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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Hello paintyournet - welcome to the forum. We have a section of the forum devoted to created images - it's called the Pictorium and can be found here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/16-the-pictorium/ There are threads in that section where you can post your images for critique and for help. You can also create your own gallery to show off your work. If you would like to introduce yourself to the other forum members, this thread is the place to do it:
  2. + my vote. As far as I'm aware, we're lacking anything in this vein.
  3. Nice technique Visual! I'm sure there is a globular cluster lurking in this technique Couldn't help but notice that you're using an old version of Drop Shadow - it might pay to download a fresh version of KrisVDM's plugin pack
  4. ^ I think Armin has raised an interesting point. Entering a very small number with the aspect ratio fixed is going to produce some odd results. 4:3 ratio with a height of one pixel cannot produce a width of 3/4 of a pixel. I think the correct width here is zero - indicating that the width cannot be set via the ratio. If the width were to be set at a minimum of 1 this would not comply with the 4:3 ratio. I just tried it. If an invalid height or width is entered (manually or by rounding), the OK button is disabled.
  5. Yes, that is the correct process. One image element to each layer. Each layer should be otherwise transparent. No not really. Use a word processor to write your text. Cut-n-paste it to your image via the text tool - one column per layer. That way you can adjust the spacing and alignment of the text. For long sections of text I recommend using a word processor and importing the text via the text tool - as mentioned above. Before the text is committed to the layer you can use the arrow keys or click inside the typed text to reposition the cursor. Not a problem! We're here to help.
  6. Hi RoyHB - welcome to the forum! The easiest way to wipe out the transparency, is to create another layer and fill it with a solid color - then flatten the image. Here's how: 1. Create a new layer with :AddNewLayer: 2. Move the new layer down below the original :MoveLayerDown: 3. Select the Paint Bucket tool 4. Right click in the new layer to fill it with white. 5. Press Ctrl + Shift + F to flatten the image. Presto! One image with no transparency.
  7. It's separate (has no bearing on the original thread title). This means that it should really have its own thread. Edit: I've separated them In answer: Yes, position the cursor using the information in the Status Bar. When you draw a line the angle is also shown in the Status Bar.
  8. To be honest I'm not absolutely sure. As far as I understand it, it takes two (more ?) samples instead one (usually src[x,y] ). Whether it averages RGB or returns greyscale I'm not exactly sure. Having got myself in over my head - perhaps I'll leave function of GetBilinearSample to someone who knows more about it!
  9. I'm not sure how you're coding this effect, but have you met GetBilinearSample? I'm sure you would find it useful for this plugin. See http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8419-displacement/#entry131337
  10. The Eraser takes notice of the Primary colors transparency setting. This makes it possible to erase with a soft edge. This may not be exactly what you're looking for: 1. Lower Primary color opacity to 2 2. Select the Eraser and erase in circular overlapping movements (like the petals on a flower). Other options - a custom brush or Alpha masking (Alpha masking would work well with the shapes) Gradient pencil: The pencil tool works one pixel at a time. I think you mean a gradient line tool? If so, this can be accomplished with the Gradient tool and a wide selection exactly one pixel high. Make the gradient line on its own layer and you can resize and rotate it into position. Thickening/thinning a line is accomplished by making a gradient filled ellipse and squashing it with the Move tool.
  11. If you don't know which symbol is mapped to which character, check out the WhichSymbol+ plugin (link in my signature). The History buttons would help you recall previously used symbols. (Hint on symbol placement: The plugin places the symbol in the top left corner of the layer or selection - so make a selection in the area you want the symbol to be placed.)
  12. @davidf - are you going to release this plugin more formally? (you should be thinking about compiling your plugins into a plugin pack - with it's own thread )
  13. Once text is committed to a layer it ceases to be editable characters and is instead made into groupings of pixels. It is not editable with the text tool once this occurs. For this reason we usually recommend placing your text on its own transparent layer. Editing the text is a simple matter of deleting the contents of the old layer and retyping the text (using the same color, font, size and formating). I generally place these bits of information in the layer name (press F4 with the layer active) so I can see at a glance how I wrote the original text. For longer pieces of text, keep a copy of the text in a word processor!
  14. You can use any of the selection tools to create the shape. The Ellipse select tool will make the oval shape you discussed.
  15. Sorry, that's not right. The custom Google search returns results from the forum, online documentation, developer blog and anything else Google can find. I got mixed results with the second link. Returned non-PDN links?
  16. I'm going to try and give you some hints to help you get started: 1. Open Fig1 in Paint.NET 2. Add a new layer :AddNewLayer: 3. Select the Paint Bucket tool and left click in the new layer to fill it with black. 4. Open Layer Properties (press F4) and lower the Opacity to around 174. 5. Activate the Rectangle select tool and drag out a square selection (hold down the Shift key = forces the selection to be square) 6. Press the M key twice - or select the Move Selection tool right click and drag with the shift key held down to rotate the selection 45 degrees. 7. With the selection still active, activate the Gradient tool 8. Expand the Colors Window (Click More button). Lower the transparency (of the Primary color = black) to around 12. 9. Right click at the top of the selection and drag downwards. The selection should fade from white to virtually transparent. Stop dragging 1/2 of the way down the selection. You should end up with something like this: That at least will give you something to build ideas on.
  17. Most generous! I'm off to grab a copy. Thanks Evan! Edit: WOW!
  18. Pointillism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointillism I think the Artistic submenu is the perfect place for this plugin. It fits well between the Ink Sketch and Pencil Sketch. Nice job davidf!
  19. Incorrect. DPI does not affect images until printed. Your monitor is fixed at 96PPI - that's all you can display. Enlarging a 2x2 pixel image to 16x16 is always going to encounter significant pixelization. Changing the DPI does not affect this.
  20. I've considered date-stamping the entries in the Plugin Index. However this is an enormous amount of work to maintain The only workaround I can think of is to download any plugin that breaks in PDN and compare the datestamps on the *.dll files. Personally, I 'refresh' the major plugins and plugin packs approximately twice a year. I started this when I realized I was using an older version of CodeLab. Doing this periodic house-cleaning gives me a good opportunity to cull some lesser used plugins while I'm at it.
  21. I recently asked if Masks could be added to the list of layer Blend Modes - http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/24961-the-new-layer-styles-request-topic-for-paintnet-40/#entry376960 The answer was no as changing the current model has far reaching consequences. The workaround is the Alpha Mask Import plugin, or just filling the upper layer with an opaque shape/hole to reveal the underlying layer (as per your demo image).
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