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Everything posted by oma

  1. nope its actually a brush but looks like a frame. works in brushes give me about 5 mins and I'll upload a picture to my gallery where I've used this brush. I'm just about done just waiting for photobucket to smarten up and work properly. one thing I did want to ask was were you all just adding file from your computor for link of the brush or are you adding a file from photobucket or da. I'd prefer to use da but not surehow to do that. .
  2. OMA's gold frame I designed as a brush, best option if used with right button on mouse. but it also works in the frame plugin if kept to smaller sizes.
  3. get off it sabrown not every problem is a major program change. if it its only a little small area all one solid color all the person has to do is take the eyedroper :ColorPicker: left clik on the color he wants and then set the and set toleance to 0 left clik area he wants to change. use paint brush, or bucket fill the other color. if you need a more complicated picture with shading etc. done post in the image hospital with details of what you exactly require, and someone will try to help you out more fully.
  4. actually the name of the abstract is misleading. My thoughts of abstract art is really refelected here in this link http://painting.about.com/od/abstractar ... ct_art.htm . this is the paragraph from above link that most explains how I define abstract Also generally classified with abstract art are figurative abstractions and paintings which represent things that aren't visual, such an emotion, sound, or spiritual experience. Figurative abstractions are abstractions or simplifications of reality, where detail is eliminated from recognisable objects leaving only the essence or some degree of recognisable form. For me its generally an emotion expressed as a solid thing. IE: my picture light having a voice. we all know light doesn't speak so what conveys that in a picture. light is bright so yellow, has a voice so the red for the tongue, I'm thinking it should be a sharp sound and hard so the little solid boxes, it would need a mouth so round edges. just some of my thoughts as I'm thinking I do the most abstract art among us all. if we go by the detail eliminated from recognizable objects only leaving the essence line then topzia is in correct area, as this definitely is recognizable as a fantasy cave? remember 9/10Ths of making an art piece abstract is the NAME. perhaps we should have a fantasy area as well? I'll leave that to you all to decide and bring to the mods.
  5. yes I know stocks and renders are a bit difficult for the newbies to cut and work in properly, but I also think you have much much more potential and I'd hate to see you get pigeon holled into being known as just the sig guy. :wink:
  6. not bad, not a bad gallery you show artistic promise in your compositions of sigs . I'm not really into the dark color scheme but understand that's your style. I would love to see some actual 100% paint.net work though. from scratch screen to finished work with no outside paste ins. A bit of a depature from your safe zone. Even a few pictures of a different sort just to broaden your artistic abilities. I would like to eventually see some original full pictures from you as I'm sure they will be awesome. I'll be checking back often to see how you progess as I feel you are another up and coming paint.net artist. ciao OMA
  7. my best tips practise and practise, most of all have fun. draw from the heart thru the fingers to the screen.
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    "All wraped up in plastic" really big version on da ]link use the magnifying glass feature to bring up mega size.
  9. @jeffrey032 that's pretty nice looking, you show lots of promise, I can't wait until you've been around here for a bit longer and have practised a bit more. You will certainly be one to watch. here is one I've been toying with for awhile. call it " All wraped up in plastic" larger version will be in my gallery on page 3 near the bottom. its a shiny one and the little thumb here just doesn't show how shiny it is.
  10. just to let you know this feature also doesn't work for me.
  11. Hi Sozo nice gallery. As I was reviewing your pictures my hubby OPA came and looked over my shoulder. His comment was that he liked that picture of the moon. He meant your signature, and he wants me to try and make one the same. I think he has more confidence in my artistic ability than I do. my favourite is that manip with the wood and different colors. that reminds me of andy warhol.
  12. oma

    my lovely work

    very pretty and vibrant. welcome to forum. as previous person said a bit of aa on the flower petals is all its missing. hope to see some more art from you soon. ciao OMA <<=====(that means grandmother)
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    perhaps when scriptlab is working again. I didn't save much as I was going along.
  14. we don't have airbrush but yes painting it out is an option depends on what's in the background. #1 make a duplicate of your picture and work on the duplicate first if you are unfamiliar with the program if its small inperfections try clone first. read this its about the best explination http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/CloneStamp.html
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no too many variables it doesn't translate well to a tut. I'm working trying to see if I can make brushes that people can stretch and manipulate. fair sucess so far with them, still in the test stage. ciao
  16. each image is a bit different. have you tried cloning it out? or cutting the portion with your wife out to a separate layer and blurring out the background? we have an image hospital under the pictorium if no one comes back to help you more you could try posting the picture there. if you don't want to show peoples faces just pixelate that portion when you post the picture. ciao
  17. @Valor Knight I love this one with the tulips. Makes me think spring is just around the corner. Good choice of saying. ciao
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I did a hit and miss picture awhile back about pouring water and couldn't reproduce but I think I finally managed to replicate again on a smaller scale.
  19. @Max power that road one is real good. nothing wrong with those mountains. maybe add a bit of snow up top . the sky is real nice I know how difficult it is to get realistic looking clouds, those you have a very good. road a bit rough, and have you worked with shadows yet? that will give depth to the trees. overall a great picture loads of potential. @jedi 12 great picture. sun needs a bit of work maybe a bit more fade out towards the outer edge. grass is good, but think the guy that owns this lawn needs to buy a lawn mower. @jannetsue where is the world is your gallery gal? I've been checking everyday for your work. share share share!!!! I just love all your pictures from the past and I'm so looking forward to seeing what you've been working on lately. @tourist you are really going to town on those brushes. I actually like this one more. @prettydarnneat. Wow! nice one. maybe a bit of radial blur to smooth out the edges of that chrome ball and some sort of stand or something to explain why its sitting up there in the air. Those reflections you have are really good, reminds me of Ash's tray with the balls. Oh I hope I haven't missed anyone. everything in this gallery is looking so good. here's my little offering, I did a hit and miss picture awhile back about pouring water and couldn't reproduce but I think I finally managed to replicate again on a smaller scale. larger one is in my gallery. page 3 ciao
  20. @k.digennaro you've come a long way ! I remember when ms paint was the cats meow with you. good work Kevin. I think you are finally starting to realize the full potential of what this program has to offer. Your pictures are starting to show much more depth and are starting to be more thought provoking. excellent work....shows what practice does. ciao
  21. well Mike I'm one who looked at sabrown's post and didn't answere as I didn't know the answere. OMA might I just say also that if you all do have a dedicated area of plug in writing maybe you should teach each other the proper way to release it to us peasants. there should be proper screen shots and a proper discription of what exactly the plug in is supposed to do. Not picking on you sabrown but case in point that custom frame plugin. the way you worded that it looked just like a simple semi transparent square box around a picture. definetly not correct. It was only after Madjik looked at the code it was explained. I'm not a code writter or even really familiar with code but I think if the source had been there with the plugin I'd have figured out it did more than just put a semi transparent box around my picture.
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    excellent topezia! observant as always. remember I'd said it was inspired by the movie I'd just seen the night before. there were faces carved on the underwater temple walls. :wink: ciao OMA
  23. polar! just got to love it. big fan of that plugin myself. ciao OMA
  24. great work in your gallery have to agree with pyrochild that first wallpaper is super. In fact its probably one of the best I've seen. truly great work. ciao OMA
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