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mountnman last won the day on October 16 2011

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About mountnman

  • Birthday 01/28/1974

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  1. set the gradient tool to transparency mode rather than yusing a transparent color-- when you select the gradient tool, in the options bar, where you choose the type of gradient, there will be what looks like a color wheel click pon that and you should get the option to change to traqnsparency mode other ways-- http://forums.getpai...ng-image-heavy/ http://forums.getpai...camaro-picture/ those two tutorials will help bunches
  2. make a second layer above the image you want to add the effect to, fill it with whatever color , select the Gradient Tool, set toRadial Gradient, set from Colour Mode to Transparency Mode( this is jsut to the right of where you select the radial gradient.. right click and hold in the center and pull outward
  3. 1) http://forums.getpai...ext-v10-stable/ - text editing plug-in ... needed to modify text after initial creation 2) a) ctrl-d will deselect all selction... changing the SELECTION MODE from "replace" to " subtract": and palying with the tollerance might be what you need.. 3) the LAYERS WINDOW will let you select which layer to work on, as well as to move that layer in relation to other layers, moddify layer properties, add layers etc.. if you cant find the layers window go to Windows/Reset Windows Location... it should then be on lower right of PDN screen 4)Jpg doesnt support transparency.. in other words, you cant do that..PNG will support the outside transparency, will a giff will support an area of "inside transparency" but will have the square outer shape
  4. on black and white clip art i would be going with Adjustments/Black And Alpha
  5. for something simple, a line set to rounded ends and set to a lrge size would work
  6. make the back ground- make two new layers.. on the top layer use render--plygone/stars set to 100 vetices and the size you want. use majic wand to select the insdie of this circle, select the background layer and hit Ctrl-C to copy, the n go to middle layer and hit Ctrl-V to paste it-- delete circle layer and rotate/zoom your second layer to hearts content if you need to define the circle use outline object
  7. just add a lot of spaces-- before or after your text if you just want an arch
  8. to create this on pdn you will need the photos you want and a lot of patience- i would go with an animated gif ad animated pngs still arent univesaly compatable. you wouls need several frames ofthe first full picture, then start filling the next picture in one piece per frame- like a jigsaw puzzle.. once its complete, several frames of it.. then repeat
  9. create a free photobucket account, click the upload photo button, pick the graphic you want to upload, photobucket does the rest, once its uploaded- it will give you the option to descibe it-- hit the save , then it will be placed in your default album, click on the IMG code under it to copy, then paste it to a thread here
  10. ^^^ ignore this,, does not work for this forum.. what you want to do is HOST a picture/graphic on a site such as mediafire or photobucket, then copy/paste the IMG code from that site into your thread.. remember that larger pictures.. beyond 600x800 are generaly forbiden, so use the thumbnail img code(might have to click the "share" link by your pic on the hosting site to find this)
  11. in basic terms.. JPG files are lossy--this means a graphic loses soem of its detail level when you save as a .jpg - was designed to lose any detail its perameters decide that the human eye cannot detect. it did this to save space. of course different eyes see at different levels, so... png format is lossless. when you save as a .png it saves every little microscopic detail.. therefore, unless you have something that requires jpg, or you are short on storage space..use the png
  12. you will need to open the screenshot in a different picture-import will not work set your canvas size, copy the screen shot that is in a different picture- paste screenshot into picture -DO NOT expand canvas ..it will bring it up with the 'move selected pixels' tool already active, you will then be able to move the whole of the SS around until just the portion you want is in the vissible area- you wont be able to change this later as an alternitive --if you make a sellection you dont have to do that whole invert and fill thing, just hit Ctrl-C to copy what is selected- remember you can set a selection byfixed ratio and fixed size not just by the normal means, yuou can also move/modify the selectionusing the 'move selection' tool- white arrow in the tool bar
  13. there are effects that will make a pic look like they were drawn by pencil or by ink, ill give you a link, but i dont think they will fool a teacher into thinking you didthem by hand http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=3474 http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8318-boltbaits-plugin-pack-updated-october-30-2011/ that will give you ink and pastel.. once installed you will find them under effects> artistic
  14. we would have to know the commands before we could list the plugins needed.. chrome is an effect with many ways to get there there are plenty of tutorials for chrome in the tutorials section.. some require plugins u, others dont.. ill give you a few links http://forums.getpai...__fromsearch__1 http://forums.getpai...__fromsearch__1 http://forums.getpai...__fromsearch__1 http://forums.getpai...__fromsearch__1 http://forums.getpai...__fromsearch__1
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