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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Not wishing to bad-mouth TR's excellent Export Selection, but wouldn't Layer Saver do the job without the selections?
  2. Auto will maximize the width within the parent container (inside the margins, padding, etc...,). Are you sure that's going to translate well? A single column table is always going to be massively wide for example. WRONG! 60% was a trade off - wide enough to have several readable columns, but not so wide that one or two columns look silly.
  3. Ok, we've sorted out some basic table tags to use on the forum. [table][row][cell]cell1[/cell][cell]cell2[/cell][cell]cell3[/cell][/row][row][cell]cell4[/cell][cell]cell5[/cell][cell]cell6[/cell][/row][/table] generates this, rather plain looking but functional table.. cell1 cell2 cell3 cell4 cell5 cell6 You can alter the text within the table with normal forum BB codes. Like this: cell1 cell2 cell3 cell4 cell5 cell6 Usage: Cell tags need to be nested inside a set of Row tags. You can use multiple Cells inside a single row. Row tags need to be nested inside a set of Table tags. You can use multiple Rows in a table. I recommend placing the entire table on a single line. The forum adds line-feeds after the table if you spread the tags over multiple lines.
  4. Nope. Sorry. I don't think this exists. When this sort of question is asked, we generally point Users to this thread http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20764-pictures-side-by-side-before-and-after-images/
  5. 2dImageFilter-r133.dll is not showing up for me under the previous Effects > Hawkynt submenu. Where is it located?
  6. I'm not sure I understand the terms "compiler/decompiler" with respect to GIF. Are you wanting to create an animated gif? Or do you want to export a gif as some sort of formatted data stream?
  7. As far as I know HTML codes are disabled. I did try this sort of BB code modification very recently. The table shows up fine, but the fields are not editable. I'll send you a PM...
  8. The trouble with unmodified fonts is that they are built to be viewed one way. Turning them over via an ambigram is probably not going to produce the desired results. A well chosen font will make roughing out an ambigram easier though.
  9. If you're wanting a high quality print - a good guide is 300 dpi (as a minimum). Commercial print houses generally ask for this resolution - so I recommend it for commercial print jobs. 96 DPI is the resolution of most 'regular' monitors. Printed at this resolution, an image generally looks awful. Trust me. For home use the range of 150 to 200 DPI is generally acceptable. Of course higher = better quality.
  10. When making this one The technique I found most useful was to understand that the right hand side of the image is a rotational transformation of the left. So, what I did was just focused just on the left hand side. When I had finished changes I duplicated the layer and rotated the new layer by 180 degrees. I used paint.net's built in rotate/Zoom tool (press Ctrl + Shift + Z). The outer ring of the roll control + the Shift key makes rotations by 180 degrees easy. The Pan control makes it easy to realign the rotated image to line up with the left.
  11. There is no automatic technique available. The few that you'll see on the forum have been crafted by hand. @pyrochild has a neat one in his sig (by @Kemaru) and I crafted one for BoltBait here http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8128-image-hospital-help-with-image-problems-here/page-36#entry402296
  12. 8.5 x 300 = 2550 and 11 x 300 = 3300 correct. RE: 25.56" x 34.38" I'm not sure where these figures came from. Have you set the DPI to 300? Are you looking at a unit of centimeters? Our poster stated the finished print size (11" x 18") and the resolution (300DPI). It's a simple multiplication.
  13. Find a list of incompatible plugins here http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27661-incompatible-plugins-an-incomplete-list-updated-for-405284/
  14. Multiply the size in inches by 300 and you'll get the image size in pixels. 11 x 300 = 3300 18 x 300 = 5400
  15. In WhichSymbol+ I use a behind the scenes XML save/load to persist the history buttons (I.e. the previous 10 symbols). So its certainly possible.
  16. There are several RAW file loaders. According to post #3 in the thread, this one appears to work with NEF formats http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=30007
  17. Plugin author MTK hasn't frequented the forum for many years. Don't hold out hope of an 'official' update. ^^ this solution is my recommendation.
  18. TechnoRobbo extracted the full set of PDN 4 icons for the documentation update. I have a zip file. Let's see what we can do...
  19. At Seerose's request this thread has been moved to the Beginners section.
  20. For this you can use the Magic Wand 1. Activate the magic wand 2. Lower the Tolerance in the Tool Bar to zero. 3. Hold down the Shift key (to force a Global selection) and click on a pixel of the target color. The number of pixels selected is shown in the Status Bar. What just happened here? Well, zero Tolerance means only pixels of an exact color match to the one clicked on will be added to the selection. The Shift key forces the selection to Global which adds every pixel in the layer which satisfies the Tolerance setting (exact matches). In short we're selecting every pixel in the layer which exactly matches the one you clicked on. The number of pixels in the selection is shown in the Status Bar.
  21. With a custom Winform UI you can have your own progress bar. Planetoid uses an animation as a progress bar. Most of TechnoRobbo's plugins have custom progress bars too.
  22. The link in this pinned thread might have the answer http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/22046-tutorial-how-to-use-indirectui-rules/
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