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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Love all the plugins ! I have been using the 3D quite a bit lately and have found some fun and useful things to do with it. Thanks !
  2. @ 007nab, Wow thanks for the tip. That sounds like it will look really good. @ mcamp, I'll give it a try and let you know what suggestions I might have.
  3. I knew there was something missing ! Great suggestion. That would be great, I missed that functionality. Thanks Rick.
  4. There are a couple of ways to get an effect like this. You can use on of the tile reflection plugins or you can use the grid maker plugin. With the tile reflect you would create a suitable background and run the plugin and adjust the size, angle and curvature to your liking. With the gridmaker pluging, you would make a background, then make a grid on a new layer at the size and color that you want. You can then merge the grid layer down or run other effects on it to give it a more grout like look. Hope that helps. p.s. sorry I didn't link to the plugins, for some reason my search is not working.
  5. Am I too late to enter? If not, here is my entry. The Temple
  6. Thanks, I thought it turned out really pretty. It's kind of calming. Hey there ! Glad to see you back ! I have been focusing more on the odd side of things as of late. It seems to be my niche. I need to update my gallery soon, I have several other things I have not posted over here. Again, great to see you back.
  7. I'm not an expert on the rules, but I don't see this as a violation. I've seen more blatant that were closer to the edge. Hutton, Interesting choice of colors. It would be interesting to see you duplicate the image down a layer and experiment with blend modes. This is a new abstract I had left for a while and finally had the inspiration to finish it last night. "Abstract Sixteen, Positron Collision"
  8. Thanks to both of you, I really enjoyed doing the Christmas cards and it really put me in the Christmas spirit this year. This is a new sig I did for a member on my forum. New Abstracts - Made with Apophysis and PdN. New Abstract 100% PdN
  9. @ 007 Nab Wow ! That's beautiful. You said your not happy with the sky, I don't know, I kind of like the way the sky looks, the colors the clouds, pretty cool looking. The lens flair is a beautiful touch. The mountains, the water, the sky, it all looks really good to me. Very nice image. @ Sokagirl, That is great ! It looks so real ! I mean I know it's a real bottle, but it looks like the label was put on at the brewery. @ Flip, Really nice image. The water reflection is very nice. The sky looks a little grainy in the upper left corner. Maybe if it were darker it would not be as noticeable. I usually don't do photo mods, maybe four this year, but I wanted to try Yellowman's splinter technique on photos and I chose this little hummingbird. This is with his splinter effect, xor blending mode, and a zoom blur behind the little bird. The second two thumbs are two others I did using variations of his technique.
  10. @ Briamoth Polar Inversion can do some really interesting things when you move the focal point far to the side or up in a corner. It really stretches the colors out and creates some beautiful shimmering rainbow effects that you can use as a part of something else. AFG I think I told you that is one of the most beautiful images I've ever seen didn't I? Incredible ! @ Bjarni I like to color version too. Pretty. @ Hutton, try using alias before you feather and it will help kill the jaggies in your circles. Simple is good ! This is something I did yesterday. It starts with six lines and goes from there....Kind of reminds me of Sokagirl....This is "Abstract Nineteen, Purple" I know, what an original name....
  11. @ aguba you might try alias before running feather to fix the AA problem. I find that it is something I couldn't work without anymore. @ olav Beautiful image ! The stones look so real. The water might look more realistic if there were some movement in it. It looks so calm, that is unless that is what you were going for and in that case, it's spot on. This is something I finished this week. Thanks to Yellowman for his help on understanding where I was going wrong with the perspective. It's still not perfect, but you should have seen the original Thanks to Welshblue for a quick lesson on wood texture, Lance, Chad, Goonie, BarbieQ,Oma, AFG, and Helen for putting up with my rants while doing this piece. The Dart Game
  12. @ sokagirl, sweet ! Very pretty last two images. I don't know how you get the shades of blue and purple that you do, but they are so pleasing to the eye. Very calming, therapeutic to the mind.
  13. Very nice work. I really enjoyed the spacescapes and the abstracts, but the objects are also very well done.
  14. Outstanding original image. Very creative. Really nice coloration in the second image. I would really like to see the image taller and the entire face reflected in the water. Very cool ideas.
  15. Thanks ! I loved that movie. I didn't put a caption on it, but I think he is thinking "This better be fish !" Or, "I was a good boy all year and all I got from Santa was this stupid hat."
  16. I just wanted to share with you the Christmas cards I made this year. These are clickable thumbnails. You can click on them and they will open in my Photobucket gallery. These are all original art, 100% Paint.net, no photos or renders were harmed in the making of these Christmas cards. May this holiday season find you with joy in your heart, with love for your family, and an inner peace in your heart. May you be of good cheer, with good friends, and a song in your heart. Merry Christmas my good friends. Peace on earth, good will to mankind. - Possum
  17. Love the turkeys ! So clever ! Wow your "Doodles" are so cool. Your doodling around would take me hours ! Beautiful.
  18. Great new logos and sigs. Beautiful stuff. The new eye is simply stunning as well. Why the name change? I really like your current sig and avatar and your name is so cool !
  19. I don't remember if I said this or not, but your newest spacescape is how I wish mine looked. Beautiful !
  20. Alien Christmas Present = AWESOME !
  21. Your new Christmas card with the Yamaha is brilliant, beautiful, wonderful !
  22. Thanks Emanda ! Merry Christmas to you too. Yes, I sent them the card the other night, and she brought me chocolate for my entire office the next day It's good to have friends who make candy ! Another Christmas Card I made, The Christmas Penguin !
  23. @ Bryan1998 Don't worry about it too much. It takes a while for people to warm up to you on here. It was quite a while before anyone acknowledged one of my posts when I first started on this forum. Keep posting your work and people will notice you. @emanda1964 Wow that is so cool ! It looks like a cross between a place mat and a Christmas cookie ! Very festive ! And now for something completely off the wall...Merry Christmas !
  24. Helen this is a wonderful tut. I had so much fun doing it. Very well written and I learned a couple of new tricks. Thanks ! This is what I did with it.
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