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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Best snowman yet ! But where are they all coming from :shock:
  2. Possum Roadkill


    I appreciate the bump Oma, I echo your words. I've been thinking about Ash a lot lately. Hope to see you soon Master Ash. Miss you and your help and inspiration.
  3. Welcome to the forum. Very very nice start ! Looking forward to seeing more. Really like the space images.
  4. Great idea for the Post cards from Mars. I can't wait to see more of this idea. Fire and Ice is really cool. No pun intended Your entry for the Speed contest is great. Very well done.
  5. Beautiful new images. Love the new avatar too. The colors in "Revealed" are so pleasing. Do you use custom palettes?
  6. Chad, hobo's respite is BRILLIANT ! Superb use of shape 3D. That gives me so many ideas ! Oklahoma winter is really great. Reminds me of the primitive folk art style. Very bleak. You guys don't get snow? Want some? Man it is sooooooo cold here in Indiana right now. Dang I hate winter !
  7. Where have I seen these before? Beautiful stuff mate ! Great job !
  8. @ Falken Wow ! Beautiful starscape. Best I've seen in a while. Very nice nebula and planet texture. Also the rings are awesome ! WOW ! @ Gigabyte Very cute snowman. You did Oma's tut very well. Great job. @ Libby H, Hi, I'm Possum. I just wanted to say how much I like your sig an avatar. Very nice ! Love the colors. @ Oma Love the snowmen ! The 3D one is uber cool ! Yeah, I'm still working on mine. Almost done ! Maybe this weekend. @ Flip That's a really OK star scape. This is my newest piece in the hummingbird series. You might remember the From Water Comes Life image I did of the humming bird made from a glass of water a while back....or maybe not This is From Light Comes Life
  9. @emanda1964 Your two images are just beautiful. The first abstract is just wonderful, the colors, the reflectivity, the flow of the shapes all work in a beautiful motion together. @ Goon I think I commented on this piece somewhere :wink: Great job. Very festive. I hope you don't mind if I borrow some of your ideas for one of my Christmas e-cards. This is something I did the other day. I messed up something that I was working on and decided I liked parts of it so I recycled it into this "Galactic Clock". It may not be abstract, maybe more of a surrealistic piece.
  10. Thanks guys. I thought it was a fun piece to do. I have been thinking about it for a long time. Helen, I'm glad you like him without a face. I thought it really said more with his posture, and I'm not good at faces . I did a new abstract and posted it in the Abstract Images forum. There is a rather odd explanation that goes with it. I guess I'm really tired and all that goofyness just came out. Anyway, I guess I better get some sleep, I've been up over 25 hours now and things are running thin. See you all later on the back side. 8) -Possum
  11. @ Sokagirl very pretty ! I thought it was pink? @ Welshblue That is so awesome it made my monitor overheat. I really like the animated one in your gallery. @ Burningrock. Very nice but the colors make me feel funny. You might try running it through the color flip/rotate and see what happens. You might get a even more cool result. It's early morning and I am at my wifes computer. I'm too tired and too lazy to get my laptop out and I have been wanting to get on this awesome beast and use PdN for a long time. If she were awake, she would be on it. It's an IBM workstation I bought her used. It used to work at the Federal Government as a graphics workstation doing either CAD or GIS work. I know what I'm getting her for Christmas now, a new graphics card. The one that is in it doesn't have enough memory to keep up with the quad Xeons. I think it's a 128 meg ATI Radeon (?) and it really needs to have at least 512 meg. but I would love to have more. Anyways, this is the first piece I have done on this monster and I thought I would share it with you. This is Abstract Uno. When I got to over ten abstracts, I had to take off my shoes to count them. So I'm changing the way I name them.
  12. I knew what it was as soon as I saw it. Maybe if you made it a little deeper in color? Try playing around with curves or curves+ and see what you can get with that. I would try to darken it up a little and then maybe try the curves. Cool idea !
  13. I really like your new abstract and seeing it and looking through your older abstracts makes me wonder why you don't do as many any more. You have some really beautiful abstracts in your gallery. With that said, the image after the new abstract, the spheres with the wheat flying down from space is one of the most beautiful images I have seen. Something about it really speaks to me.
  14. Oh I am so looking forward to this dragon ! This will be so much fun to watch it develop !
  15. Enchanted Snails is so pretty. But where are their little heads? Phoenix Jewels are so pretty too. I love the gold effect you have the jewels set in. So very nice.
  16. Amazing :shock: I play around with splinter quite a bit, but I've never seen anything like that using that plug-in. WB is right, you never seem to stop amazing me with the new things you do. Great stuff. I love to stop by your gallery to look at some of your past work. I have to say that the glass fish still makes me laugh. So original !
  17. OK you have convinced me that I need to give apophysis a try. Your last pic with that program is so cool. You know I'm gonna be mad at you for a long time because I hate to learn new stuff. :? Lol JK ! What a cool program it must be.
  18. Helen, Just stopped by to see your glass cube. Very very nice ! It remind me of a gift I gave my mother years ago. Could you do one with a humming bird? That would be awesome ! Just amazing ! I am still absolutely knocked over by the eggs in the orb nest. That is simply one of the most unique ideas I have ever seen. LOVE IT SO MUCH ! Keep up the great works.
  19. @ SkullSplitter That is awesome ! Very nice image. You could put that in the Realistic images section as well. Very well done. Here are a couple of shameless self promotion sigs.
  20. @ emanda Very pretty. It does look like Christmas wrapping foil paper, or maybe a foil Christmas card. @ Sokagirl Pretty tiles. I love the way you did the seams between the tiles. Very cool. This is an abstract I did a couple weeks ago. I almost forgot about it. This is abstract # 10 Red Blossom.
  21. New image (revised from the first submission) This it based on the sculpture The Thinker.
  22. @ Leif Great image. Very well done. Very pretty lady. Who is she? I used the water reflection and it just doesn't work for this image. Here is the revised version using a different reflection technique. Larger size in my gallery
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