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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I'd use two layers. The lower one for the large circle, and the upper one for the smaller circle. Use the Align Object plugin to centre both on the canvas. Activate the Move tool and perform a by-pixel realignment using the keyboard arrow keys. Then merge top layer down. Now you can move your O anywhere by moving the entire layer.
  2. Found this odd behavior today. When a menu or sub menu is very full, I can't select the last shown plugin. Clicking on it does nothing. In the screenshot - I can't run Lightning. I know I'm not a typical user - with many more plugins installed than I need. I'm currently doing some compatibility checks on all the plugins. That's why I have plenty of them installed. This behavior is not limited to one menu. I've had it repro on different menus (Adjustments, Effects, Effect > Tools and Effect > Render) at different times. A slightly smaller monitor changes how much is visible in the menu, but the last item is still not able to be selected. Seems to be limited to plugins, and not the built in effects. Scrolling the menu down changes which item is not selectable. Application paint.net 4.0 (α 4.0.5105.6977) Build Date Monday, 23 December 2013 Expiration Date Monday, 17 March 2014 Hardware accelerated rendering (GPU) True Animations True Language en-US OS Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601.65536) .NET Runtime 4.0.30319.18052 Physical Memory 4,095 MB CPU Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz Architecture x64 (64-bit) Process Mode 64-bit Speed ~2699 MHz Cores / Threads 2 Features DEP, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, XSAVE Video Card ATI Radeon HD 4350 Dedicated Video RAM 506 MB Dedicated System RAM 0 MB Shared System RAM 1,791 MB Vendor ID 0x1002 Device ID 0x954F Subsystem ID 0xE990174B Revision 0 LUID 0x0000AF5F Flags None
  3. ....and @yellowman's cobblestone tutorial
  4. Also had to add a link to @Ella's Zen Stones
  5. Added this very quick technique for making veined marble (image links to the post). In this image I've forgone the optional B&W conversion and substituted Hue & Saturation with Sat=97 and Lightness=52
  6. It says that you're out of memory. How large is the clipboard image? Which version are you using? You could try the Alpha version of PDN 4.0, see here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27756-paintnet-40-alpha-build-5105-is-now-available/
  7. @Seerose: http://www.getpaint.net/search.html + dents
  8. OK, here goes... First, let me say I found your entry very detailed and interesting. I'm a big fan of your work! Your entry really is a thing of beauty. I particularly liked the spiral work. It would have been a very worthy entry in a comp of another theme - which is why I didn't vote for it in this case. The theme was "flowers", and although your entry was very plant-like it did not say "flower" to me. I found it quite dark when the theme suggested (to me) vibrant colors. Again - I don't wish to diss your entry. I like it. I just felt it was not a great match for this particular theme. Sorry man. (We're still friends - right? )
  9. Q: Are you drawing with a color that is the same as the background? If not, a screenshot of Paint.NET's interface might help us....
  10. Told ya! +1. TechnoRobbo - are you going to release this in it's own thread?
  11. You don't have to close/reopen the file. Use the Undo function to rewind the flattening process... 1. Ctrl + Shift+ F flattens the image 2. File > Save As.... to save you JPG copy. 3. Ctrl + Z (Undo) until the flattening is reversed. 4. Continue editing. 5. When you want to save as a PDN use File > Save As... again to specify the original source file name and the PDN format.
  12. Thanks for adding your excellent texture Welshy! To aid navigation of this thread, I'll create a thumbnail index of the posted techniques. Should be up later today.
  13. Forum Rules. Please read #7. We cannot help you. Sorry. Ignore the issue or upgrade are your options. <closed>
  14. The diagram in the Canvas Size dialog has to do with where the current image is anchored when you resize the canvas. It does not aid you in making dimensional changes. What you need to do is type the actual dimensions you want into the dialog. If you are typing in a new width and height, uncheck the Maintain Aspect checkbox first. Is your logo going to be square or rectangular?
  15. We Mods have a mechanism for dealing out minus points. We call them Warnings. You get them for breaking the rules
  16. Can you all see why I chose @welshblue and @barbieq25 as my proofreaders? Despite what they allege, they both helped me immensely with the book. Their depth of knowledge and artistic flair made them a great team to work with. Now they say nice things about me as well
  17. Correct. Scriptlab is only used to chain effects together. You're running Grid Warp on it's own, so as Welshy said, there is no need to run it through Scriptlab. Don't worry about downloading or installing Grid Warp. The fact that you can find it with Scriptlab means it's already correctly installed. When you apply the Grid Warp effect to the canvas (via the Effects > Tools menu) the changes GridWarp makes are rendered to the canvas when you click OK on the plugin dialog.
  18. Thank you very much This cracked me up! Ego Eram Reputo = Scott Stringer. You know that right? Right now? Christchurch, New Zealand And you are very welcome Scooter! Thank Welshy! It's your proofreading wot dun it proud.
  19. A very nice tutorial of a very nice effect kaunas163!
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