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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Thanks for taking the time to rate my book ftlog! I'm glad you like it.
  2. This link will take you to the thread with the most common solutions: Troubleshooting thread. Read items marked 10 and 10a. Please let us know if this resolves the problem for you. Good luck!
  3. Gaussian Blur is not a plugin - it's a built-in effect. To use it first click on the layer you want to blur in the Layers Window. Next run the effect under Effects > Blurs > Gaussian Blur
  4. I ran it through Identifont.com after my recommended WhatTheFont gave up almost nothing. No font matched exactly, but these two were close.... PF Das Grotesk Black http://www.identifont.com/show?38PI Lorimer No. 2 Black http://www.identifont.com/show?2YF3
  5. I've always wanted a plugin which made objects snap to a grid. I always felt it would be a good addition to Object Align. TR has made it happen just the way I wanted it. Thanks for the plugin ....and the code!
  6. Google is your friend Failing that try a font identification service like WhatTheFont.
  7. The batch processor linked above doesn't have access to the Tools or Editing functions. It's used to chain Effects & Adjustments via Scriptlab. IrFanView does batch processing of the sort you require. Paint.net does not.
  8. Hi Kris. I've shortened the thread title for you. You get 10/10 for making the original title descriptive ! Good luck with the project.
  9. 1. Stop using Wordpad. 2. Open the Resize dialog. Adjust DPI to the print resolution you want. The image size at that print density is given. 3. Tell your print shop to print at the same print density you used. You really should read the article DPI and YOU I linked to previously. It explains the difference between screen resolution (PPI or Pixels Per Inch) and print density (DPI or Dots Per Inch). It seems that this is the issue here. It might help if you post the print requirements of the graphics here.
  10. Here: Lens by Ed Harvey You could have easily found this with this custom search: http://searchpaint.net/ I encourage you to bookmark the URL
  11. Hi PaintingTextures - welcome to the forum. Try the Gradient tool + Transparency mode :AlphaChannelOnly: (select the mode from the Tool Bar once the Gradient tool is active). (I dragged this gradient over a solid purple layer). <Moved to paint.net Discussion & Questions>
  12. The "truth" here is that Wordpad isn't an image editor, it's a (very humble) word processor.If paint.net says your image is Z cm in size at a DPI of Y then it is. Simply print it at that density and don't bother importing it into Wordpad. You might find this tutorial helpful in explaining the difference in print resolution vs screen resolution DPI and YOU
  13. @rer Can you upload an image which shows the problem? I've removed your email address from your post. You don't want to make it easy for spammers to find your inbox
  14. I posted this summary of the sections and chapters in the first post of this thread. Contents at a glance: Contents Introduction About The Author Dedication Acknowledgments Conventions & Abbreviations SECTION 1 Before You Start With Paint.NET Chapter 1 - Introducing Paint.NET Chapter 2 - Installing Paint.NET SECTION 2 Basics Chapter 3 - Understanding The Interface Chapter 4 - The Menus Explained Chapter 5 - Tools Chapter 6 - Color Chapter 7 - Layers & Layering Chapter 8 - Adjustments Chapter 9 - Effects Chapter 10 - Selections & Selected Areas SECTION 3 Advanced Concepts Chapter 11 - Plugins Chapter 12 - File Formats Chapter 13 - Understanding Printing & DPI Chapter 14 - Blend Modes Chapter 15 - Customizing Paint.NET APPENDIX A Keyboard Shortcuts APPENDIX B Summary of Tips APPENDIX C Online Resources APPENDIX D List of Plugins APPENDIX E Menus There is a great deal more than "descriptions of everything and acronyms". Here's an example from chapter 5 - Tools
  15. This tutorial should give you a starting point: Brushed Metal Texture.
  16. To me it looks like a mouse problem. Check your drivers are up to date and if possible try another mouse to see if the issue persists.
  17. I'm not sure if they are filtering the results - I just voted again
  18. No that's just the top 5 - the poll (lower down the page) is for which of these is best. Paint.net (16%) is running second to GIMP (54%) with 3,450 votes cast. Please go vote for our favorite free image editor!
  19. I'm not familiar with PS - but I suspect you're saving the image with a palette attached (i.e. a palette based PNG - I think PS calls this an Indexed Color image). If I'm correct, try saving it without then opening with PDN. I opened both images you posted with paint.net. They appear as presented above i.e. the first one is faithful to the colors and the second one greenish.
  20. Nice! I'm liking the new UI. PS I'm keeping both
  21. With this plugin you save your file as a psd (i.e. with the *.psd extension). That makes it usable in PS and paint.net (it has to be reloaded and saved with the aid of this plugin).
  22. It's a common trick used to make a complex selection. You use the Magic Wand to select the transparent area surrounding the object (i.e. in this case around the outside of your galaxy), then invert the selection to leave just the object/galaxy selected. Works a treat with text, especially if you hold down the SHIFT key to make the selection Global. Global selection mode allows you to automatically select the inside of closed characters as well.
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