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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Off the top of my head, I'd try selecting just the lines in the drawing then applying a multi-color gradient. How? 1. Open the image and use this plugin (Isolate LineArt) to remove the background, leaving just transparency surrounding the lines. 2. Switch to the Magic Wand tool and dial the tolerance of the tool down to about 15%. 3. Hold down the Shift key & click anywhere on the image that is not a line (i.e. we're selecting transparent background). The Shift key toggles the selection mode to Global, so the selection is the matching pixels across the entire layer. 4. Invert the selection with Ctrl + I. Now we have the lines selected. 5. Use this plugin Multi Color Gradient to recolor the lines. Here's a quick demo of the technique.
  2. I see your problem. The tail of the S is fine on the right hand side, but looks awful on the left because its bent back up towards the body of the character. IMHO the simplest solution is to reverse the character (flip it right for left) and use it backwards. I think you'll get away taking this little 'liberty' in the interests of symmetry.
  3. It's down the bottom of the tutorial post. Just above David's signature. To the right of the final reference:
  4. You could have helped out by actually voting. NN79 3x I love the effect, but the juxtaposition of undersea vessel and space doesn't work for me. Ditto the line drawing. It just seems out of place. Sand33P: 4x Nice selection of palette and font. I particularly like the complementary grunge effects between the background and lettering.
  5. We are very proud of 'our' David for that little effort. Feel free to give him a reputation boost by clicking on the green arrow on the right hand side of the tutorial post.
  6. You should read this: DPI and YOU. The problem is that Paint.NET works with pixels and ignores the DPI setting except where it gives an approximation of the print size. Better you should multiply your finished image dimensions (6" x 4") by the desired print resolution (say 300DPI) giving a canvas size of 1800x1200 pixels. Make your image this size.
  7. Type out the text in a single color then recolor the characters you want with the Recolor tool For help on how to use this tool: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/RecolorTool.html A different look at how to use it:
  8. The letter key can be repeated to cycle through each of multiple plugins in the submenu. EG Alt (C,R) enter or right arrow opens the Effects > Render submenu. And now Mx1 = Mandelbrot Fractal Mx2 = Multicolor Gradient Mx3 = Mandelbrot Fractal Mx4 = Multicolor Gradient etc... Enter starts the highlighted plugin.
  9. I don't like the idea of multiple locations for plugins. It leads to this: Newb: "Hi. I'm new. I downloaded EER's UltraCool plugin and installed it. Now I can't find it." NearExpert: "It's in the Effects > Pizza submenu" Newb: "No it isn't". EER: "Check which version you installed. It's either in the Effects > Pizza submenu or the Effects > FtangFtangOleBiscuitBarrel submenu." Repeat this conversation for every effect in every tutorial
  10. We're trialing a new scoring system. The voter rates each entry out of 5, totaling the score as the comp progresses. First entrant who reaches 20 wins. We need Jim to edit his vote as it was based on the old system. Then he adds his score to the previous vote to give a running total.
  11. ^ This is as I envisioned. Well put Minners71
  12. The plugin author hard codes the location of the plugin, so I don't think this can be done (unless Rick has some trickery up his sleeve).
  13. Hey there SEA. Welcome! If you wish to see some of the power of Paint.NET, click on Welshblue's gallery link in the post immediately above this one
  14. December Update Four new plugins this month for you to enjoy. Curly Lines - Render all kinds of curly (and straight) lines. Intimidating UI is well explained in companion PDF. Seamless Move - Helps create seamless images. Somewhat similar to Seamless Texture Maker Stipple - Replaces an image with a ""dotted"" version (circles with density depending on the image brightness). Turbulent.Effect - Two plugins to render lines and circles combined with turbulence. Useful to create textures like marble, wood slides, flowers, etc…,
  15. Actually there is a difference, but it may be difficult to detect optically. JPG's use a lossy compression system to reduce the file size. This means that data is lost in the compression. Often visual 'artifacts' can result. This happens even at 100% 'quality'. PNG's use a lossless compression. There is no loss of data when saving. The downside is larger file sizes.
  16. That's because you didn't have the appropriate layer active. You see, you can only copy from the active layer regardless of what you see on the canvas. Here's an example. In this image, there are two layers. The purple filled layer (named Background) and the transparent layer with the green circle (Layer 2). In the above image, the background layer is the active one. We can tell that because there is a blue highlight in the layer name in the Layers Window. If we copy & paste using any selection in the above scenario, we will always get a purple filled selection pasted to our destination. It does not matter how many times we select around the green circle, copying any selection with the Background layer active results in a purple filled selection. In the image below, the Upper layer (Layer 2) has been made active. You can tell because this layer now has the blue highlight in the Layers Window. The canvas looks exactly the same as above, but the difference here is that a different layer is active. If we copy and paste in the scenario below we will get a portion of the green circle and transparent layer copied. There will be no purple copied while Layer 2 is the active layer. Does this help explain why you're having trouble copying?
  17. Bound to be messy. I think we should stick with one system. My preference (as above) is to score each entry on a 1-5 scale. Totaling the scores as the vote progresses. "A battle is over when one competitor has reached 20 stars/points". BTW: We can always demo a scoring system to see if it works.
  18. 1. Activate the Rectangle Select tool by clicking this icon in the Tools Window or pressing the S key once. 2. Drag out a rectangle around the character you want to enlarge. 3. Check that the layer that has the character on it is the active one (blue highlight in the Layers Window). To be sure you can click on the layer name in the Layers Window. 4. Press the M key once. This activates the Move tool The selection will be surrounded by a border with little square control points at the corners and edges. 5. Hover the mouse over the top center control nub. When the pointer changes to a hand, click and hold the left mouse button & drag the control nub upwards. 6. Release when the character is large enough. 7. Press the Esc key to deselect the region. it's pretty much the same technique as explained here:
  19. I think we should allow others some time to offer their thoughts. Glad you like the idea.
  20. Be aware that resolution (DPI) is ignored unless printing. What you see on your screen at 100% is the size of your image - no scaling or DPI fiddling is done. Use the physical image size, or the JPG quality setting to control the file size.
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