packs that were PS brushes, or I got them from this site or from other members. So how am I going to link a brush that I made, or I don't know where I got it, or I got it from someone else who may or may not remember where they got it? A brush it not like a render in so many respects and should not be treated like one.
  2. My entry. No stocks, no renders, 100% PdN. Sorry, it doesn't have a name other than Wallpaper 1. Again, no stocks, renders and yup, it's 100% PdN.
  3. Budgie, you can find free fonts at DA Fonts at this link. http://www.dafont.com/ Hey I have a pet budgie ! His name is Skyler.
  4. Looks very interesting. I'll give them a try. Thanks !
  5. @ Kemaru, Very nice image. I just have one suggestion, the knob below the arrow on the dial, shouldn't the lighter line on the knob be more aligned with the red arrow in the dial? I also agree with the shape of the speaker due to the perspective. Believe me, I have had my issues with perspective, ask Yellowman. He really helped me a lot. Really nice wood texture, great concept. Very very cool ! @ Bjarni, I don't know, I think it turned out really well. Maybe you could adjust the apple layer with curves more to your liking. Really great idea, loads of imagination !
  6. Simon, sorry to keep bugging you, but I have another question. I have created two images for the competition, but I'm not really happy with them at this point. The reason being that I am trying to recreate the look of the actual log-in screen with the log-in box, Windows 7 logo, Start button, and so on. Are these items required, preferred, or optional ?
  7. Yes, it is a plugin that you can download here.... viewtopic.php?f=16&t=25303&hilit=smudge It's awesome.
  8. Ding Ding Ding ! Looks like we have a winner ! Congratulations Welshblue ! Get ready to pick the theme of your choice ( I bet it will be a good one too) for the next competition. Thanks for entering everyone, and thanks to you who voted. This was so much fun ! I can't wait for the next one !
  9. Lance, Brilliant idea on the photo in glass images. Well executed, very smooth and professional looking. Sooooo cool ! You have to teach me how to do that !
  10. That's that I was thinking ! I have some Fulgurites from when lightning struck a power pole years ago and the power lines fell into sandy soil and turned it into beautiful glass. The unusual thing was because of the grass that was growing in the sandy soil, the glass turned a beautiful green. That's been about 20 years ago and I still have them. Soka, I love the purple orbs (1,000th post image) it is so beautiful ! And the "Walls have eyes" is so clever and spooky looking !
  11. Oma, Myth and Magic is wonderful ! So beautiful, peaceful and calming. Would you like to borrow a magic possum to put in the tree?
  12. Thanks 007 Nab ! I appreciate it. I'm not sure anyone gets the image though, I have an unusual sense of humor.
  13. Nice start on your gallery. I like your abstract works, especially the orange lines and shapes (5th one) and like AFG the one below the cat, and the cat too. The one under the cat, just a thought, your name might look better if you picked up the purplish color in the center and used it on your name and add a drop shadow. I would use that one as an avatar, very nice. I like your name too, interesting. I like unusual names, but you might have guessed that by now. Welcome to the forum, I'll be looking forward to seeing more stuff from you.
  14. Awesome tut man ! Great job on writing it and excellent technique. Here is my shot at it.
  15. Alright, fair enough, I didn't know you were talking to him in any way other than what I've seen. It definitely puts a different spin on your post. Still, now discluding your post, I see a bit too much of that on the forums. I'd much rather hear what is wrong with my work than "Looks very nice." That is how people get better. I like hearing compliments as much as the next guy, but it does annoy me when I see an entire page of "Ehh, colors. 7/10," 'in the Rate the sig of the poster above you!' thread. I'm not supporting talking down to someone, there usually is something to comment on positively in an image even when the rest of your post is critique. Or I've grown too used to more cynical forums, where as this one is completely different. [Long story short- I'm ranting about nothing because I'm worried about my semester grade and the final exam I finished today] I know exactly what you mean, and you are not alone. There are several of us who have been discussing this subject. Good luck on your grades and final exams. I'm sure you will do just fine. Back on topic, We have some really great images posted, so everyone make sure you vote ! Thanks to everyone who entered, very impressive entries!
  16. Sorry to double post. Simon I have a question about this rule "Entries can be edited at any time up until the poll goes up." Does this mean I can post the image I have now and then replace it with a different one before the deadline if I choose to? Thanks !
  17. *In my opinion, that's almost as rude as saying it's terrible. Be nice, but don't lie to make people feel better. I see that a lot on this forum, but I'm not trying to single you out, Possum. Also, I'm definitely not saying I could do better with the pencil tool, dragonG1. Quite the opposite, probably. :wink: That is your opinion, but that is not at all what I am saying to him. I am giving him encouragement. You don't know what he and I have said in private conversations do you? We have been talking about different tips and techniques, and I do think his image is very good. So thanks for stating your opinion, however wrong about my intentions it may be. I hope that DragonG1 will realize that he has done a very good job. It's very imaginative, exactly what I was hoping for when I chose the theme. I hope that once you get to know me, as others have, you will realize that I do not treat people in the way that you have assumed.
  18. Sarkut is right, your's is just fine and completely complies with the rules. Good job too ! I think you'll give these old pros a run for their money !
  19. @ 007Nab, nice ! I bet that really glows on your phone. I took a photo out of the top floor of a really tall building for my new phone wall paper. I'm afraid of heights. The entries are all in for the WOTW competition, Exploring The New Frontier. I didn't think it would be fair for me to enter since I won the last one and I thought up the theme for this one, but I did make an image. This is something that has been rattling around in my head for a long time and I finally got the idea complete. I was thinking who would be the very first company to make a transporter, (like on Star Trek, duh !) and I realized that the logical choice would be an elevator company. Think that one through for a while......
  20. I'm fairly certain there's only been 8 entries. You probably missed Pipps, it's just a link I thought his was showing earlier. But yes, I did count his and your entry closes the competition ! Man you just made it under the wire. I can hear a bunch of people crying right now. Pipp would you please direct link your image so it is displayed? - Thanks ! The polling will be up soon, as soon as Pipp gets his image fixed.
  21. Thanks Simon. That would be wonderful. That is when you have the time.
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