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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. While I would never try to dissuade someone from using Paint.net, it sounds to me like you are looking for something more like a vector drawing program by the things you say you want to be able to draw, like Inkscape maybe. However, if you do choose to stay with Paint.net to get the results you desire, you first must learn to draw using layers. The reason you have problems with the eraser tool erasing the white background is that you are drawing pixels on top of a layer that is already filled with white pixels. When you erase what you draw, it also erases the white pixels along with the pixels you just drew in a different color. Try adding a layer over the top of the white layer and then draw using the line tool on that transparent layer. When you erase parts of that layer, you will only erase the pixels you drew and not the layer (white background layer) beneath it.
  2. Don't give up. I just sent you a PM. You can do this. You have a very nice entry, we just need to get it on the forum. I'd be happy to help in any way.
  3. No, you have it right. It can either be the song, the artist, a musical, whatever, as long as it happened on that day.
  4. Remember it's more about the date than it is the artists or songs. Just because they are older artists and not from your era does not make them any less talented. Glenn Campbell and Diana Ross both sold hundreds of millions of records, had Grammy's, and were huge stars in their time (that also happens to be my time). So, you see, you have some really great artists to work with.
  5. That has happened twice now. How bad is the song? Go ahead and use the one song or choose another significant date, like a family's birthday or wedding day or something like that. If you just choose a random day, it won't have the same significance to you. It's as much about the date as it is the songs or artists, that's what makes it personal to you. Just think, Welsh Blue will forever think of Michael Bolton on his birthday, and I will be thinking of Celine Dion. Wow ! Three awesome entries so far. Guys, those are absolutely wonderful ! A note to everyone: Remember it's more about the date than it is the artists or songs. Just because they are older artists and not from your era does not make them any less talented. If they are featured on this site, they either sold hundreds of millions of records, had Grammy's, were musically innovative, or were huge stars in their time. So, you see, the music you listen to today will be the music of yesterday for a future generation, and thus will be music history.
  6. I commented in the realistic thread, but I wanted to say again how much I like your latest Forbidden Jewel image. Really, a top notch piece.
  7. Glad to help. I think you could nicely explain to Pyrochild what happened and ask for his assistance in deleting your other thread on this forum. I think he'll understand and help you out. Again, welcome to the forum, and hope to see you again soon.
  8. No, you do not. There will be so many images it would be impractical. Also since some people may not choose to use a photo manip/mod and just use the stock image, there really is no need. This is more about the text and the overall composition of the collage.
  9. I love the supernova piece, it's so well done, but WOW California is so absolutely amazing !!! What a great stone texture ! The trees are so outstanding ! Was that a brush you used? I would like to see some trunks and branches in there, but still really amazing. And the water just blows me away. WOW WOW WOW !!! I'm working on a landscape right now and it took me three days to get happy with my water, and now I want to throw it away. That is just the best water ever. Once again, a top notch piece !
  10. Love the new orbs. What a great idea ! I love the pattern on them, and they are as always so nicely glossy !
  11. Hey you got it ! Great ! I had just replied in your other thread. ( You might want to delete that one since we are only allowed one thread in the Gallery). Thanks for helping Sarkut, your the greatest ! Beautiful image ! Very nice colors with a smooth feel. Kind of fire like. I really like it. Great job and welcome to the forum ! Glad to have you aboard.
  12. That's OK we've all been there at one time. First of all, you need an image hosting service like photobucket or imageshack. It's pretty easy to set up an account with them. I use photobucket so here is a link to them. http://photobucket.com/?src=wap Once you have an account, set up an album or just upload your image and figure out the whole album thingie later. Once it's uploaded, then you need to click on the little links below the thumbnail of your image and copy and past them into your post. I would suggest using either the "IMG Thumb" or "IMG code" until you get used to it. Make sure your image is of the correct size to be posted on the forum (no larger than 800 X 600) or someone will ask you to resize it. If your image is larger, use the "IMG thumb" and the image will open in your photobucket. Let me know if you need anymore help. You can just send me a PM to make sure I see your message. Good luck, and welcome to the forum !
  13. I really like the animated Flower Fest 98. That is great ! Your new sig is also really good. Very smooth and clean.
  14. @ Helen, & Barbieq, & Sokagirl, Thanks so much ! I have a friend who went on vacation to England last year and was able to see Stonehenge up close and personal. She took a lot of photos and they were very inspirational. I saw a show on the History Channel about ancient ruins and learned that there are "henge's" all over. So I just had to break out the spiders once again. I appreciate your sentiments on my new sig. I'm really proud of the way it came out. @ Frontcannon, Thanks ! I don't know why, but they only come out good about every three or four images I do. @ Chrisco, Oh I mess up all the time. It must be the way I cover it up. :wink: @ Pdnnoob, Thanks for the comments. I have been working to better my perspective. Yellowman has been helping me understand perspective better. I think my use of shadows and object interaction has gotten better with my more recent pieces, but I know what you mean. This is an example I am posting for the WOTW competition, "This Day in Music History" in case anyone doesn't understand the theme I came up with or needs a more visual explanation.
