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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I hadn't replied because this is more the domain of our Admins. They hath the POWER to modify the forum. Normal Mods do not. Yes, we DO care
  2. Open the image Duplicate the layer. Top layer: Press F4. Change the Blend Mode to Multiply (enhances colors) Change the Opacity to around 135 (reduces severity of enhanced colors). Merge top layer down (= one layer) Duplicate the single layer Top layer: Effects > Artistic > Oil Painting BS:2, C:78 Top Layer: Effects > Blurs > Gaussian Blur @ 3. Press F4 Change Blend Mode to Darken. Change Opacity to around 216. Merge top layer down (= one layer)
  3. The Paint Bucket tool (and others) now have an option in the Tool Bar to change sampling mode. I suspect you have Image selected - so the entire/composite image is sampled when checking the tolerance. Try swapping it to the Layer mode - this should work as you expect i.e. sampling is restricted to within the active layer.
  4. Paint.net is the best free image editor (You knew I was going to say that right?)
  5. You made a nice job of your first plugin. A good learning experience! I'm sure some users will find it useful due to the slight differences between the two. Are you going to compile the dll and upload it (zipped)? If you are, there are a few nice features you can include in the source before compiling. See http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/codelab/help/buildingdll.asp (under heading DEFAULTS).
  6. Well done..... but can't this be done with the transparent option of the Gradient tool (in Radial mode)?
  7. I agree. I think a larger allocation would also stop a lot of the 'out of points' issues. My preference is for 8 or 10.
  8. Norton is notorious for over zealous reporting. The DLLs - so long as you got them from here - should be fine. Try disabling Norton then install the plugins. Don't forget to enable Norton when you're done.
  9. Activate the layer you want to be transparent. Press Ctrl and A to select all the layer. Press the delete key. Presto! A transparent layer!
  10. ^ That's interior stuff. I think Vanilla would like to see the outside of buildings. This tutorial is for a software box only (two sides required). With a bit of modification you might make a nice building with it http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12246-lets-make-a-software-box/ Then there's this one which is a little more complex http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12281-s3d1different-image-on-each-sides-of-a-cubeeasy/
  11. I think you are opening Microsoft Paint - it has those six tool icons. See screenshot here http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Paint If paint.net is installed you should be able to find it by searching for the full name under Programs or looking inside a folder called /paint.net/
  12. Hi Robyn. First up - take a deep breath. (Almost) everything is still there, but you might have to look around to find it. The selection tools are the same as the previous version. Activate them by clicking on the icon in the tools window. The Clone Tool also uses the same icon as the previous version. For photo sharpening, you still go to Effects > Photo > Sharpen. Searching - try this link: http://searchpaint.net The documentation for paint.net 4 is being rewritten as we speak. I'm up to draft #5. It is a large task and I am a volunteer with many other demands on my time. Please be patient
  13. Hi nortok00 - welcome to the forum. First up - I've split your post out from the thread you originally posted it in. That's because the thread was very old. If a thread is older than three months (excepting plugins and tutorials) then just ignore it and ask your question anew. In answer to your question... S pressed four times activates the Magic Wand tool SHIFT in combination with Clicking toggles Global selection. This means that ALL pixels in the layer which satisty the Tolerance setting of the Magic Wand will be selected along with the one you clicked on. If clicking on one of many transparent pixels, Shift + Click will select all of them. Ctrl + I is another handy keyboard combination. This inverts the selection. Everything that was selected becomes deselected and vice versa. In this case all the transparent pixels that were selected become deselected and all the opaque pixels are now selected. Ctrl + Shift + X - (aka crop to selection) this useful combination crops the image to the smallest rectangular size which contains all the currently selected pixels.
  14. It's just your anti-virus software. It's reporting a false-positive. Which are you using? Norton is notorious for being over zealous.
  15. Hi Dewey & welcome I think you're thinking of Photoshop. However we do have a plugin which might do the job for you Composition Tool
  16. It could be done manually. You would have to open each image and paste the new element onto it. Then save & close it. Repeat 100x Unfortunately, paint.net does not do batch processing. We usually recommend IrFanView. It has extensive batch processing features.
  17. The names of the layers is irrelevant. Once the images are loaded into individual layers you can proceed with the tutorial. It looks like you figured that out
  18. Yes it's possible. Also VERY difficult to do believably. The first step is to remove the existing shadow and fill in the missing area. Difficulty - severe depending on the background. Second step is to isolate the person onto their own layer - separate from the background. Difficulty - medium. Third step is to recreate the shadow. Difficulty - easy.
  19. Or use the Tool Bar icons. You want the Replace :Replace: mode.
  20. Stroke of luck - my Bro posted this today Typography AND a quote
  21. I'm sure what you're seeing is the result of two partially transparent layers being merged. The layer opacity persists (they are both the same). The pixel is partially transparent (a=120) because that is what was inherited from the upper layer. Remembers that the Layer Opacity is applied to all pixels in the layer so a=255 + layer opacity of 120 = pixel with a=120. I don't think this is incorrect.
  22. Midnight is a local phenomena. My midnight is Red's noon (GMT+12 hours give or take daylight saving). A counter sounds a great idea. "You have [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] reps available". I have no idea if this is do-able.
  23. Perhaps they are Schrödinger's rep points. They can be given, or not. Possibly both. And at the same time
  24. Want fully transparent areas? Go for this! TIP: You could save yourself a lot of time and effort by drawing directly onto a transparent layer. If you need a background color to work against, create and fill another layer. Move it lower in the stack (i.e. the Layers Window) than the layer you're drawing on. Remember: When working with multiple layers, the one that is active (blue highlight in the Layers Window) is the one the editing is affecting.
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