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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Thanks ! I just posted my latest piece in the first post of this gallery. It's a companion to Mister Sunshine, Mr. and Mrs. Moon in "A Kiss Goodnight". I hope you enjoy it.
  2. How long is the voting open? I may want to make a strategic vote. <_<
  3. Ah, there in lies your problem. Don't give up. We only really learn from failure. If this was easy we would all be Welsh Blue, A Fleeting Glimpse or Yellowman. I fail so many times on every piece you really wouldn't believe it. (Some people say I fail on every piece anyway. <_< ) But from every failure, I learn something that makes my next attempt better. If we all work within our comfort zone, life would become boring and sterile. There would be no need for a Paint.net because there would be no need for art. Everything would be gray and bland. Get out there on the ragged edge and try something you know you can't do, and fail. Then try it again with the knowledge that you gained from your first attempt. You will succeed even in failure. P.S. Has anyone heard from Flip?
  4. You can also use the magic wand to select areas you want to shade (while on the drawing outline layer) and then switch to a different layer and use the bucket fill to fill it in or use the gradient tool to add color and shading at the same time. Another cool thing to do is to again select the same area, create another layer on top of your shading and use the bevel selection plugin and vary the colors of the bevel. This will give you more depth in what you are shading.
  5. All the more the reason to do one. I think I will leave my gallery, with the duplicate posts, alone for a few days until you guys have had a chance to settle in and the board to settle down. This is really really nice. I hope everyone will be patient with the changes and alterations. Remember you don't buy a thousand dollar suit off the rack, a quality garment is tailored. Let's let the gentlemen work in peace. All the little details will come in their own time. Thanks again Rick ! , <stoked Possum said> Pyro, YOU DA MAN ! <super stoked Possum said>
  6. Other than looking up a date on a website and some people in Google images, it was pretty much making a collage, adding it to a background and embellishing it with some related objects. What part did you think was too hard? Isn't being challenged a part of a competition? Not trying to be mean, just asking for future reference.
  7. Rick I have to applaud you for this show of commitment to this forum, and to Pyrochild for his herculean effort to get this all done. I can't tell you what a relief it is to me to know you are as committed to this community as to Paint.net as a project. That you would go to this effort speaks volumes as to your commitment. Thank you so much and a big thanks to all the mods, especially Pyro. Within a few days, I think everyone will love the new format and features. Now that you have a new look and new home for the forum, would it be possible to maybe have more competitions? I was thinking that it would be nice to have a comp for photo manipulation and/or abstract art. The sig artists have a comp, and now the wallpaper artists have a comp, maybe with a new forum some new activities can be brought on-line to encourage more activity by the members?
  8. @ Rick, as someone who has moved a forum from a phpBB forum to an IP forum, I can appreciate the amount of work that went into this effort. When we moved our old forum it was ab absolute nightmare, and it wasn't nearly as large as this one. Good job, you deserve a well earned rest ! Like Mike Ryan's, my gallery is really messed up. Page 1 posts 1 through 4, where I have all my images only display a few of them and the rest are all links and is out of order. I can fix it, so I'm not complaining about it, but what I want to point out to you is on page 3, post 45 the whole thing starts over as if it is the start of my gallery. In this case, it seems that all the images are displayed. Weird huh? I'll try to fix it and let you know what happens. :unsure: <_< <_<
  9. Wow that one is beautiful too. I think if the tree trunks were more varied they would look better, but still I think it looks great. The colors in the stone are so beautiful and realistic. I'm just blown away that it is a part of the original texture. I'm still working on mine. It started as a landscape but now has evolved into something more strange, as if that's a big surprise. Love the vase and perspective study. The shadow is perfect.
  10. Did I make this too hard? I thought there would be more entries.
  11. It's so very beautiful and I'm sure she will love it.
  12. That would be really cool, and a great learning experience for me. Thanks again, so very much.
  13. I like Wichita Lineman much better. I always liked Glenn's stuff. I think he's recovered from his problems and is now playing in Vegas.
  14. Do you have a crystal ball? @ Leonte, Welcome back ! Good to see you again. Great entry too!
  15. Yes, I am still working on mine. I should have it done today sometime. OK I'm done ! Why don't you give it the rest of the day in case someone else is still working on their entry. I'd like to see at least a couple more entries. Hint, hint. This is my entry, February 28th. the late, great Eddie Rabbitt, Simon & Garfunkel, the late Brian Jones (Rolling Stones), and Celine Dion (ahhhhhh). "I like to color" Small version Thumb to full size (1440 X 900)
  16. First off, I can see a little landscape in your orb for the SPRING comp piece. That is so very cool. Secondly, I LOVE YOUR NEW BANNERS !!!! The ones for the WOTW and SOTW are AWESOME ! What a great idea ! They are so well done too. You are so clever !
  17. I honestly don't know what to say. That is without a doubt the most amazing piece on here. No criticism from me. I just want to study it and learn from it. Wow the shirt is amazing. Wow.
  18. Just don't start singing Rhinestone Cowboy !
  19. @ WB, :shock: That is so very cool ! The textures are amazing, so realistic and so old looking. Wow, how in the heck do you do these things? I think you are using a time machine or something. You go to the hardware store and buy some stuff and then jump into the future to see it when it's gotten really really old and rusty. That's go to be it. @ Mayor, you are really getting better and so fast too ! I really like this one. The blue's are great in it. I do have to agree that it looks like you are fading or erasing the planet. There are some really good tuts out there that will help you on this. Other than that, great job ! @ Falken, Great job ! I love it. I agree that the planet and moon could be larger, but still, great spacescape. @ CSM, Nice fractal in Apophysis. I love that program, it creates some really beautiful stuff. Try some blend mods on your planet to get it to settle into the over all piece. It's a little too harsh for the fractal. Still, looks really good. @ Barbieq, OMG ! That is so beautiful. Reminds me of a Star Trek insignia of some kind. Very pretty. This is something I was playing around with for an event poster. I've not finished the poster yet, but I thought the laptop was funny. WARNING: Do not count the keys ! (I lost count, heh :oops: )
  20. I like the vector style, and I don't think it's blurry. Good job.
  21. This is how I would do it.... OK first of all you will need to think in terms of dividing your image into several layers. You will need to cut the zombie pile layer away from the image into it's own layer. You will need to read up on that here...viewtopic.php?f=34&t=28790&hilit=cut+out+images You will want your background (the smoldering city part) as the bottom layer, then your logo added to the next layer up, then the zombie pile on the top layer. On your logo layer you will need to get rid of everything but the logo using the magic wand and te feather tool or by cutting it out like you will do for the zombie pile. Then you will need to add a new transparent layer above that and paint in some smoke using the Custom mini brushes and one of the smoke brushes. Then all you have to do is select the logo, switch to the smoke layer and copy and paste it to a new layer. Turn off your original smoke layer and logo layer and tweek it look like you want it. That should be the basic plan to get you what you want.
  22. @ AFG, I know Mark would have been very honored that you created this piece. Thank you very much. It really means a lot to me. It is such an amazing piece, you are a man of rare talent. Thanks again. @TrineO, That is absolutely fantastic ! I really like the hair texture, it reminds me of how Helen did the fur on her spring kitten. Very very nice.
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