  15. Me too ! @ Mayor, I like the blue better as well. I like the color purple, but I think it would have looked better if it had been a deeper purple.
  16. This is something I did for the last WOTW ( theme Typography )comp but did not enter, I thought my other one was better. It's kind of a goofy idea, but I had a lot of fun doing it. So what do you think? The Bridge
  17. I think you have a problem with your image link. Are you trying to link from a site like photobucket?
  18. @ Barbieq, I think it is the best jeweled piece you have done to date. It's simply beautiful ! The background is stunning, the gold setting is intricate but not over done, but most of all the jewel is breathtaking. The light reflections you added make it shimmer. Beautiful ! @ Mayor, I think it looks really good. I agree, I don't like the large blurry cross shaped star. I think you could benefit from the star brush someone posted in the Custom Brushes mini thread. Still, I think it's pretty good. Nice texture on the planet, nice gaseous clouds, and a dense starfield. Keep up the good work. I think you have really improved in the past couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing more stuff from you. This is a piece I posted in my gallery a few days ago. I've been busy on a new project and didn't take the time to post it until now. The Henge I must warn you, it's a very large piece. 1440 X 900 pix.
  19. You might want to post this in the General Discussions and Questions section, you will get more replies and quicker results. You will also stay on the good side of the moderators. That's a good thing.
  20. Well seeing as it's you and that it's Michael Bolton. Yes you do. No, you don't. I picked four off of my list and I'm starting to see that may be too much for what I want to do. I think there should be a minimum of three people/songs/events from the list. I think that should be enough. I have maybe three or four photos of each of the four people on my list and I think that should fill the background enough. I think it all depends on the size of the photos you choose, but I think everyone should use at least three people/things off the list. No it's not ! Come on, you can do it. Just go pick out a text effects tut and learn how to make cool looking text, like 3D text, and pick a few photos off the list and use the mosaic maniac plugin and you're good to go ! I have faith in you, you can do it ! You don't want me to pester you do you? I'm really good at whining and complaining. EDIT: ! The plugin is now called Collage Paint. It's really cool and easy to use. Just put all your photos in a single folder, run the plugin, select that folder, tweek the settings, and it does the rest. I know you can do it ! It'll be fun. Trust the Possum ! EDIT # 2 : I just posted an example in my gallery on pg. 14 if anyone needs a more visual explanation. It took me about an hour, but I'm slow, and I'm a possum so what do you expect? viewtopic.php?f=26&t=30285&p=323961#p323961
  21. Thanks BBQ ! I had a lot of fun with the image. Your's is beautiful ! I love the background and the text effects you used. Great theme Baby Blue ! Thanks, it was a lot of fun ! Hope you had fun on your trip and I hope you have the time to enter this week's comp. I have sent a PM to Flip with the theme and the rules to follow. Like I hinted last night, this involves text, history, and something personal about yourself. While we wait for Flip to compose the official rules, I'll give you all a leg up on getting started. This is the theme I have chosen and some of the elements you will need. Please make sure you read the "official rules" to get all the details. This is an abbreviated version! "This Day in Music History". Go to this website, http://datadragon.com/day/ Scroll down to below the listing and click on "Pick your own day" and enter the day you were born (the personal part). In the middle of your wallpaper enter that day in BIG letters. Example FEBRUARY 28th You must do a cool text effect (3D, gold, chrome, etc.) on that text. Your background will be a collage of images from the list. You can use any photo manip/modification effect on the photos you want or the mosaic plugin for example. You can use Google Image search, Wikipedia, or any other resource to acquire the images for your background. You may also embellish the background with random musical notes, sheet music, or musical instruments of the music/musicians/composers on the list. You may also include images that may be representative of the title of a song or event on the list. If you have any questions, post them in the official thread or PM me. I would be happy to help anyone interested. BTW, Flip. I really appreciate the work you put into this comp. I have a lot of fun with it and it gives me moments of inspiration that I otherwise might not think of.
  22. GASP ! I can't believe you said the words Welsh Blue and Pink in the same post ! ( He hates the color pink, ) Again, thanks to everyone who entered ! I hope you had fun with the theme (and if you didn't, you won't hold it against me ), I know I did. I'm really impressed with the creativity everyone exhibited in their entry. Yellowman and Chisco, I'm really looking forward to see what you guys come up with. You both had great entries, so I know you will use your creativity to come up with an outstanding theme. Good luck everyone, and have a great week !
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