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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. You might also look for the Cyanotype plugin or the Duotone Ink on Paper plugin.
  2. Only have a few minutes to go through some galleries so I had to stop here when I saw you had new works posted. Beautiful stuff ! I especially like "Lumiere". Oh my, so beautiful. Like out of a Disney Movie.
  3. Dude, you like, so rock. Great new stuff to go with the great older stuff. Keep it up ! You really have to show me some of your techniques.
  4. @ Bjarni, Thank you. I really enjoy the realistic pieces so much. I never thought I would be able to do things like this, but with help and encouragement from many people on here, I'm getting better. @ Sokagirl. Thanks friend ! You are always welcome here. It's so nice to hear from you. @ Janettsue, Thank you. He's a little scoundrel isn't he? That is one of my favorite images I have done. I've not done anything in the past few days except a couple of logos for a friends website. I did these wallpapers last week and posted them on my forum and emailed them to a bunch of friends. So if anyone here is a Colts fan for the Super Bowl, feel free to down load one of these and use them as your desktop. Go Colts !
  5. Thank you. I have a pretty simple style so it's easy to see how I do much of my work. I learned from Ash that many times doing things the old fashion way, and not expecting everything to come from a plugin (I often did in the past), results in a better image and a deeper knowledge of PdN. It has made a big difference to me.
  6. @ Aguba, another very nice one. You have a marvelous way with text. Maybe sometime you could share some of your techniques in a tutorial? I made some Colts Wallpapers for the Super Bowl last week and am just getting around to posting them. If you like them, feel free to download one and use it as a wallpaper. I know most of you are "real" football fans as opposed to American football, but it's a fun little game we like to play. It might even be on TV this year. There is a third one in my gallery if you'd like one that is not for widescreen monitors.
  7. Glad to help. If you need any help or suggestions, feel free to send me a PM. I stop by here several times a week.
  8. Thanks ! He was really fun to make. I have so much bamboo left over I'm sure there will be a new bamboo piece someday.
  9. Yes you can, upper right corner. You never know when something you do creates something unexpected. Sometimes it is too much to resist to move forward with and the original gets left behind for a time.
  10. @ Sokagirl, AFG, & Barbieq Thanks guys ! I haven't posted anything here in a while and I missed your comments. I have cleaned up my gallery a little and removed some of the older stuff and added a few new things. The newest images are in the first post, but there are some new ones for this forum in the individual galleries as well. Have a look around and let me know what you think. I always appreciate your comments.
  11. Could you post an image as an example to give everyone a better idea of what you are looking for as your end result. There are many ways of doing just about everything in PdN and you might get several suggestions from different people.
  12. About everything you want to do can be done with the standard tools in PdN and a couple of plugins. Let's look at each of your questions. 1. Which tools to use for creating the basic shield shape outline? The line tool would be the obvious choice, but you could also use a combination of the various shape tools at the bottom of the tool bar. I would suggest that you make everything on separate layers and even some parts on multiple layers and then merged down. Also the gradient tools would give you the effect of depth to them that would give them a more realistic look. I would also do a Google Image search on badges and crests (you apparently have) and use them as a template. 2. How do i make the ribbon shape e.g.blaby bowling club Again, pretty much the same as above. Here the gradient tool or maybe even the Muli Color Gradient would be better to use because they would give you the variation in color you will need to give it depth. 3. How do i write the curved lettering e.g. Nil satis You can use the Circle Text v1.1 plugin or use Yellowman's tutorial in the text section of the Tutorial section. There are many great tutorials in that section that will give you ideas that will make your text really pop off the image. 4. Is there any way that i can give a metallic effect like a police badge either to the whole badge or only the letters? Yes, the metallize plugin. My favorite plugin right now. 5. What about a fabric effect? I really like to make my own texture and use the texturize plugin or the ripples plugin. I'm sure there are many other ways to get the effect that you want. Again, look through the tutorial section and see what is available. Good luck. This might give you an idea of what can be done. This is a badge I was asked to create for our County Police Ambulance department last month.
  13. @ Sokagirl, Very nice and very purple. It almost looks like a water bug. Lovely ! @ Ryberg I just love your style. This is the best yet. Beautiful. @ Olav, Wow that is really nice. Looks like quilted satin. Really like the colors. @ Oma, Another brilliant abstract! Reminds me of colored cut glass. I hope I see something like this as I cross over. It would be a very peaceful journey. This is a space abstract that I did last week. I was working on a fire cave and when I made a little mistake on a blend mode for one of the layers, I went wow, that is pretty, I think I'll save that out to a new image. I never did get back to the fire cave. Into the Nebula
  14. @ Bjanri Very pretty. Try the Metallize plugin on the gold outlines and it would make it more realistic looking. @ Oma, Wow, beautiful dragon. Simply amazing. Makes my Puff the Magic Dragon look not so magic. @ Interactive Buddy, Great idea! I have had a prison cell on my to do list for a long time but there is one idea that I want to ad to it that I just haven't figured out just yet. Great job. I think with the changes to the perspective on the floor and additional shadowing it will be a top notch work. This is something I finished about a week ago. I had to let it set for a long time to get the idea completed in my mind. Something Welsh Blue did gave me the inspiration to get back to work on it and I finished it in no time. This is.... Froggie Jump
  15. Is anyone else going to enter? Don't leave me hanging out here by myself !
  16. This is such a wicked cool plugin. I had it with the old version of PdN and I am so relieved to find that you have updated it. It runs so much faster now. Great stuff ! I will use this more and more. You da man !
  17. Congrats Crimson ! Really nice sig, love the colors.
  18. I agree that needs to be in the Galleria right away ! Simply amazing !!!
  19. What kind of blur and to what degree are you wanting to do on your image? Are you wanting to use a variety of blurs or the same blur effect on different parts of different sizes? You could create a new layer and with the paint brush or line tool draw over the areas that you wish to blur, then using the magic wand on that layer, select those areas, then select the image layer turn off your markup layer and apply the blur you want. Sure it's not a blur brush tool, but you might be able to get the results you are looking for. If you want to use different blurs, then add layers for those blur effects you need. If I'm understanding what you are asking, this might be a more simple solution.
  20. Yes, kind of. Since you are a newbie, the best thing you can do is do this tut. viewtopic.php?f=37&t=27322
  21. The whole point of the tuts are for you to learn what PdN can do with the least amount of experimentation. In other words, you could learn about every plugin and built in effect that PdN had on your own over time by experimentation, but for you to produce works that make you proud and give you confidence, you are much better off going through a few tuts and learning the tricks and techniques others have discovered. Believe me, it's not cheating, no one will consider you a cheater for learning through tuts. Even the best artists on this forum learn things through tuts. So, give some a try, I guarantee that you will feel much better about your work and it will give you the desire to learn more. Try some of the text effect tuts to start out, you will learn loads of stuff by doing just a few of them. Give these a try viewtopic.php?f=37&t=28938 viewtopic.php?f=37&t=27031 viewtopic.php?f=37&t=29042 viewtopic.php?f=37&t=27322 Then maybe move on to some of the creations, or distortions/modifications tuts. In no time you will be kicking out some great stuff. While you are at it, look through some of the galleries in the Pictorium. Trust me, this is the best way to get to where you want to be.
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