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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Or your could use Color Flip Rotate. I love that one there is so much you can do with it and different blend modes! Give it a try.
  2. There is a Frames plugin that creates a single color, double color, or beveled style frame around the border of your image. I assume that you are asking about predefined frames like you would see in some programs that look like picture frames that would scale to the dimensions of your image. No, not that I am aware of. That would be pretty cool to have, so you might ask one of the plugin developers if they might be interested in developing something like that. You can however make your own in several ways. You could use the Frame plugin to create a frame, the use the Textureize plugin to add a texture to it, then use the metalize plugin to make it look metalic, and then the color balance plugin to make it look like gold. Or you could use the frame you create as a template to "cut out" a frame from another image. You might want to take some time and browse through the tutorial section and see what Paint.Net can do, you might find something interesting, like a glass, stone, or wood tut that would suit your purpose. Good luck.
  3. Just a little good natured ribbing. Wonderful image by the way. That's gonna be tough to beat.
  4. @ frontcannon, I think that would be recon as in reconnaissance, but I reckon you can have it however you want. These are a couple of questions that were posted on the previous WOTW thread that pertain to the rules of this competition. I thought it might be helpful to move them over to this thread as they are very valid questions. Yes, I think I understand. I think it would kind of violate the spirit of the rules and depend on how much of the images you used. If you were to take your sub and put it into a water scene that you have never created before with new creatures, and underwater mountains and stuff like that, that would be within the rules, However, if you took your sub image, resized the canvas, added a few rocks and a squid or two and called it a day, that would be a rules violation. Does that make sense?
  5. Get the face you want on a separate layer above the toast and play with the blend modes or Blend modes plus plugin. I would think that one of the burn modes or dodge modes would work, but I could be wrong. I would suggest that your face has as little of a border around it as possible and maybe make it slightly transparent. Another option might be to make the face a mask and use the Displacement Mask plugin, or use the Texturize plugin.
  6. I really do ! I'm not just saying that. I looks like it should be an ad for a product line or an event. Like "Chad is coming to Madison Square Garden and tickets have already sold out so I stole this poster and I'm gonna hang it on my dorm room wall", kind of thing. Seriously, I think it is very professional looking. I know it's simple, but some times there is elegance in simplicity.
  7. Sorry, but no. rules state " You cannot enter something that you've already posted in your gallery or have previously submitted in another contest, but small elements from a previous image may be used as long as they are a minor part of this submission." You could do a similar image and use the Galileo. That would be acceptable.
  8. liquid amber fire is a beautiful piece. You, Yellowman and Peter Pawn do the most beautiful jewlry. Great stuff !
  9. I'm glad you put this up. Great lesson here. As you know, I have trouble with lighting angles and perspective, it really helps to see your work and then see an example of why you did something in your image. Awesome image man ! Great job. Are you going to enter the WOTW?
  10. Beautiful Oma ! I looked through the screen shots in your gallery and was amazed to see how the image came together. This is one of the things we have all been talking about, I hope the younger artists on here will take the time to learn from this valuable lesson. Simply amazing, and thanks for sharing so much of the details of how you created it.
  11. Yes, it could be, but I was hoping people would use their imagination a little more. If space, maybe something like landing on an asteroid? That's just one of the ideas I wrote down today. I knew there would be a lot of people that would enter a space scape, the question is, who will really try to do something new? Ah ha ! Thus the "New Frontiers" part of the theme.
  12. Man you are awesome ! This is the best one yet. I see you have resolved the AA issues. Beautiful work. WOW.
  13. I was hoping for the Marianas Trench. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariana_Trench or a giant squid or two.
  14. Yes, I think I understand. I think it would kind of violate the spirit of the rules and depend on how much of the images you used. If you were to take your sub and put it into a water scene that you have never created before with new creatures, and underwater mountains and stuff like that, that would be within the rules, However, if you took your sub image, resized the canvas, added a few rocks and a squid or two and called it a day, that would be a rules violation. Does that make sense?
  15. ...but not if he doesn't have administrative privilages. I see you are not easily swayed by muffins...
  16. I sent the info to flip late last night, so he will put up the official WOTW threads but so you can get a jump on this exciting competition here is the theme and an explanation of what I mean. WOTW Theme is "Exploring new frontiers", this could be unexplored (or little known) regions of earth, like deep sea, rain forests, mountain ranges or deserts. Also it could be space, other planets, scientific discoveries, the microscopic world etc. This should spark your imagination. Just so you don't charge headlong into something only to find that it breaks a rule, here is an important part of the rules, but please read the official thread to get the complete list of rules. - Photographic stocks may be used (but must be referenced) photos taken by you would be preferred. No characters from video/computer games, TV shows or movies. Stocks must be heavily modified in Paint.Net. You cannot just post a photo of a desert and call it an entry. - You cannot use renders OR C4Ds of any kind. No characters from video/computer games, TV shows or movies. No exceptions ! - You cannot enter something that you've already posted in your gallery or have previously submitted in another contest, but small elements from a previous image may be used as long as they are a minor part of this submission. Thank you, and enjoy yourselves. I hope to see some imaginative submissions and I hope you are as excited as I am. I will not be submitting an official entry because I don't think it would be fair, but I plan on posting an example just for the fun of it. Good luck everybody ! Woo Hoo, let the madness begin !
  17. OK I have decided the theme. I'll PM flip with the answer and terms. Please read the rules carefully. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or ask on the discussion thread. Good luck everybody !
  18. Cause I'm really really slow. Hey, it's a long trip from Indiana to the land down under. Good thing it's all down hill.
  19. I like everything about this plugin. This is just wonderful. Thanks so much, it works so well and is so helpful.
  20. Thanks guys, I'm thinking of one now. I'll wait and see who contacts me tonight, if not I'll PM flip tomorrow. Hey Briamoth, new sig and avy ! WOW cool.
  21. Crank up the Volume is AWESOME ! Looks like a professional advert.
  22. @ Aguba, great job ! Nice variation on the Boom !
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