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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I think we have something very similar...
  2. Why not follow the advice of the pop-up and install the latest version of the plugins?
  3. There is this alternative to the manual method of making the Pleasantville Effect: Extract Color v1.0
  4. Glad we've got you psyched! For some lighthouse images, you might consider using a font which contains pictograms, like 'Harbour Lights' here: http://www.fontspace.com/category/lighthouse
  5. It's quite apt when you've seen the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120789/ (check out the still images and you'll see why...)
  6. Nice set of buttons BoltBait! Where would we be without Bevel Selection?
  7. Thank you for the recommendation Jim! Saved me from having to shamelessly self-promote
  8. <Moved to Paint.NET Discussion & Questions> Hi there EB3551, welcome to the forum. It may be less work to re-create the logo, based on the images you have. Removing the texture from an embroidered image is probably not going to result in a high quality image without lots of work. How about uploading your image to an image hosting site like Imageshack or Photobucket and posting the link here?
  9. I suspect you're clicking an ad? Can you post a screenshot of exactly what you're clicking on?
  10. There is a Kindle reading application for PC available direct from Amazon. Here's a link: http://www.amazon.co...ocId=1000426311 (kindly provided by niteNurse79 a few posts back). Once installed you can use it so shop direct in the Kindle store & purchase the ebook. Easy! I create a lot of manuals just so I can read them easily on my Kindle There is even a cool browser bookmarklet called Send2Reader which will send webpages direct to your kindle. I'm sold - you should give one a try.
  11. I love this plugin, it's so much fun to fiddle with! The documentation is thorough and an excellent addition. With it I'd quickly be lost in the UI I think this is worthy of being stickied. Well done davidf. (all these forum icons & I can't find a sticky one - have a trophy instead) Yes please! ps I made a tadpole!
  12. This plugin imports a palette from another image. I'm not sure how it will work on B/W images, but it might be worth a try. Color Match v1.0
  13. I'm sure Indirect UI and CodeLab don't support tabs, so Midora is correct in that it takes a custom Winform to use them. The question of plugin UI tabs has been raised before. I'm a supporter of the idea if it means taming a dialog that is longer than my screen!
  14. Hi GIreland, welcome to the forum. Have you tried Adjustments > Auto Level? Online documentation: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/AdjustmentsMenu.html Other alternatives: Adjustments > Levels or Adjustments > Curves (steeper learning curve) Plugins: Tanel's Basic Photo Adjustments: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12374-basic-photo-adjustments-v20-2010-07-22/ BoltBait's Combined Photo Adjustments: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/17810-combined-photo-adjustments-with-source-code-jan-19-2010/
  15. @RFX: Belated welcome to the forum! When I reply to a first time poster I like to appear friendly. Then when the new member accidentally breaks the rules I become the Rule Ogre and pounce on them and roar and generally frighten all their puppies.
  16. I'm guessing that the leaves are based on your new Cell Texture plugin!
  17. Nice job DarkyMidnight, and welcome to the forum. Just so you know, the maximum size of images that you should post here is 800pixels on the longest edge. I've edited your post accordingly
  18. Hi opticyclic, welcome to the forum. You have most of the steps in place, so you're almost there! The trick is to make a composite selection with the Magic Wand tool. Lower your tolerance (to avoid leakage outside the waistcoat area) then hold down the Ctrl key to chain multiple selections together. Each time you click, another sliver of selection will be added. The Ctrl key toggles the Selection Mode to Add You might also need to toggle the Flood Mode to Contiguous (i.e. pixels must be neighbors) as opposed to the Global mode (any pixel in the layer satisfying Tolerance will be included in the Selection). Find this option in the Tool Bar when the Magic Wand is active.
  19. Hi there ludertal, This topic is very old - over two years. We don't like to revive such old topics. Please post a new topic if you wish to raise this subject again. Thanks and welcome to the forum!
  20. From the plugin thread where you also asked this question:
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