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  1. Thank you both for your reply's Much appreciated. jaysto80
  2. Having created a background picture 10x5 inches, i then go to import a picture from file, this is now bigger than my background picture and so iI now reduce it in size only to find that my background picture has shrunk to less than half it's original size how can i maintain the back ground picture to it's original size of 10x5 inches Thank you enidan80
  3. Thank you Pixey Let me have a go with that I will advise you if I have been successful enidan80
  4. Pixey, My problem is this I create a white background say 8" wide by 6" tall I then go to import from file, the import is 6" tall and 5" it is at this point that the background changes to the 6"x5 I hope I have explained this so as you understand my problem. Thank you for ,your reply. enidan80.
  5. Having created a white back ground how do I fix it so I can introduce cut out characters without the background changing shape. any help? thank you Enidan80
  6. Having created a white background with a size of 800x600 pixels. I now try to introduce a picture using import from file , the back ground pixels now change to a different size, how do I fix the background pixels to stop this happening. Thank you enidan80
  7. I have the latest paint .NET installed. Now most of the tutorials I have found require the earlier version 3.5. I have tried downloading this but it appears to become part of version 4 How can I correct this and have the two version on my desktop Thank you for any help endian88.
  8. Having established a background picture I now wish to place another on it. I choose the picture and copy it to the clipboard, I then get the following message "not enough memory to paste from the clipboard". the desktop computer has 4Gbs of memory installed usable about %3.75. I think I have shut down every thing that uses memory but this caption still keeps popping up. Any help would be appreciated enidan80
  9. Yes the last picture does have selection lines round it and I can move them, but the picture remains static. All the pictures are saved as PDN files. what is even strange is the the first picture on the background will move and resize with no problem at all. Thank you for your reply much appreciated. enidan80
  10. Hello, Having created a background picture I have now added to the background another picture by going to, Layers import from file, this works fine I can resize it and move it around ok Now I try to add another picture using them same procedure, I can neither move this one or reduce it in size. can any one help me. Thank you enidan80
  11. Hello, Having removed the background of a subject I am left with a faint outline if the original picture can anyone advise me as to how also remove this the magic wand doesn't do it nor the eraser. Thank you. enidan80.
  12. The document is a copy of an order list for medications, these need to be altered from time to time, if there is a simpler way to do this it would save time having to re-type a new document.when the medication changes I don't think there is a format, just need to remove the existing entry and then type a new entry where the removed one was. I hope that helps. (and makes sense..!) Thank you both for your replies enidan80
  13. Hello, I have a copied document that I would like to alter some of the text on it, I have found I can remove certain lines in the document by selecting them and deleting them but can't insert new text in the now empty space, can any one help me. Thank you enidan80
  14. Many Thanks to you both I shall give your suggestions a try. enidan80
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