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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Oops ! I thought you meant my regular user sig. Yes, the Mule sig for Heywood ! I did that as a little play on a phrase "Howling at the moon", but in this case it's "Braying at the moon" since mules and donkeys "bray". I have had that donkey stock photo for years now and have used it in a variety of images. It always makes me laugh. @ Helen, Thanks ! The metal texture started out as a gradient (multi color gradient), then the Fire! plugin, and followed by the color flip/rotate. On the Gary sigs, I bet I spend as much time doing the shadows as anything except the sabers. I was really happy with the way they turned out. I may even make on for myself. @ Oma, Thanks for stopping by. It's so good to hear from you. I could not have done the sabers without your sword tut. Now I want to do a King Arthur sword ! I agree with you, I think the sigs that tell a story about the person they are made for are much more interesting. And when you make the entire thing yourself, I think it is even more appreciated by the recipient. The one Heywood sig is the first one in a long time where I used a stock image. Not sure I could draw a donkey ! Besides, he's so handsome. The first Heywood sig reminds me of tortoise shell for some reason. I remember when I was really young, my grandmother had a tortoise shell comb. I always thought the colors were so beautiful.
  2. @ burningrock, That would make an awesome wallpaper. Great pic. Remember those twisted plastic straws when you were a kid? Krazy Straws !
  3. Text from the first one, photo from the second. What kind of car is that? Cool headlights.
  4. Thanks It's from a comment someone made about me on a local message board. I thought it was funny, even if it is true, so why not embrace my oddness.
  5. Chicken feet is a simply amazing piece. BEAUTIFUL ! Simple, yet elegant. I love it. Capsules is my new favorite image. It looks like a book cover or a movie poster. GASP ! Amazing ! Your best ever.
  6. Lol that's exactly what I thought. I really like your last piece, heck I like everything you do, but it has given me an idea for an image in the future. @ Bjarni That is so cool ! I Love it. I can't figure out how you did it. :shock: Very very nice piece.
  7. @ barbieq Thanks, it is kind of wacky isn't it? I thought Welsh's comments was one of the funniest things I've heard. I had never heard that saying about welding before. I always thought it would be really cool to be able to weld and do metal sculptures. @ sokagirl. Thanks ! Hey love the new matching avy and sig. Those are so cool ! I've tried to get back to doing sigs lately. I helped a friend start a new community forum and he joined mine and didn't have a sig or avatar. So I made him some and let him decide which ones he liked. He chose the first one to use on my forum and the last one to use on his forum. I found a great picture of a mule's head busting through the screen and made it into an avatar. So the last one here really fit the whole Jacka** theme for him. I really like the first one. I think it's a really cool look and I had never done anything like it before.
  8. Sweet Fantasy is so very pretty and I think the title fits, sweet. Love it !
  9. @ flip Very nice planet. It reminds me of one I saw in Babylon 5 years ago. Scary looking. This is something I have been thinking about for quite a while. Remember the sculpture "The Thinker"? That's where the thought came from. This is the first art piece that I have done with the new version of PdN. I did a new sig first, but this was the first real piece.
  10. I have the same problem...Go to this link for an explanation. The discussion is neat the bottom of page 6. Hope this helps viewtopic.php?f=12&t=32292&start=75
  11. I made a matching pair of sigs for a friend of mine who participates in US Civil War reenactments. They all dress in period clothing and use period military gear and reenact significant battles of the US Civil War. He is a US Marine and a volunteer at the Emergency Services Office where I am also a volunteer. I used parts of Oma's sword tut to craft the Civil War era sabers.
  12. I see (no not really, I'm not a programmer). But I think I get the gist of what you are saying. Yes I am using XP and I assume from what you are saying that as long as I do, my text will look the way it does now? Am I going to have the same problems with other "non-text" objects? I don't see an upgrade to Windows 7 while I am on this laptop. I just don't have the money to invest in a new operating system or much of anything really. I'm hoping that this laptop will last me at least another year or more. Thanks for the reply Rick. It is really an amazing advancement in PdN. The fact that it loads and works so much faster is a great accomplishment. If anyone might have a suggested work around or a way to smooth out the text, I would be grateful to hear it.
  13. @ sokagirl. Very pretty design. Maybe a touch more yellow or red might liven it up a little? This is something I did a while back. I thought it might work with something else but never got around to using it. I looked at it tonight and thought, it looks fine as it is. Sometimes it takes a little longer to make peace with an image than others.
  14. I have read through all of the comments and I too would like to congratulate the whole team for the upgrade. I do however have a concern that I have not seen addressed in any of the previous posts. It could be very well that it is my work or work ethic that is the flaw. I usually work in images that are 1000 to 1500 in size and are usually at 200 pix in resolution. In the previous versions (I have been here for the last two, I think) I sometimes had jaggy edges and could clean them up with the feather and sometimes alias and followed by the feather. On the very first image I am working on I have really bad jaggies on every bit of the text. It is a nice clean font, so that is not the issue. I have even deleted the image and started over with a resolution of 400 and still have jaggies on the text while doing the very same things I have been doing for months with no problems with the dreaded jaggies. I know it's not the computer because this is a graphics machine for CAD and GIS with a very nice video card. So am I working at too low of a resolution now that PdN has been improved?
  15. These are a couple of abstracts I did last week, or maybe the week before. I don't remember now. :shock: Woven Amphibian
  16. I ended up not using the flamingo I posted here. I made a different one for my friends logo. The one I gave him had no background, it was just the bird on a transparent background. It was much larger too, I think it was like 7 or 8 inches tall because his wife was going to have it put on a shirt. This is the one I finally ended up using, I just added the background to post it on here.
  17. Yes much better. The trees on the horizon gives it much more depth. That's a nice stack of firewood, you should go ahead and build a campfire. This is a new landscape I did last week.
  18. This is a new landscape I did last week. Sometimes you get strange requests from friends....Yes this is a pink flamingo with a welding torch.
  19. That's not bloody water ! Puff is a friendly dragon. He's swimming in a sea of strawberry cream soda under a moon of cream cheese frosting. Can you tell, I've not had breakfast yet?
  20. @ Chad, great job on the window image. You really have Yellowman's technique down. The curtains are amazing. Very modern and stylistic. Happy Halloween Everyone. This is my version of Puff The Magic Dragon.
  21. Thanks for stopping by, I always appreciate visitors ! I just checked you gallery when I saw there were some new pieces you posted. LOVE the dragonflies! They have always fascinated me. I have been thinking about trying to paint one. The one I like the best is the gold one. Wow that is an awesome gold texture/coloration! Thanks again for stopping by.
  22. @Dark Zarosia Nice first image. Just for fun try duplicating the layer and trying some of the various blurs, like the zoom blurs and motion blurs and see what you get from that. Have you gone through the plug-ins section of the forum yet? There are so many different effects it will make your head pop off ! @ Chad Love the new avy and sig. @ Sokagirl, same thing love the sig. Nice image too. Is that splinter or jitter? Did you do a reflection for the bottom half or the mirror over line? Looks cool ! This is an abstract I did this morning while having my coffee and a donut. I didn't give it a name, so it's just Abstract #Five. Have you ever woken up and felt kinda abstract? Yeah, me too. I must have passed through a black hole while I was sleeping. Abstract # Six
  23. Oh you saw that one eh? Yeah, I didn't notice it until I had posted the image and was hoping that no one would notice the "legendary floating tree of the Smokie Mountains".
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