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  1. I've attached the second picture. There's pixelation in both on the image, I'm not sure how to get around that, but my main concern is grey lines and the splotchiness around the image. The grey lines appear in the .pdn, and the splotch in the .png.
  2. Thank you for your quick reply. I can definitely rule out my video card (it is stress-tested on a regular basis) and the file doesn't seem to be corrupted because I can manipulate it and export it without any issues. Is there another telltale sign I should look for? The quality loss in the .png I am referring to is a little tough to explain, but there are artifacts(?) around content, whereas my printed PDN image is entirely smooth around everything. In the .png there are lines around borders and pixelation immediately around text and pictures. It can't be the printer because it is responsible for printing out both parts for me. I've attached one image showing the quality loss I am referring to, perhaps I am using incorrect terminology. The .png is on the left, the .pdn on the right. I will have to attach the picture of the grey lines in a separate message. Thank you for your help.
  3. Hello, I am very new to Paint.net, and have used it only for basic image editing. I have completed my "project" and am now trying to print it from within Paint.net. I have already tried exporting it into every format available, and there is far too much quality loss. When printing the unflattened image from within Paint.net, the quality is perfect, but there are a few grey lines running through the picture. They run along the bottom and right border, and one runs randomly vertically not quite half way through the page. I have flattened the image, and the grey lines now appear in different spots (horizontally through the middle of the page now, and the bottom border is slightly higher. The right border has not changed). There are no lines visible in the pdn file while working, and I have unselected all types of borders and guides (to the best of my knowledge). I have tried printing a copy using all types of printing settings, but no luck. I'm probably missing something VERY obvious because I couldn't find any mention of this "issue" on the forums, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why they are appearing. These lines do not appear when the image is exported, but the quality loss is too significant. Everything else looks absolutely perfect, it's just those grey lines! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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