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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. @ M McM, I think it looks ok, I still like your green one better. Using Blackadder font is better at larger sizes. It gets really hard to read at such a small size. This is another one for the SOTW comp, You are the Magazine. Better enter soon ! This is ........ Roadkill Gourmet Thumb to Larger Size!
  2. What more? How about this? ( this is what I had in mind when I wrote up the rules, see page 1. ) Thumb to Larger Size!
  3. Ghostly = my new favorite image.
  4. Yes, thank you! I have not had a chance to try it out yet. That is such a cool looking image. If you should figure out how you did it in a step by step method, I think this deserves to be a tut.
  5. @ Mayor McS, I really like the newest sigs, love the colors, the clouds and the comet, but there is something funny looking about the comet it looks like a double comet. Still very nice. This is the example I made for the latest SOTW competition. I'm not entering it because I came up with the theme, but there is still time for you to enter. So sig artists get out there and enter something !!!! Here is the link of entries and the rules for the comp. It's "You are the magazine". viewtopic.php?f=12&t=33874 Thumb to a larger version in case you can't read the text....
  6. There is still plenty of time. Don't be in a hurry, there are still people working on their entry.
  7. Thanks guys! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I know it is a hard one, but how much do you learn when it's easy? :wink: Wow there are some really great entries! I thought I would post mine here since I don't want it in the competition, but am really proud of it. Thumb to a larger version in case you can't read the text....
  8. Understood. I somehow ended up on the mobile version of my photobucket and couldn't figure out anything! I finally found the button that took me back to my regular albums. Whew!
  9. For a few ideas, here is a link to a site that has hundreds of magazine cover templates. It's a site where you can make a fake magazine cover by uploading pics and choosing headlines and such. This might help you with finding an idea for a name, see examples of magazine fonts, and get an idea of a general layout of a magazine header. This is not intended for you to just make one using this site, you still have to make it in PdN! http://www.fakemagazinecover.com/?page=1
  10. Ah, that is the mobile version of Photobucket. Long story short, I went to my photobucket the other day and everything was like this and I totally freaked out until I saw it said mobile somewhere on the screen. I think they have been goofing around with the links or something. I'll just resize it down to an acceptable size and replace the thumb and post the image here. OK that should fix it. Boy does it ever look small ! Oh well, at least you can see it
  11. It links to my photobucket. The original image is 1440 X 900 (too large for forum rules). When it opens in photobucket you need to click on the zoom in (upper left corner of image when you hover over it) then it will zoom to a larger size. Or.....I could resize it down to the forum size and post it here. Or, if you guys want me to do something else......Hey, I'm easy to get along with.....unless you try to steal my food.
  12. Ok, so I was wrong. I finished it tonight.... No stocks, no renders, 100% PdN. A light in the darkness Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness. ~Leonardo da Vinci
  13. I see a lot of things. Why is the skull talking to me? Wow that is really awesome! There is so much to see in it. How in the world????? Amazing!!
  14. What a cute little dog! I really enjoyed your St. Patty's day cards too. Great job !
  15. Those are really very nice abstract images. I like the second one myself, but the first one is quite nice as well. Maybe you could make a copy of them and resize the copies so you can post them on the forum? I would really like to know more information on how you did the second one. It reminds me of an ink drawing I saw the other day.
  16. I use Pinnacle and I have never had any problems. What version are you using? I have made the mistake of using a too small of an image but even then it did not turn out as bad as you describe, just a little fuzzy. I would make the image the same size as your video output, at least that is what works for me. How do they look in the preview window as you are editing the video?
  17. Wow, thanks. I hope you do enter, that would be great! Seeing as you have made some of the most epic sigs ever, I can't wait to see your design. Oh, you've known that for a long time mate! Mad as a hatter I am. I know you're busy getting ready for the new gig and you've got the commission pieces to work on, but I hope you can squeeze a spare few to knock one out. Maybe I'll learn a little about this "football" you speak of..... it sounds vaguely familiar..... Thanks ! I know you do some really awesome sigs, so I hope to see something from you soon. I'm going to make one, but not enter it into the comp. I don't think it would be fair since I've had a little lead time to think about it.
  18. There are some really awesome entries in this comp. Cool way you did the voting Simon, that must have been tons of work. Thanks ! This was a lot of fun.
  19. And maybe some people like to take their time.....and have a job during the day......and other projects that they are working on.....and my dog ate my homework......and have arthritis you young whipper snapper.....and I'll have mine done tomorrow night......And your's is where?........
  20. "Nex Solor" is a really beautiful piece. I really enjoy the spacescapes and your's are particularly good.
  21. I love the lava lamps. Very colorful and smooth. Well done. I like the street lamp concept. The lamp is well drawn, but I agree you could do more with the night sky.
  22. I thought I commented on Serenity, but I must be losing my mind. Anyways, great piece Goonie, beautiful, colorful, imaginative, well drawn, could look at it for long periods of time. Serenity is a perfect name for it.
  23. Thanks ! I'll try to get to Mister Moon some time. I don't have enough green cheese right now.
  24. I don't know if this will help, but try Curves+ and Color Balance + . I love these plugins.
  25. Yes it is. And also under M for Most Awesome. You might also want to get "Alias", it is very helpful as an addition to Bolt Baits Feather in some cases. These are my most used plugins. EVER!
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