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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. I've attached the dll to the first post. No need to be posting alternate links.
  2. I'm not sure the formatting issue is one that the paint.net forum can help with due to the specific nature of the files involved. Have you tried posting your request in a forum for game mods?
  3. I think you are referring to the Halftone effect. Try this thread: Ed Harvey's plugin pack - there's a neat plugin in there that does just this job.
  4. Yes plugins can extend the file types. No they may not replace the existing formats. See this topic Animated PNG. Simon Brown shows one way of working around the problem. In short, he uses the new extension apng within paint.net.
  5. Zoom controls can now be found in the Status Bar. No, it's not possible to move these back into the Tool Bar. Choose Defaults has been relocated from the Tools drop down menu (Tool Bar) to the Settings >> Tools dialog
  6. We already have this plugin Chroma Key from way back in 2008. Perhaps an update was due Thanks for posting this.
  7. Good for you! There is always the fallback F5, F6, F7 & F8 keys - they do the same as the icons.
  8. You're welcome Bruce. This thread is a bit all-over-the-place so I won't pin it. I did start rewriting the tutorial and template - but PDN4 got in the way. Now it's buried under other (more important) projects. Don't worry - it will resurface in one form or another soon(ish).
  9. In either case, SHIFT forces the ellipse shape/selection to be circular.
  10. Reformatted your Gallery Dryda. See PM. Wonderful collection of images you have here
  11. You using the Backspace key or the Delete key following selection with the wand? Backspace fills the selection with the primary color
  12. Support on this forum will be limited to 4.x. That means you may not get help when asking about 3.5.11. If you have the means to upgrade Windows it is highly recommended due to the increasing vulnerability of XP. This alone should be a powerful incentive to upgrade.
  13. Is this good practice or unnecessary? //Cancels by user request. if (IsCancelRequested) { return; }
  14. Welcome to the forum DefendSpan Intersection selection mode retains the overlapping areas between two (or more) selections. You shouldn't need to use this mode for a basic elliptical selection. Choose the default Replace mode and simply click & drag to form the elliptically shaped selection.
  15. Glad you found a solution Minni. The Recolor Tool can be a bit tricky to learn. Without seeing you image or system, it's difficult to explain what the issue was. Could you have had a selection active?
  16. Regardless of the palette, 3.5.11 used to default to B&W. Has this behavior changed in 4.x? I don't recall seeing an option to set the default colors - have I missed it?
  17. It's already a nightmare to maintain the Plugin Index. Authors push out updates and new versions all the time - sometimes without even and update post telling us. Then there are the Plugin Packs IMHO we should tighten the standards around releasing plugins. Example: authors MUST maintain the version number, filename and the other info you mentioned. We really need a BB code to generate the table required to keep it exact. I do log the thread creation date. That tells us how long the plugin has been around. Perhaps we need to add :LastRevisionDate:
  18. This thread has some things you can try to fix this problem: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/ Here's the specific post you should read: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/?p=25659
  19. I just rewrote the documentation for the Magic Wand. It took hours to explain everything properly BoltBait's pic did it in seconds Here's another tip: You know how you can select text by Magic Wanding the background and inverting the selection? Try this: Ctrl + A to select all the layer. Hold Shift (Global selection) + Alt (Subtractive mode) and click on the background. Poof. Gone.
  20. Rick is aware of the issue. Please don't feel your post(s) have been ignored just because they weren't answered in person.
  21. Welcome to the forum Drakeero! The History and Layers can be resized (width vs height). Not so the Tools or Colors Windows. Colors has the expanded or default modes as dictated by the More & Less buttons. All the child windows can be relocated by dragging the title bar. You can even drag them off the canvas or onto another monitor if you have two connected. Note how they snap to the edge of the editing window? Very cool Toggle the windows on or off with the function keys F5, F6, F7 & F8. None of the windows can be changed into a tool bar. Sorry.
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