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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. You provide the code and I'll happily wrap it in a custom UI for you
  2. Surely different sized images would require a different blur setting? I'd like to suggest a blur slider with a range. Perhaps 0 (no blur) through to a radius of 25? (I'm guessing - I haven't played with the prototype yet).
  3. The easiest way to do this is to render the text as per normal spacing with the text tool, then move the words individually. On the text layer, use the Rectangle Select tool to make a selection that covers one entire word. Activate the Move tool and use the left or right arrow keys to move the selection closer to the neighboring word. Repeat as needed. While I'm sure that my Markup Renderer plugin can do this - it's an awfully complex way to achieve it. You would do better to try the above suggestion - it's much easier.
  4. Thanks Pixey. I'm not finished yet - there is a pile of tuts to be shifted across. I do a handful when I get time. All this digging.....
  5. In an effort to clean up the Tutorial section of the forum I've created a new Tutorial sub-forum; the Tutorial Graveyard http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/47-tutorial-graveyard/ As you can probably guess. This is where dead tutorials go. So how exactly does a tutorial die? Well, the easiest way is for the links to the images to become broken. Without images the tutorial becomes frustrating to use. So we 'bin' them Occasionally something is posted which is inappropriate, or is just rubbish. These too will be binned (or deleted). If, as an author of a tut that has been interred in the Graveyard, you wish to restore the images you are free to do so. Encouraged to do so. You can edit your tutorial just like any of your other posts. Replace the links & let a Mod know so the tutorial can be raised from the pile of undead and restore to it's rightful place. Job done. We *may* purge the Tutorial Graveyard from time to time. If you think a tut has been mistakenly placed there - please let a Mod know.
  6. Tutorial Graveyard is up and running http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/47-tutorial-graveyard/ This will help clean up the tutorial section of the forum. I'm currently working my way through a list of dead tuts supplied by Toe-Head (thanks ). If you find a broken tutorial - please let a Mod know and we'll deal with it.
  7. Tutorial images restored and the text cleaned up. Enjoy.
  8. Nice result! Thanks for posting this. What's the font? It has a very appropriate handwritten look to it.
  9. The effect is compatible with paint.net 4.0.5. Look for it in the Effects > Render menu. It's listed as Gird/Checkerboard Maker
  10. I suspect this sort of thing: http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/DuDv_map How about these Water Reflection or Waves or Wet Floor Reflection? Also this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14278-texturize-effect-plugin/
  11. I have no objection to larger images so long as they're within guidelines (800px).
  12. I shall enjoy it immensely. Thank you
  13. In post #3 I mentioned the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. This is what we generally recommend to remove troublesome installations. I'm glad you got this fixed. You must have jumped for joy! ...and now because of the age of this thread - I'm going to close it. <locked>
  14. Each to their own. With Shape3D you don't have the fine control over the individual layers, and making a believable texture from scratch takes considerable skill. Not everyone has the time to learn such techniques or the skill to apply them.
  15. Apart for the randomized option, this plugin might be worth looking at: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26731-trs-halftone-plugin/ (Ed Harvey also has a halftone plugin).
  16. PDF attachment request. Please?
  17. Beautiful. A wonderful tutorial. +1. @racerx has a good point: I'd like to ask for a PDF attachment - if possible. Please? (I can assist if you need help here Pixey).
  18. Thank you Pixey! Dryda got to trial several beta versions - so had lots of play-time with this as I developed it. Thanks Dryda! My thanks also to TechnoRobbo who assisted with a couple of excellent code suggestions, and Red Ochre who also helped with the development.
  19. You are quite right. "Guys" was misplaced. Sorry Seerose. Ms Seerose
  20. Martin Oseika is the developer of this plugin. The website which opens is where you can download his other plugins. I can understand the irritation. I'm sure Martin will sort this out as soon as he has time.
  21. Seerose, Remake, Technorobbo & Midora - thank you. You kind words are much appreciated. @Red Ochre - ignore TeX and LaTeX formats & have a play with the MathML code samples. They have matching opening & closing tags just like the forum tags. The MathML tutorial link in the Help menu is a brilliant introduction to the subject.
  22. Sorted: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31446-dr-scotts-markup-renderer/
  23. A little while back @Drydareelin asked if there was a way to render complex mathematical equations in paint.net. You can imagine how difficult it would be trying to put this little number together... There wasn't an easy way, so I created a little plugin to do the job. Welcome to Dr Scott's* Markup Renderer! What does it do? It takes markup wrapped in an HTML document in the top window and previews it in the bottom window - which is actually a stripped down web browser (IE). With this plugin you can render web pages, tables, text, XML - all kinds of stuff straight to the paint.net canvas. CSS and JavaScript can be used. Rendering of math equations requires an internet connection as I'm using MathJax to perform the rendering (because IE doesn't play nice with MathML). (an identity of Ramanujan) I've placed plenty of sample in the menus to get you started. It's a browser! It is. With an internet connection you can enter URL's in the little address bar and have web pages rendered in the preview panel. Of course this DOES NOT give you permission to rip off graphics you don't own or have the rights to. Normal copyright applies, 'mkay? Installation Download my zipped plugin pack http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/110145-eers-plugin-pack/ Unzip it and run the *.exe. Restart paint.net. Brilliant Eh? BoltBait wrote that installer. He's my hero. Wheres it at? Find the plugin in the Effects > Advanced submenu. Cool Stuff I've stuffed some very cool HTML5 effects into the menus. One even shows animations! Awesome You'll find some helpful reference URL's in the Help menu. Change the code window font and size with those clever little buttons in the micro Tool Bar. Import fonts with the Google Font API and a little JS. See HTML > Headings for a demo. My thanks to Drydareelin for the idea and many suggestions along the development trail. Also to TechnoRobbo who assisted with some excellent code suggestions, and Red Ochre who also helped with the development. Caution #1 The web browser is a bit flaky. No really. I strongly advise you to save your code before rendering or write it in another application and paste it into the code window. I also urge you to hit the COPY button prior to the OK button. This copies the preview panel to the clipboard - so you have a copy if the render fails. Caution #2 Be wary of changing the window size or the web browser font size. Doing so will almost certainly lead to a fail-to-render moment. Refreshing the preview panel by typing in a random character in the code window then deleting it should do the job. I recommend using CSS to control the font size. * I am not a doctor - though I'm frequently mistaken for one. The name is a hat-tip to Dr Seuss - its a long story....
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