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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Instead of writing the entire thing out for a third time, this is from a PM I sent to Pyro the other day about some ideas I had about expanding the comps. This morning I get this ominous PM......You are in so much trouble...... . j/k Thanks to the Admin staff for the chance at being a comp host. I am honored and will try to conduct myself in a reasonably professional manner. (That is going to be so very hard) Anyway here are some ideas I have been rolling around in the old pumpkin, you will notice that some of us think alike! Here are a few ideas I have....These are for competitions, because I think more people would enter if they had a comp that was more in line with what they like to do with PdN. Photomanip of the week. Theme will be 2 photos chosen by winner of last comp. Entries will have to use both images and manipulate them into a new image. Example would be a photo of a parrot and a photo of an alligator. A person could combine the parrot and the alligator into a single animal or have the alligator with wings, or the parrot with a big mouth full of teeth. It could even be a landscape and a car. Someone could make the car into flowers and fill part of the landscape with pretty flowers. See? How cool would that be? Space scape/scene of the week. Well duh? Do I need to say more? How many entries would be in that one? A whole freakin bunch, that's how many ! Texture of the week- Part 1 and 2. This is a two week comp. The first week is all about the textures. All entries will be a texture someone makes in PdN, and the top two are used in the second week. The second week everyone has to use the two winning textures in an original image. Let's say the winning textures are wood and metal. Everyone would get a copy of each of the textures to make something out of them like a door with a metal door knob ( I know boring example). As long as they use both textures, they can make anything they want. Cool eh? Abstract of the week. This would be a lot like the WOTW, but would have a more simple theme, like a color scheme or an object like orbs, triangles, etc. or maybe even a style, like folk art or Art Deco. I don't know, I need some suggestions on this. Weird of the week. Surreal art ! Crazy/funny/out of this world kind of stuff. Like what AFG and I do. Best Image of the week. Anything and everything will be allowed. No theme needed. Anyone can enter anything they made in the last week or have not yet submitted on the forum. There was more, but I'll save that for another day..... I'd love to hear your comments on this. I'm sure that someone will have a better way of doing some of these.
  2. @ Barbieq, That is so beautiful. Like stained glass and brass. Wonderful !
  3. mmmmmmmmm me like cookies ! Sure possums can eat cookies ! It's dogs that can't eat cookies. I just can't eat dogs any more. Court order.
  4. Sorry to hear that, but it gives you the chance to do it again and incorporate some of the suggestions. Since there seems to be a run on the spacescapes, I thought I would post this one. It's not 100% PdN. The textures for the planets were made in Apophysis 2.09 beta and made with Shape 3D. The nebula cloud was done with an Apophysis fractal and PdN. I downloaded the beta this week and wanted to see what else it would do that the previous version didn't. WOW ! Plugins ! This changes everything !
  5. OMG ! Where's all the swordfish when you need them?
  6. I knew I shouldn't have voted for myself! This is all my fault. Not really, <looks around for someone else to blame> Uh...... And what would that be? Are you saying that Owls have special rights? But I'm not an owl. Here have a cookie, they're fresh ! Oh I know, I know ! Let me pick it ! I hereby proclaim the next theme shall be, Owls. In pink and green. I think you guys all need a cookie to sort this out. :cookie: Make sure you share !
  7. Do I see you to make an order? I need a Paint.net polo shirt, tan or navy blue. Do you have trousers styled like Dockers? I need them in Big Man size...... Ok, I'll stop. I would like a t-shirt though. I remember something about that a while back. Oh here it is ! Cafe Press And... MORE!
  8. I guess if you have the document as a scanned image, you could create a new layer above the document image layer and use the text tool. You would have to move the text over each line. You might want to make several layers to do this and merge them down to a master text layer. That is, if you really want to do it that way. Hidden Content: There is a really cool new invention called an ink pen that comes in a variety of ink colors. They are surprisingly inexpensive.
  9. Nope, I'm gonna hold you that that carp theme.
  10. :lol: Great job guys ! Congratulations ! Woo hoo, here comes the next one !
  11. Is that opposed to a catfish theme? I could do either, but I think the whiskers on the catfish might be more of a challenge. That's what I was thinking, although I think I could make a pretty mean bamboo fishing pole. I'm looking forward to getting on to the next one too. This one has gone on way too long, understandable considering the move and all, but it is time to move forward. Nope, we're not there yet ! Almost ! :lightbulb: But it is almost Friday ! Yea ! :mushroom: "LOCK DOWN" ? You make it sound like you were in jail :nuke: I like pie, especially when it has cherries in it. Or if it's a pie !
