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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Try uploading to a Dropbox account. They are easy and free. Copy the link & send it to me in a Private Message (PM). I'll see what I can do.
  2. Drop Shadow takes parameters: X and Y offset, Widening amount (pixels) and a Blur radius. I am not able to check this just now, but what happens if you set x=2, y=2 and Blur=0? A sharp drop shadow?
  3. Why thank you Miss Nite Nurse. If you're going to behave you'll be no fun at all "I've got the power (duck-a-dert [pause] duck-a-dert)". Gee I miss the 80's. Let's see where this tutorial graveyard idea goes...
  4. Excellent rewrite! Thanks toe-y. +1 When using Shape3D to make buttons I like to reduce the Depth Radius. This flattens out the spherical appearance, making the button appear more realistic IMHO. REF: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/17692-how-to-draw-pips-with-a-concave-appearance/?hl=%2Bdished+%2Bbutton#entry304988
  5. If you want a sharp drop shadow do it this way without step #4 http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/1900-shadow-effect-plugin-like-google-maps/page-3?hl=%2Bgaussian+%2Bblur#entry409822
  6. I'm about to release my "Markup Renderer" plugin. This might extend the possibilities to transform text as it allows HTML + CSS + JavaScript to be rendered to the canvas. I'm planning to release it this weekend.
  7. Partial Workaround: Use solid filled rectangle for yellow highlighting, 3px Paintbrush for blue/red (left mouse/right mouse) and Pencil for thin lines?
  8. You guys are awesome I like the idea of a repository for locked tutorials. I'll raise this with the proper authorities.
  9. A vinyl what?? What do you do with it? Excellent tutorial! I like this and the result.
  10. Exactly why I dislike deleting tutorials just because they lack images. If they are locked their remains might be picked over in the future. Here's two that I feel could be revived if you fancy a project... http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12211-the-easy-button-tutorial/ http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13799-making-the-windows-media-player-11-play-button-long/
  11. I have. Thank you so much Pixey. I'll try to use my new powers for good. Evil is, however, very tempting at times
  12. DPI (dots per inch) are not relevant to the image size when expressed in pixels. 360dpi x 12" is simply another way of saying the image is 360 x 12 = 4320 pixels wide. As Students, they should be able to do the math to work out the dimensions of the cropped area: 300dpi x 4 inches = 1200px 300dpi x 6 inches = 1800px There is an option to set the rectangle selection tool to a fixed size with units of inches, centimeters or pixels. Set the Fixed Size option in the Tool Bar (with the rectangle select tool active). Set the units to Pixels and type in the above dimensions. Click on the image and drag to position the selection then his Ctrl + Shift + X to perform the cropping operation. Easy.
  13. I'm unsure of the plugins you have (dpy's plugin pack?), but they will almost certainly work on a single letter at a time. Of course this means running the plugin MANY times to complete a single sentence. In all cases I would place each letter on it's own transparent layer. This is so the letter can be resized, rotated and moved independently of all the other letters. Edit: Absolutely ninja'd by Pixey.
  14. Can do. I had spotted this myself. I've been deleting some threads. If the tutorial is unworthy AND lacks images it dies. If the tutorial is worthy AND the author is still around they get a PM from me asking if they can restore the lost images. If there is some merit to an imageless tutorial I lock it. I will definitely be taking a less-than-generous approach in future.
  15. You used the Windows Installer CleanUp utility? (just checking ) Try running it again & see if it picks up any sign of paint.net residing on your system.
  16. Welcome to the forum Rich Homie Crab! Do you mean that your line is composed of dots and you want a continuous line? This is a setting in the Tool Bar when the line/curve tool is active. Sounds like you might have the third option selected - click on the first one (Solid) to make the line continuous. To make the line/curve tool default to this setting, edit the default settings under Settings > Tools
  17. There is a plugin which duplicates the technique Pixey linked to. Find it here extract color
  18. I think this might work for you: Paste all your frames to separate layers then crop them all on one go by making a selection and pressing Ctrl + Shift + X.
  19. Sounds like the file has become corrupted. Without a copy of it it is difficult to tell. I wasn't aware that GIMP opened PDN files. Try zipping the file and posting it as an attachment to one of your posts in this thread. If it has become corrupted, you might be able to restore a recent version by right clicking on the file and selecting "restore previous version" from the context sensitive menu.
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