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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. @racerx - that image was far too 'adult' for this forum. Please remember that we pride ourselves on being "family friendly".
  2. Correct. PDN is paint.nets internal image format which preserves the layer structure. Once an image has been flattened and saved only a single layer exists. Its not possible to reformat the image into the original layers. Think of it like baking a cake. Once you mix the ingredients in a bowl you're not getting that flour back!
  3. Yes it matters. The album cover example was (I'm assuming by the language used) hypothetical. Ripping off other peoples artwork cannot be condoned and is illegal.
  4. Yes there is hope! With the Gridwarp plugin your image is overlaid with a resizable grid. The grid intersections (nodes) are able to be dragged, moving the relevant area of the image. Try it. Its deceptively easy to use.
  5. Its telling you that there isn't enough spare memory to complete the paste operation. This can be an indication that you have a corrupt memory module, or that you simply had too much other stuff going on simultaneously. Try closing all other background applications to free up memory. Multiple images, especially very large ones with many layers, will also eat up memory. Again, close as many as you can. If this problem persists, please post the contents of the Settings > Diagnostics tab from paint.net so we can see your system specs. Number of images, size and number of layers will also be useful information.
  6. Easiest method is to download a plugin called CodeLab. It's a plugin that makes plugins! Tutorials: http://www.BoltBait.com (@BoltBait is a forum Admin and developer of CodeLab) Beginner steps series by @ReMake: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31626-codelab-first-steps-linesgrid/ and http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31644-codelab-first-steps-saturation-rgb/
  7. Paint.net is evolving. Rick continues to make it break new ground with features and enhancements. Of course these often have much deeper ramifications than are immediately obvious. For example: I once suggested that an Alpha Mask would make a fine layer blend mode. I could think of many applications for it off the top of my head. It was a winning idea. I thought everyone would love it. I would bask in the reflected glory of my cleverness once it was implemented. Then Rick pointed out that it would change the PDN filetype - quite possibly breaking previously created files. You can imagine how unpopular that would be. Slam dunk. Ouch (I still think it would be brilliant ) This incident made me realize how deeply these things must be thought through. I'm often astonished at the amount of planning Rick puts in. He is both extremely clever and VERY thorough. We benefit from a developer with this amount of devotion. In summary - ideas are fine. Encouraged. Let's discuss them like here http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31636-color-blindness-usability-issuerequest/. If Rick likes an idea he might even put it on the wish list. Critiquing* paint.net for not having feature xyz is just unhelpful. * I'm not saying you did this. It just came across a bit like that.
  8. If you're going to cut bits out of a single layered image you're going to end up with holes. That's a fact of life. There are a few techniques to filling up those holes. Doing it to a high standard (i.e. optically difficult to detect) is going to become more difficult as the background gets more complex. Often it's easier just to recreate the artwork from scratch.
  9. Completely disagree. You might consider it "pretty basic" but you don't know how paint.net is internally structured. I can guarantee the underlying architecture is a hell of a lot more complex than you imagine. I also think this comment is quite disrespectful to Rick. Remember, he puts a huge amount of effort into paint.net and makes it available for free. It's how paint.net functions. We've "lived with" this as long as paint.net has been around.
  10. I think you might find this template easier to use: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26034-propertybasedfiletype-template-using-indirectui/ The UI is mostly created for you. All you need to do is populate it with any option controls that you might need. The save process is that paint.net gives you a Stream to save to. It handles all the file selection dialog stuff for you. All you need to do is to manipulate the data and feed it to the stream. I said "All you need to do" but it's obviously serious stuff if you're not familiar with C#. What format of filetype are you trying to create? Are you supporting both loading and saving? What level of coding do you have? I'm asking this so we can talk at your level - not to discourage you. you might find this thread interesting: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20538-ora-attempt/ It details the evolution of a filetype plugin.
  11. Try Print It. It has a wonderful set of printing options.
  12. It will help to use paint.net's "fixed size" option with the Rectangle Selection Tool. Find it in the Toolbar when the Rectangle Selection tool is active. Set it to use Pixels and type in the size (width, height) you want. Clicking will now create the correct sized selection box. For the displacement, use the Status bar - it shows the cursor position. You'll need 0,0 then 25,0 followed by 50,0 etc... Of course change the offset to what you wish. Important: The texture should "wrap" at the end of the sequence. I.e the right hand side shoul match the left hand side. This is so there will not be a visible join. One last trick. Once you have all the planets rendered, rotate each by around 15 degrees. That will make the planet spin on an angled axis. Very cool
  13. "Enhance 224 176." "Enhance. Stop." "Move in. Stop." "Pull out, track right. Stop." "Center and pull back. Stop." "Track 45 right. Stop." "Center and stop." No matter how many times I say this to paint.net it never works. Do I need a plugin? PLEEZZZZZZZZzzzzz HEELLLpppppp!!!!!!!
  14. Sorry Gerrit, that is the best workaround I have. The plugin was not made with animations in mind. I am not entertaining the idea of revisiting the code in order to implement this feature - I have too much else to do.
  15. Very nice set of transitions Midora! Thanks.
  16. Hey Gerrit - thanks for the compliment! You've made my day. I don't think that the plugin would easily lend itself to this type of modification. But I have a cunning plan: The plugin will use a selection to render a planet. So if you make a wide 2D map (using Planetoid's 2D map option), then you can make successive rectangular selections to render a planet from each. I'd do something like this... 2. Duplicate the base layer 23 times (23 + the original = 24). 3. Make a rectangular selection starting from 0,0 and run Planetoid to get the correct settings. 4. Activate the next layer and make another selection this time starting at +25,0 or 25 pixels to the right of the last selection. 5. Press Ctrl + F to repeat Planetoid on the new selection. 6. Repeat 4 and 5 as many times as you like. you should end up with a series of planets of individual layers, each a slight rotation from the last.
  17. This tutorial might be useful: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/20608-extreme-hdr-tutorial/ Not forgetting this plugin TR's HDR-ish
  18. I think Metallize would have a hand in anything I attempted to recreate this effect. I used these settings on the upper layer (after I duplicated of the original layer). Then lowered the opacity of the upper (metallized) layer to 99. Hardest bit was taking the selfie
  19. Here's a great resource: http://cloford.com/resources/colours/500col.htm It names 500+ colors. If you asked REALLY nicely - some very helpful person might provide a plugin which shows a similar list. Another option is to encourage a plugin author to modify an existing plugin (@midora's Color Harmonies might be a candidate).
  20. @Leigh56 - This thread is four years old. It no longer current. If you wish to raise this as a topic, please just start a new thread. You should also update your version of paint.net to the latest one. It's free. I urge to to do this because there is no support for earlier versions. <closed>
  21. Have you erased the contents of those two folders then?
  22. You have many that are incompatible with paint.net 4, and some files that should not be in there. I agree with midora, it looks like you installed some stupid mega pack. For your sake I hope it wasn't named Megalo: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28270-megalo-virus/ The solution is to delete the entire contents of both the /Effects/ and /Filetypes/ folders as BoltBait advised and start again.
  23. I think you've got it toe-head! @Bloodymage - I've split this series of posts out of the thread that you replied to. Your problem with pdf's is nothing to do with the subject of that thread. Please try the F1 key again. Open paint.net so that the main screen is in front of you. Press the F1 key (top left of your keyboard right next to the Esc key). Alternatively, click the little blue question mark in the top right of the paint.net screen. Then click Help. Does that take you to the online documentation? If it doesn't, click this link: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/index.html
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