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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. You mean the one that surrounds your User picture? BTW: Liked your thread title, but forum rules require the title be descriptive - so I edited it for you.
  2. 1. Because they're free. 2. Because they can. 3. Because LOTS of plugins makes you a better digital artist. Right? I'd like to find a way of automatically recording the last date a plugin was used. That would make interesting reading... "Gee I've opened Paint.NET 537 times in the last two years, and NEVER opened plugin XYZ. Gosh, I wonder if I should delete it?"
  3. Try this: 1. Set primary color to white. 2. Set secondary color to fully transparent. 3. On a new layer above the text, drag a thin reflected linear gradient out over the text. How does that look?
  4. Please show us some results. A picture paints 1K words - just like your excellent explanation images.
  5. Take a screenshot of your Paint.NET/Effects folder showing as many files as possible. Upload it to an image hosting site and post the link here.
  6. Have you tried repairing the 3.5 .NET framework? Info >>>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306160
  7. Welcome! module = plugin or technique? preview screen = wallpaper or desktop background? Google translate has left me wondering what you are asking. Please try translating your question again. Post your question in your native language as well.
  8. Start at the beginning. 1. Download a fresh copy of the plugin. Get it from here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25591-curly-lines-plugin-updated-to-v11a-19th-nov-2012/ 2. Locate the Zipped file you downloaded and unzip it. If necessary, you may need to unblock it. 3. Copy the unzipped file CurlyLines.dll into your Paint.NET/Effects folder. 4. Restart Paint.NET. 5. Look in the Effects > Render menu for the plugin.
  9. I'm not sure that it is exactly what you're looking for, but the plugin Image to Code pipes an image to a C data structure.
  10. Note to ya'll: If using Word to edit your Gallery code, save it as an unformatted TXT file. It will paste into the forum editor with fewer hassles. Also found that toggling between the Compose and HTML modes (several times) in the forum editor will often resolve superfluous line feeds.
  11. As far as I'm aware there are no plugins specific to the DNG format.. There are numerous RAW plugins. One of these might extend to the DNG format. Have a look through the Plugin Index (link in my signature).
  12. I don't use Imgur so I'm not sure where you set your account parameters?
  13. Once you use File > Save As... to name the file and set the format to JPG, Paint.NET will reuse the file format when using subsequent File > Save. You might be prompted to flatten if the image has layers. Forgetting to change the file extension is exactly why Paint.NET always defaults to a lossless save. Turn the situation around and consider the aggro when you've worked for hours on an image then forgotten to Save As.... (a PDN) and lost all your layer separation by saving as a 'default' jpg. Irritating yes? A lot more time and effort is lost than the relatively minor inconvenience of having to resave the image.
  14. 4. House cleaning. Do you really need ALL those images? Sad but true that we like to horde
  15. When reformatting the Plugin Index the character limit was always getting the way. I believe that the limit is 60000 characters (bytes). This includes all the formatting and BB codes. Solutions ยป 1. Remove as much formatting as possible. Center for example can be used to span multiple items. 2. Remove text color and changes to font size and color. Stick with as few different text styles as possible. 3. Use multiple posts. Like the Plugin Index it might be useful to span several posts. More difficult if you don't own the second & third posts but it could be fixed via a workaround + friendly Moderator. This is good advice for stting up a new Gallery.
  16. Interesting discovery! Here's how I would try to tone down the strength of the effect: 1. Duplicate the photo layer. 2. Apply the effect to the upper layer. 3. Press F4 and lower the effect layer opacity. 4. Merge layers and apply Surface blur to your liking.
  17. This plugin automates the Pleasantville Effect that NiteNurse79 linked to Extract Color
  18. Whoops! I managed to omit my congratulations to the winner - Welshy! Well deserved mate. Yellowman, Drew and SAND33P - congratulations.
  19. I think I have a copy of the plugin. I'll attach it to the first post in this thread when I find it. Edit: done. Dll is now attached to the first post.
  20. Oooh! You've impressed @pyrochild! Impressive!
  21. Nice pack! Can you please reduce the larger image sizes to less than 800 pixels? Thanks.
  22. That's a pretty cool effect. +1 for the source code which should be an inspiration to aspiring plugin coders out there. You could have used this: Lightning.
  23. A quick fiddle with the parameter ranges yields a much less severe effect. And a nicer one IMHO #region UICode byte Amount1 = 0; // [255] Reseed Major byte Amount2 = 0; // [255] Reseed Minor int Amount3 = 30; // [1,100] Cloud Thickness int Amount4 = 32; // [1,100] Intensity bool Amount5 = true; // [0,1] Alpha Transparency #endregion void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { Random rndm = new Random(Amount1 * 256 + Amount2); Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); double CenterX = ((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left; double CenterY= ((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top; int thickness = Amount3 * 50; int intensity = Amount4 * 66 / 100; bool opaque = !Amount5; Example
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