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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Found a bug in 4.0.4 which also appears in 4.0.5. When using the outer ring in the roll control with the Shift key - the increments do not cover the entire circular range. In 3.5.11 the outer ring + Shift gave us 45 degree increments right around the circle. In 4.0.4/5 the range extends from only from +/- 60 in 15 degree increments. I can't use the Shift option to set the ring control to 135 degrees for example.
  2. The blue tint in a selection is an indicator that aids identification of the selection. It is removed when another tool is selected (so it does not interfere with color perception). What you can do is simply switch to another tool without changing the selection, e.g. activate the Move Tool then go ahead and modify the Brightness. The outline will persist.
  3. Rick (paint.net developer) has a very specific set of access permissions/limitations in place for plugins. Currently they have access to the active layer only. I don't see this changing any time soon. For a more complete list of what plugins can and cannot do See Here
  4. I'll add a copy of this plugin pack to the first post later today (if I have it - which is not guaranteed).
  5. I'm sure Pyrochild will be along shortly to perform the necessary promotion. Congrats Pixey!
  6. You can also do this with the Panelling plugin. Then you can then repeat the effect on another layer (with the same settings) using Ctrl + F.
  7. I don't recall such a plugin. I suspect the poster is describing a recoloring technique. One primary and one secondary is all we get. That's all
  8. This conversation is nearly three years old. If you would like to restart this discussion, please just start a new thread. Thanks. <closed>
  9. The Comp Hosts (present and former) and forum staff will be happy to help any aspiring applicants into a new role. Being a competition host takes commitment, but the role is not onerous. I would like to thank Daniels for the work done. You've done a marvelous job!
  10. Hi fleming, welcome to the forum. There is no option to resize the canvas other than using the Resize dialog. You can... 1. Define a rectangular selection and crop the image to that selection. 2. Define a selection and use the move tool to enlarge or shrink it (canvas remains the same size). 3. Zoom in or out (Ctrl + mouse wheel). What are you trying to achieve?
  11. The Circle Text plugin that BoltBait suggested is the place to start. As you pointed out, you want an oval or an elliptical shape to fit your image. Try this... 1. Use the plugin on a transparent layer to render the text in a circular shape. 2. Select the entire layer with Ctrl + A 3. Activate the Move tool (press M). 4. Grab the control nub at the top center of the layer and drag it downwards. You may need to reposition the text over the banner & fiddle with the text size to get it perfect.
  12. Check the file name and extension carefully. I suspect you may have appended a .jpg extension. Feel free to upload the file if my hunch is incorrect.
  13. It's not up to the Administrators, just Rick. It's his party and he calls the shots.
  14. The other thing is the image size. They should be resize to a maximum of 800px wide. This is one of the Forum Rules
  15. Ah! I haven't downloaded it yet (on my tablet). Thanks ReMake!
  16. Nicely laid out tutorial. Thanks for posting it. I'm going to make a few suggestions... 1. You're using Drop Shadow to outline the text. You might want to mention the other plugins (Outline) that do the same job. 2. There is no need to move the ellipse, or manually erase any of it. Select the inside of the text, invert the selection with Ctrl + I then activate the ellipse layer and press Delete.
  17. We need to sort that out How about posting the code so we can assist?
  18. 3.5.11 was the version immediately prior to 4.x. If you have it installed on your Netbook then simply keep using it. No one is asking you to remove it. I myself have a copy of 3.5.11 on an ancient XP laptop. I use it as a point of reference when I can't remember how things used to work prior to 4.x
  19. The jagged edges can generally be removed by applying AA's Assistant. For simple black/white background removals I generally use AlphaSpace, though Grim Color Reaper will remove a wider range of colors. For complex backgrounds, try this tutorial http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14090-remove-tricky-backgrounds/
  20. Forget plugins. You'll need to compose it manually from the component images using Layers > Import from file. Start with a really big canvas. There is no plugin which will assist except for TR's Pseudosnap which will help you align the images to a grid.
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