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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. One or two members have asked questions about the 'reps' (reputation points) that can be given out. They are explained here http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27768-rep-points-how-to-vote-for-a-post/ Currently, forum users with a status of 'Member' have a maximum of five reps a day that they can give out. I'm assuming here that day actually means a 24-hour period. Is five enough? Want more? How many?
  2. Have you buffed your Flux Capacitor? Perhaps we should revisit the number of 'reps' you can give in a 24-hour period? I'll start a new thread on the subject...
  3. I'm guessing it's your time zone. I'm often a "day" early compared to the USA component of the forum.
  4. Not exact - but this will get you close http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12215-how-to-wrapped-glowy-line-from-my-joker-sig/ Unfortunately the images have disappeared.
  5. Anyone got a copy of this tut with the images? They seem to have died Edit: Thanks to mottoman for the images. Restored all except for TopHATslash's joker sig.
  6. The plugin cannot find the supporting file. Are you positive you copied all three to the same location?
  7. There is no need to select the text if its on it's own transparent layer. Just run the effect on the layer. Pyrochild's cleverness means the plugin will automatically find the opaque/transparent edges and apply the effect at the transition. This 'feature' is common to all the tools found in the Effects > Object sub menu. An OBJECT in this context refers to an island of pixels in a transparent sea
  8. Isn't lighting the primary function of a Normal Map? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_mapping There are a few plugins. This one Normal Tools has excellent supporting documentation.
  9. Thank you Pixey & Pratyush! It's true. I am a King, and Lord and Master in my own home. Just as long as that's all right with the Queen....
  10. You're welcome Red. I agree about Custom Shape/Random Filler - it's very useful. I really don't know how people coped prior to the PI. I first posted the PI back in June 2009 (gosh - 5+ years ago!) because I thought the plugin area needed tidying up. I've updated it monthly since then. I have every edition archived. I was thinking it would make a great April Fools joke to reprint one of the early ones Who would have thought it would take over my life like this?? Or am I just a bit obsessive/compulsive?
  11. Rick collectively calls both lines of icons the "Tool Bar". What you're referring to are the Common Actions icons and the View Controls. See http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/Toolbar.html
  12. This is not a tutorial - so it doesn't really belong in the tutorials section. <Moved to paint.net Discussion & Questions>
  13. October Update Six new plugins this month including an update to the RAW file reader (filetype) by new author @cefoot. Also appearing is a Russian translation of Codelab 1.8. CodeLab in Russian - @ReMake. CodeLab v1.8 recompiled in Russian. RAW File - @cefoot. Paint.net 4.x version of RAW File. Note: this is a file reader, so there is no option to save in the RAW format. Reticulation effect - @ReMake. Creates a pseudo-reticulation effect (in film photography reticulation is wrinkling, cracking the emulsion layer of film). Options include Size and Density. Also available in Russian. TR's Alpha Mapper - @TechnoRobbo. Graphically adjust how brightness translates to transparency. Useful for blending images. TR's Custom Shape Filler - @TechnoRobbo. Fills the layer or selection with multiple copies of a specified png in varying sizes and rotation. TR's Export Selection - @TechnoRobbo. Exports any selection from the active layer (including irregular shaped selections). Exports to the PNG format.
  14. Some more information for users: You can find this effect in the Effects > Photo submenu. Filename: Reticulation.dll Works with both 3.5x and 4.x
  15. This thread is nearly two years old and refers to an older version of paint.net. Please post your problem in a new thread. Make sure to give specifics of your operating system and hardware. Also provide as much detail as you can about the error message you see. <locked>
  16. paint.net 4 will not work with Vista. You'll need to find a copy of 3.5.11 elsewhere on the Internet.
  17. Hi Jackie! Large, complex selections can take some time to process. If your system is low spec and the image huge then this might cause the issues you've found. Go to the Settings icon ( top right) and copy the info from the Diagnostics tab. Paste it here so we can see what your system looks like. How big is the image (pixel size)?
  18. Thanks ReMake! How about a screenshot showing an image before the effect is run and after?
  19. It's not paint.net. Sorry. Have you tried viewing your images as icons? Look for this icon in the Explorer Tool Bar The top three options will show your images as miniatures... BTW: If I had 12000 images I'd have well sorted into categories using appropriately named folders & sub-folders.
  20. If users really can't come to grips with the Clone Stamp tool, then this is quite a neat alternative http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/19117-the-subterranean-copypaste-blues/. Unfortunately the images have died - but there is a downloadable PDF attached.
  21. Hi maiwotg! Welcome to the forum Images are always square. You can make them appear round by having transparent corners (the grey & white checkerboard effect denotes transparent areas). Of course you need to save your image in a format which supports transparency. Like the PNG format. As for rounding off square images, this plugin should do the job http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28103-trs-eers-drum-skin-v13-mar-27-2014/ Info on how to install plugins http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/1708-how-to-install-pluginsgeneral-plugin-troubleshooting-thread/
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