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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Looks like we have a tie ! Congrats you guys! Great entries! Thanks everyone for your entries and thanks to everyone who voted!
  2. Thanks guys, and thanks to everyone who voted for me, I greatly appreciate it. I'll have the theme written up later tonight or tomorrow and PM it to Flip. I have it narrowed down between rainbow kittens and lunar monkeys..... Hidden Content: no, not really. I have a theme, but I need to write up the rules. I'll give you a hint. Think text, big block text, and history, and something personal about yourself.
  3. This was a really cool contest Simon, do you plan to have another special contest anytime soon?
  4. I've not updated my gallery in a while so I thought I should get caught up today. I've added a few of my latest wallpapers and sigs. Hope you enjoy them !
  5. ... isn't that what I said ? With a link to the tut and all Yes you did. I guess that's what I get for not reading all the posts. Sorry ! I guess that's why I couldn't find the tut on here.
  6. Each piece of text was placed one piece at a time. 100% PdN, no stocks, no renders. Water to Wine Thumb to Full Size Version 1440 X 900
  7. Very beautiful images ! I really like the cat. I think you could reproduce this effect in PdN. Sure, it's would take some time to figure it out, but it is very similar to Yellowman's splinter effect for photo manipulation. Maybe he will stop by and see this post and comment on it. I'm sure if anyone could figure it out, it would be Yellowman. You might want to check out his gallery and look for his lion photo. It is really beautiful. I did a hummingbird, an owl, and a pair of finches using it. You can see them on this page, about half way down. viewtopic.php?f=26&t=22624&p=312422&hilit=hummingbird#p312422
  8. Why is it that every time I come to your gallery, I end up with a new favorite piece? It's because you do great abstracts !!!! Blue on Blue is now my new favorite, but you are going to have to outdo yourself to top that one. The colors are so pleasing, and the squares are so random. That takes a great deal of skill. I used to draw a design like this on paper back when I still sketched on paper. I would start in the middle with one square and fill the entire page. Beautiful piece!
  9. It's still missing. I set it down somewhere and can't find it ! Oh well, it was broken anyway. Extraordinary piece mate. Someone said it looked like a poster for a cause, or awareness program. Yes, I think it's every bit better than most I've seen. Very creative and masterfully executed. Much depth in it, both in the visual sense and in it's meaning.
  10. Hi Owl, welcome to the forum! I really like your sig and avy. Cool user name too ! Looking forward to seeing some more of your works.
  11. I think it's really impressive. Very well done. I agree with Pyro's comment, but other than that, it's pretty stunning.
  12. @ Shmelly, very nice ! A little critique if you don't mind? You need to feather the planet to rid yourself of the jaggies. I would also get the alias plugin and run it prior to using the feather plugin. Your piece could also benefit from some larger stars. Check out the custom brush's mini plugin. Someone posted a really nice star brush that I use all the time. Still all in all, a very nice piece of work. @ Kemaru That is a top notch piece. Very very nice wallpaper. I like the colors and the composition.
  13. What Welsh Blue said, and I highly recommend Photobucket. I have been very happy with their service. One time when I had problems, I actually heard from a real person and not some form email letter. Good luck, let me know if you need any help.
  14. @ Pipp, I like the one in color the best. The scan lines don't bother me, I think they fit the subject. Just messing around with some fonts today and I had never used this font even though I have had it for a long time. Yes, the box is supposed to be at this weird angle. This is my current sig. I finished the front of the car that I used in the SOTW comp. Speaking of, it's been extended another week because Sozo is out of town. You guys should enter. Chris did and he has an awesome entry. So what do you think?
  15. She has magical powers. I like the texture on your planet. Very nice piece. You should add some more stuff to it. @ Falken, AWESOME !!! Wow what a cool pic. I love it. Great idea! @ Barbieq, Beautiful piece Barbieq ! Love the colors and glassiness. So pretty. This spacescape was inspired by a piece by Peter Pawn. The obelisk
  16. I'm working on getting mine approved by the committee. It's in review now after fourteen hours of meetings and focus groups. Once the review committee approves it, it will then go on to the executive review committee, then on to the executive staff to be prepped for review by the supreme council. Then if it passes all those steps, and providing I pass the physical exam, I should receive notice of a hearing by certified mail. If I get it through the hearing with the supreme council, I may be able to post it in a day or so. That is, if I get through customs.
  17. I'm sayin that means he has a week to prepare for her returning and rubbing it in that she won. You know she'll never let him forget it.
  18. Maybe you should send her a message and let her know now. That gives you a week to prepare. Tell her congrats !
  19. I knowed it, he has magical powers! He posted this using his psychic abilities. Fear him ! OK ! Sig artists, let get some entries in!
  20. There are un-officially 4 hours and 10 minutes until the entry period ends. Get your submissions in ! We need three more to make it a full field of 10.
  21. You could always enter one of the competitions. Right now you are at the point of where two are being voted on and that means there will be at least one new comp starting in a couple of days. The SOTW will be over tonight so voting will start tomorrow and it will start anew in a couple of days. Sometimes the theme it'self will inspire you, and sometimes it one of the entries. Maybe it's not inspiration that is the problem. Anyone can draw anything they want, a match, and a lighter come to mind. If they want to, they can draw it very well. If they are not inspired to, they won't do it well or even do it at all. So maybe it's not inspiration, but motivation you need. Welsh Blue had the motivation to draw a blue lighter because of a bet with his daughter. It's one of the best drawings by one of the best on the board. It wasn't the inspiration, it was the motivation.
  22. I agree ! While I like the ones I've seen so far, I certainly was hoping to see more.
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