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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Why not just get the Kindle reader for PC? (I hope you're joking - piracy is THEFT and NOT a joke!)
  2. See my answer in the Curves+ thread (which links to the Vintage pack thread). There you'll find out how to use the Vintage pack.
  3. Hello kanipton, welcome Paint.NET is an image editor. There is no facility to embed HTML in an image. Paint.NET can be used to create your frame, but you need different software to do the rest. What you actually need is an HTML editor. I'm sure this is the type of program you've seen. Try Google and I'm sure you will be given a multitude to choose from.
  4. As this is a problem with abr Viewer, you should seek advice from the software suppliers. It's not really a Paint.NET issue.
  5. occlud(ed) - to close up or block off : obstruct An opaque layer occludes or obscures those below it in the layer stack. If you have the correct layer selected and the other layer toggled to invisible AND you have no selection active (pressing the Esc key or Ctrl D) then the Text tool should give you text in the currently selected Primary color. On reading your original post again I'm wondering if you're trying to edit the existing text? This cannot be done with the Text tool. The text has to be retyped.
  6. Downloadable as an extra from this post: http://forums.getpai...ack-for-curves/ (as mentioned by Pyrochild in post #269 above). See my post (#2 in that thread) for how to use the downloaded extras.
  7. You in the 80's? Could have sworn that was Jimmy Page! Hey nice plugin davidf! When are you going to compile a plugin pack so users can download all your awesome plugins in one go?
  8. Hi Grafello - it's good to have you here on the forum. Thie 8-bit option is available in the Low Color plugin: (where I just answered your other question )
  9. Save it as a GIF. GIF's have a 256 slot palette. Alternatively, this plugin has options to save in different formats - I think all of them have a 256 (8-bit) option.
  10. Hi walkline! Welcome to the forum. We're going to need a little more information. 1. What version of Paint.NET are you using? 2. What file format are you saving to? 3. Exact (and I mean exact) steps taken to reproduce the bug? 4. Operating System + Service packs?
  11. Port it to Visual Studio? There is a checkbox in CodeLab to 'view source' when you build the effect. Using this you can cut & paste your code into a new Visual Studio project. (You'd also get the option to use a WinForm with .... Tabs!)
  12. I'm pretty sure that's how it is supposed to work. I've had this occasionally on a very laggy system. I gave up and came back later. You could copy the post code and edit it offline..
  13. Any progress on the load/save XML idea? It would be a cool way for users to swap settings...
  14. It looks like Tolkien Elvish (Tenwar?) - so it's not meant to be read
  15. Please repost this question in the PSD plugin thread. That way we keep all of the discussion in the same place. Thanks. <closed>
  16. 1. Make sure you have the correct layer active (click on its name) in the Layers Window and that this layer is not being occluded by layers that are higher up in the layer stack. 2. Make sure you have an opaque color selected as your Primary color. If these fail to satisfy, create a new image the same size. Type the text into this image before copying and pasting the entire layer to your original.
  17. <Moved to Paint.NET Discussion & Questions> Be aware that in order for these plugins to work, the text needs to be on an otherwise transparent layer. If you have written text directly onto a filled layer the text is not going to be affected by either of the Align plugins.
  18. Strange. I was 100% sure I also had 1.1 with the larger file size. I even checked, deleted the old one and downloaded it again. Odd.
  19. As far as I understand it, that button toggles between WYSIWYG and "code" mode (i.e. HTML/BB code).
  20. You have something weird going on at your end. That link should direct you to the URL forums.getpaint.net (the 'home' screen of the forum).
  21. You might want to check the version you uploaded. I'm not seeing the changes?
  22. In v4.0 plugins are getting their own icon to denote their status in the menus. This will make it easier to figure out which are plugins and which are built in effects.
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