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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Or draw your line thicker than necessary then thin it with the Median effect (Effects > Noise > Median). The result is an overall smoothing of the wobbly bits.
  2. @Chimay - please check this poll. It only allowed me to vote for one entry, not five.
  3. @gubment_cheez: I split Wonderer's post out of this thread and into its own. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/30020-uninstalled-3511-by-mistake-vista/#entry416797 Feel free to repost your excellent comment in that thread.
  4. If you're saving as a PDN, why not add extra layers with simple text notes on them, then deselect the layer visibility check box? Anyone who wants to read the notes simply has to toggle the layer visibility.
  5. Forum Rules #7 explains it fairly well. The number of users running 3.5.11 because their OS is ancient is fairly small. Too small for a single developer to support. You can probably find a copy online. Or you could restore it from your most recent backup (which you do regularly, right?)
  6. Try the XOR blend mode. It replaces matching pixels with black. Pixels that don't match will be colored.
  7. Hi munleyj - welcome to the forum The center dot is the fill-from point. It is where you clicked with the Paint Bucket tool. New to paint.net 4 is the ability to drag the fill-from point around to see how the fill would look if you had clicked elsewhere. The four-way arrows are the control nub that which allow the fill-from point to be dragged & relocated. Click & drag the icon to move the fill-from point. To keep the fill within your lines, lower the Tolerance setting in the Tool Bar. Once you're happy with the fill, simply click FINISH in the Tool Bar or press the Enter key to commit the fill to the layer. The controls will disappear. Oh and please don't ask for previous versions. They are not available. Please DO keep asking questions if you find the new features of PDN4 difficult to get your head around.
  8. Hey there Rhaonoa. I've changed some of your images to links. We have a maximum size limit of 800pixels in forum posts. I've also changed the thread title to something more descriptive. This helps classify and catalog this thread when others are searching the forum.
  9. I'm part of a team who are rewriting the online documentation right now. I've drawn attention to this...
  10. If you find one that works, please let us know which one. Here's a list of the main plugins: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20090-plug-in-to-convert-raw-nef/?p=337567 The top one seems to be the most successful.
  11. Have you tried all the RAW file plugins? There are several available. Some work, some don't - this would be a neater solution for you than conversion to RGB565.
  12. There is a list of incompatibles here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27661-incompatible-plugins-an-incomplete-list-updated-for-405284/ Most of the plugins that remain on the list are either out-of-date or slightly obscure. Many of the more commonly used plugins have been updated.
  13. Have you tried lowering the Hardness setting in the Tool Bar?
  14. Hey 2006moy - welcome to the forum This tutorial will get you started creating an awesome and unique text: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27764-realistic-roughcast-metal/ (I've always loved this effect ) This one will give you some more hints and tips: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25416-make-3d-stone-text/ Once you have your text sorted there's the flame-like surround. I'll leave this just for now because I can't find a specific tutorial. Good luck! BTW: More text tutorials can be found here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/23-text-effects/
  15. This thread might interest you http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15110-channel-that-hair-colour/
  16. Looks like you should run some diagnostics on your system to verify it's sound.
  17. Aha yes! But our original poster wants to preserve the location - which is why I suggested pasting into a new layer. BTW: nice plugin!
  18. It looks like Layer Saver needs to be recompiled referencing the new DLLs in paint.net 4. Hopefully someone will take this on to help us out. If you still have paint.net 3.5.11 installed, try copying the layer saver folder to that directory and run it from there.
  19. I like this idea Martin. Basics supplied first with the option to drill down for more complex configurations. Logical and user friendly.
  20. Separate all the states to individual layers using the technique: 1. Select state 2. Copy selection (Ctrl + C) 3. Paste into new Layer (Ctrl+Shift + V) 4. Repeat from 1 until finished all states. 5. Save As... a PDN (not PNG) to preserve the layer structure. 6. Close paint.net 7. Download the Layer Saver program & unzip it if it's zipped. 8. Run the Layer Saver app & use it to navigate to the saved file. It will split the layers in the saved file to individual image files. If you can - specify PNG as the format (preserves transparency).
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