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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. ^^ Agreed. Your problem with Paint.NET seems to stem from other issues with your laptop. I'd get those fixed before attempting to reinstall. You could try checking the HD. It may be worth it prior to seeking professional advice. Pyrochild recently wrote these "how-to" instructions:
  2. I've had this noted down on a piece of paper for some time - it's how I use the VS template (updated & attached below) Customize VS (if required) Setting the template up 1. Download VS template below (I've updated the references and added some notes). 2. Move the template to the correct directory (e.g. My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Templates\ProjectTemplates\). Don't unzip it (as per the original instructions). Customizing the setup - just for your plugin 3. Open VS (I'm using VS express 2010). 4. Select New Project from the left hand pane. 5. Select the Plugin Template - updated Dec2010 with a single click. 6. At the foot of the dialog type in your plugin name. This is important as the plugin namespace is derived from the project name. Just save yourself the grief. 7. Click OK to open the template which will automatically name some aspects for you. 8. Save the project immediately. File > Save project name 9. Open Project > project name Properties. Select the Application tab. 10. Change Target Framework to .NET 3.5 (not 3.5 Client Profile) 11. Save again then close the project and reopen. This is usually required when the framework is changed. Best just to do it. 12. Double click the Resources entry in the Solution Explorer. Double click the icon to open it. Use the icon as a canvas & create your own. The one supplied is the one I used for WhichSymbol+. 13. Save finished icon & return to VS. 14. Open EffectPlugin.cs by double clicking it in Solution Explorer. 15. Find phrase "Plugin name here" and insert your plugin name. Quotes are required I believe. 16. Set the menu that the plugin should appear in. Some samples are included to get you started. I'd generally use the SubmenuNames.Render option rather than the return null option. 17. Return to the Project > project name Properties > Application tab. Delete the Assembly Name and substitute your own. Make sure it has no spaces in it. 18. Click on the Assembly Information button in the same tab. Update title, Description and Copyright info as required. OK. 19 Open the Build Events tab and check the path to Paint.NET is correct. This copies the built effect directly to the Paint.NET/effects directory. FOR FUTURE REFERENCE >> In between builds you need to delete the old *.dll file and close Paint.NET. 19. Save project. 20. Build project (F6). The post-build copy should drop the *.dll into the correct PDN folder. Open PDN and see if the plugin appears. (If the build fails with an error in "resx" file, change the icon reference in the resx file to Let's do code! 21. Return to the EffectPlugin.cs file (it should be a tab on the main window). Scroll to the bottom of the file and you'll find the Render method. This is where the heart of your plugin should go. See where it says // Render code Here - bung your code in there! PluginTemplate - updated Dec 2010.zip
  3. Try the suggestion in post #2. Be careful with that utility - it's VERY powerful.
  4. You should have a read of this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2248-visual-studio-2005-effect-plugin-template/ Read and follow BoltBait's suggestions in post #4. This might also prove useful: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/4209-how-to-debug-your-plugin/ All that might be a bit of overkill. See next post for a walk through of how to set up and start using the template.
  5. Yes it is. There should be no problem importing the second image as a layer (Layers > Import from file). You may run into a sizing discrepancy if the images are dissimilar sizes.
  6. Hello laLa619. Welcome to the forum. First of all - relax. You've tapped into the combined wisdom of a legion of Paint.NET users - we're bound to find a solution for you. We've assembled a neat little list of things to try to solve your problem. You can find the list here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/ Work your way through them one-by-one. Read everything in the thread - don't skip through looking for a silver bullet. Please let us know how you get on. You may have noticed that I've renamed this thread. On the forum we insist on descriptive thread titles. It makes searching so much easier
  7. Make sure antialiasing is turned on when using the text tool? For the coloring, you can select all the characters (hint: select the background with the magic wand on low tolerance +Shift key. Then invert the selection with Ctrl + i). Then apply the multicolor gradient plugin.
  8. @Ekstaze: Please resize the images so that their maximum dimension is 800 pixels or less (as per the Tutorial Posting Guidelines)
  9. As BoltBait has said, the differences are more likely to be 'under the hood'. From Rick's perspective there is bound to be a 100% sold reason for the separation. There are a number of crossover type effects which could easily be located in either the Effects or Adjustments menu. I'm happy to have both menus as trying to shoe-horn more stuff into Effects is bound to make puppies cry.
  10. <moved to Paint.NET Discussion & Questions>
  11. It isn't happening. No really. The image quality does not degrade because the PNG format is a lossless one, no data is being lost during the save. I suspect that what you're seeing is a difference in presentation. Solution: Stop trying to use PP to create images when you know it's not designed for the task. Use an image editor like Paint.NET instead. Then you will be able to create, scale and save proper PNG files. Also, I removed your email from your post. Spammers love you when to post your email address in an open forum
  12. Another method (more subtle than using Median) : 1. duplicate the layer :DuplicateLayer: 2. set the upper layer blend mode to Multiply (press F4 & select the Multiply blend mode from the dropdown list) 3. Merge the top layer down :MergeLayerDown: 4. Repeat steps 1-3 once more.
  13. As Midora has said, GIF's only support 8-bit color (a palette of 256 colors). There s no such thing as a 'high quality' gif. I suspect your blocky images have more to do with the size in pixels than the color. Can you post a link to an example image?
  14. Hi agitzke! Welcome to the forum. Have a look at these two posts to see if they help. There are several RAW file loaders available, and some work better than others. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20090-plug-in-to-convert-raw-nef/?view=findpost&p=337567&hl=rawload http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22377-how-to-import-nikon-nef-files/?hl=rawload#entry357530
  15. It even says so in the online documentation: (http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ViewMenu.html) Case 1: Image is smaller than the editing window at 100% - Zoom to Window will zoom the image to 100% size. Case 2: Image is larger than the editing window at 100% - Zoom to Window makes the image as large as possible to fit inside the editing window.
  16. Both the quick and full editors should have it. Look in the Tool Bar top left, just above the Bold icon. @Minners71: Awesome image
  17. Yes I think you have misread the installer message. There are other resources available, like YouTube and other Paint.NET forums (this is the official forum). You might also have a look at the online documentation here: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ If you're interested I've written an ebook titled 'Mastering Paint.NET'. You'll find a link to it in my signature.
  18. Hello and welcome jetsflier Sounds like your text layer is lower that the fuselage layer in the Layers Window. You could try ADDing a new layer specifically for the text. Look for this icon in the Layers Window :AddNewLayer: If necessary, move the text/new layer to the top of the list in the Layers Window. To do this highlight the layer (by clicking on it in the Layers Window) and use the :MoveLayerUp: or :MoveLayerDown: icons in the Layers Window.
  19. Editing posts: Try flicking the little "switch" icon in the editing toolbar to toggle between BB and editing mode. I find it helps.
  20. Remember to make it huge if you're intending to print it. You'll want to use an image size that is 300x300 pixels per square inch of print size. For example, a board 24" x 16" when printed at 300 DPI would need a source image of 7200 x 4800 pixels.
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