  12. OK mystery solved. There were no phantom votes. All real votes cast were counted. It seems that in the process of fixing the lone larger image (and adding a nifty new tool to do so) my post was edited using the full editor causing it to appear to have more votes for a time. When the post was finally corrected and saved the votes were recounted and the count corrected. I'm sure this is an over simplified version of what happened, but this is what you can expect from a creature with a brain the size of a walnut. No harm no foul. So if someone wants to vote for my entry, it wouldn't hurt my feelings. Flip, it's not a case of me wanting to take over, it was a case of me being asked to take over. If you will recall, the last time the comp was delayed, I recommended someone else to take over. It was not personal at that time and it is not now. However, when asked, I gladly accepted in order to keep the comp moving along. I'm sure that had you touched base with someone.... No hard feelings on my part, and I hope there are none on your side.
  13. Oh well, I'm not worried as much about my votes as I am people's votes being counted. I have sent a PM to the Admin staff to look it over and see if there is a problem. As I recall, when I had an IP board there was a setting in the poll setup that you could set so people could change their vote, but could still only vote once. Maybe I did not set that correctly and people changed their vote. That could explain it. We will just have to wait and see.
  14. It does look like Skullsplitter's at least aligned the two parts. There is still a gap, but at least they are not cattywhumpus from each other.
  15. Yeah, I noticed that before I just logged in. Strange. I set the poll so you could have only one vote. Maybe some people tried to vote more than once. I'll ask for someone to take a look at it. It's been a year and a half since I used an IP Board, but I don't think it's changed that much. @ Barbieq, sorry I forgot to give you that cup of coffee ! I saved the last piece of coffee cake for you.
  16. @ CSM, First off, I don't see why you wouldn't win. I think your's is awesome. In fact, I think mine is far more boring than anyone else's. Secondly, when I said have a theme in mind, I meant to write it up and not necessarily tell anyone. But that's ok, it will give everyone a headstart ! A cookie for you ! @ Frontcannon, I've been asked to take over the WOTW comps from here on. I'll just leave it at that. A piece of pizza for you ! Thanks to Pyrochild for adding a new mod (thumbnail) to fix the images. You can find it in the "Other styles" menu. It basically turns the image into a click-able thumbnail. So very cool ! A piece of cake and Mt. Dew for you Pyro, In the next comp, I would like everyone to include a thumbnail link to your image. If you like, you can post a full size image ( as long as it's 800 X 600 ) with a thumb below it so people can see the full size image. This will make setting up the polls much easier for me, leading to a quicker turnaround for voting. Hey, we are all about efficiency here ! Now a cup of coffee for me ! Thanks everyone !
  17. Sorry for the links to the images. I'll try to get it fixed, but until I figure it out HERE is the link to the original post so you can click on the thumbs and see the images in full size. Voting ends Friday night at midnight (Indiana time, as if there is any other). Eastern Standard Time (yes Daylight Savings Time is in effect)! So make your choices quick. We are going to move this one along. * Note to contestants * Please have an idea ready for the next theme. You don't want me to pick it for you, and I don't either! I want to have the next round going by Monday. Thanks for your patience everyone !
  18. I think you have made some very valid points. I'm looking through your comments and may rework the image. I have been bothered with the stars anyway, and you have given me an idea I want to pursue. Thanks !
  19. @ Worldnewser, Awesome image ! There is an image button. It's the third one over from the text formatting. It looks like a little landscape with a green plus sign. @ Falken. Wow ! That's just beautiful ! It looks like where I'm from. (That would be a little known planet called Earth)
  20. WOTW #16 Theme is: THIS DAY IN MUSIC HISTORY Rules: (different rules than normal.) Go to this website, http://datadragon.com/day/ Scroll down to below the listing and click on "Pick your own day" and enter the day you were born (the personal part). In the middle of your wallpaper enter that day in BIG letters. Example FEBRUARY 28th You must do a cool text effect (3D, gold, chrome, etc.) on that text. Your background will be a collage of images from the list. You can use any photo manip/modification effect on the photos you want or the mosaic plugin for example. You can use Google Image search, Wikipedia, or any other resource to acquire the images for your background. You may also embellish the background with random musical notes, sheet music, or musical instruments of the music/musicians/composers on the list. You may also include images that may be representative of the title of a song or event on the list. If you have any questions, post them in this thread or PM Possum Roadkill. I would be happy to help anyone interested. Your Contestants ! CSM 725 Welshblue Barbieq25 JD Melek Possum Roadkill
  21. That's OK. I know. Thanks for the possum ! I think we need a moderator. We seem to have misplaced Flip ! Man down ! Man down !
  22. This is not a PdN tutorial but you should be able to figure out how to draw a cartoonish cow here. http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/2188/1/1/how-to-draw-a-baby-cow.htm You can then read through some of the help sections as how to use the various tools to re-create the cow in PdN. I would start with the line tool and the various shape tools. Good luck ! Post your image in the Pictorium when you get it done.
  23. Thanks guys ! Yes it was a lot of work, but really all in fun to see what it turned out to be. @ WB Sweet ! Very smooth and professional looking. @ Barbieq, WOW I love your new avy and sig ! SWEEEEEEET ! It's the best ! :blink: This is my latest piece. It's the companion to Mister Sunshine wallpaper I did a while back. This is Mr. and Mrs. Moon in.... A Kiss Goodnight
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