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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. You cannot change this behavior. It's built in. Unnamed/new single layered images are saved as a *.PNG, multiple layered images are saved as a *.PDN. Paint.net does not save new images as a JPG unless you tell it to on an individual basis. If you want to save an image as a JPG use File > Save As... Paint.net will save an existing image in the same format (i.e if you opened an existing JPG file - and didn't add any new layers, or flattened the layers before you save).
  2. Hey Tears - welcome to the forum First - relax. This should be easy once you learn how. 1. Let's open the beige base image first. Got it open? Cool. 2. Got to the Layers Menu and click "Import from File". Browse to your flower image. Select it and hit Ok. 3. Now you should have two layers in the Layers window. See them? Great. The flower layer should be highlighted. If it isn't, click on it in the Layers Window to make it the active layer. 4. Activate the Magic Wand tool 5. Click on the white background which surrounds the flowers. If the selection doesn't include all of the background, increase the Tolerance in the Tool Bar. 6. Press Delete on your keyboard. Presto! Flowers on a beige background! 7. VERY IMPORTANT >> Save as a *.pdn file. You do this to preserve the layer structure. notes: Step #2 - the images should be of very similar size. If the imported image is larger, the canvas with base image will be enlarged to accommodate the larger image. You need one of a couple of plugins to soften the edges of the flowers. We'll attack this once you have the image basically right. Ok?
  3. Adding to Red's answer; With paint.net 4x, hovering the mouse over a plugin in a menu shows a tooltip. The DLL and author are named which aids plugin identification. There is no way to edit the list of installed plugins except by removing or deleting the container DLL and restarting paint.net.
  4. @ Skullbonz - your "cabin in the woods" image has been added to the Galleria. Congratulations. (thank goodness I didn't need to eat my mouse!)
  5. Then you just have to accept that it's old and cannot support new software. Rick is the developer of paint.net. He doesn't need the extra work involved porting brand new code to an old OS. Then there is the testing. It all accounts for a lot of time that could be spent developing new features and enhancements. As others have pointed out - you can still use the previous version of paint.net (3.5.11). It's still a brilliant image editor.
  6. Skully - if that doesn't end up in the Galleria I'll eat my mouse. Awesome work!
  7. Hi Javierao - welcome to the forum. As this is not a tutorial, I've moved to paint.net Discussion & Questions section of the forum. Try this: 1. Open the first (main) image. 2. Use Layers > Import from File to import the other three images. Note: if the size of your imported images is larger than the first image, the canvas may be resized to encompass the larger size. Note #2: if the imported images are smaller, they may need to be dragged out larger to fill the canvas.
  8. It sounds like you would be better with a word processor, not an image editor. Pixey's explanation works is you have an image file you can open with paint.net. I'm not making any such assumption What is the file extension? The three or four character code following the period in the file name? Alternatively, what program opens the file when you double-click on it?
  9. You're doing it hard Nimral. To cut out an irregular shape from a uniform background (including transparent background) try this: 1. Activate the Magic Wand tool 2. Click anywhere on the uniform background. 3. Adjust the Tolerance to find tune the selection to the edges of the object (if required). 4. Press Delete. To crop to the shape, repeat steps 2 & 3 then press Ctrl + I to invert the selection then Ctrl + Shift + X.
  10. What format is your document? *.PDF, *.DOC, *.TXT, *.HTML or some sort of image file? More information please.
  11. Paint.net is an image editor. With it you can create the button image and banner image. For any sort of interactivity (clicking, redirecting) you're going to need some sort of programming environment - it sounds like a job for HTML. <Moved to paint.net Discussion & Questions & merged with duplicate topic>
  12. It depends on how you created the padding. If it is transparent (let's hope so) then this will work: 1: Open the image. 2: Create a new layer and move it below the image layer. 3: fill the new layer with black. 4: Save As... a *.pdn to preserve the layer structure. 5: Save As.. your preferred image format - flattening when you are prompted to.
  13. Faster too. You don't waste bandwidth on the ads.
  14. How are you trying to unlock them? Are you following these instructions? https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php
  15. You need a control like this...which I've sent you a copy of Pink control nub has been moved, the others are in their default location.
  16. As far as I'm aware Winform and WPF are different toys from the same toy box. I'm pretty sure WPF could be used. Seems a lot of work as you're going to have to recreate all the controls. I'll send you something via PM later. An intro to the winform template. You might find it of interest in your quest.
  17. Custom controls are easily added to plugins made with the Winform template. Example, Planetoid. It has custom color pickers, double sliders and a really cool roll control. All courtesy of TechnoRobbo.
  18. Grey box. Top left of the UI = node instructions. You can add and remove nodes at you leisure There is one continuous line. I don't think it will be possible to add more. @TR - another remarkable plugin. Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to see its development.
  19. Some controls have already been published: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31390-hex-color-wheel Here's some other interesting links for you... BTW You know Evan open-sourced his plugins didn't you? The link is broken - and I can't find a copy. Maybe someone else will be nice and post it.
  20. Last four images are just.... Wow. I particularly like the purple abstract. It has an enormous magnetic pull for me. I have revisited it several times just for another look. In fact, I'm going to nominate it for the Galleria...
  21. I'm not going to delete this thread. I just didn't see the connection. Your explanation is an excellent justification for this thread. Thanks.
  22. Welcome back Dryda! This plugin was created for you so I expect some examples to be posted Good luck with your studies. I hope the plugin makes those posters a breeze to construct.
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