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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    ah guys thanks you are all a bunch of sweeties. I'm sure it is not what he meant as well only why would someone be jealous.... don't forget all that I've been here for a lot longer than most of you. I've probably spent more time in art museums admiring paintings than most of you have days in your lives so far. If truth be told I envy many of you the early start at art you all have. I can see greatness in art in many of your futures. And the ones who never get to be great artistic people I see many happy and joyful hours ahead of you in a good clean rewarding hobby. ciao OMA ps I updated to IE8 last night and only just now realized there was not a spell check expect I'll spend an large amount of time editing posts.
  2. actually I checked your da gallery, you have some nice work, but be warned there are so so many sig tuts its hard to come up with original ideas. Its not a mark of merit to write a tut and not something you have to do to be part of this forum. look forward to viewing your gallery once you have it up and running. ciao OMA PS sometimes when I need to do a screen capture to answere a question, I zoom in a bit before I press print screen then crop out the extra screen portion not needed. not sure what you are working on but perhaps try zoom first. Becareful downloading screencapture programs there are loads with virus.
  3. did you post in your gallery the picture of what you will attempt a tut on? generally it should be something exceptional that makes others stand up and say wow! (and by that I don't mean another bunch of newbies but those that have been around and using the program awhile, something exceptional, something original)
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Welshblue.... I guess it wouldn't be very nice to go place a nasty in his gallery would it? I'm tempted. although I actually think his wording isn't what he meant to say, or maybe it was. As I said his lose. I guess he goes on my don't answere any of his questions list. ciao OMA
  5. oma

    Oma's gallery

    pardon? in what way? sorry I guess I won't be having you visit my gallery too many more times. your lose..
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    this one not too long its not an over complicated piece. off and on ,,, perhaps 8 hours total only on this item. But that's just because I got side tracked testing out some color variations and alternate placement ideas, and had to backtrack then come forward again several times. most abstracts take me several days, I may only work on each 1/2 hour at a time for several days then have a real inspiration spurt and go non stop 3 to 5 hours until its done. Keep in mind my computor renders slowly (its old like me) and my eyes are not the best so its zoom in and out for clear viewing. If my hands are sore more time gets added. Each abstract is different time wise. Some just flow others are beasts to complete. ciao OMA
  7. you didn't really give enough info but perhaps you should check BoltBaits plug in pkg. there is a transparency there. also you did realize that there is an option in blend modes of your layers for amount of transparency. ciao
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    actually it this plugin viewtopic.php?f=16&t=30583 I'm starting some test images using it. renders quick and I seem to have more control over what I end up with. song was "mellow yellow" by Donavan 1960's tune. very acid trippy. ciao OMA (thanks for looking)
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    20027 inspired by a song.
  10. @Ace9star9 that is a lovely sword for one of your first images. well done. @EverHeat bite the bullet jump in there and try the tut. you have to get those feet wet sometime or other. ciao OMA
  11. thanks you. glad you liked it after all. the colorization may look wonky as I had to make sure there was enough contrast each stage to get the gold shine I was going for as the end project. Each colorization addition I had to check when the the image was done in gold it would turn up properly, color combos are not as I would do if left in colored version. Actual elephant skin would be darker but this did not lend itself to gold too well. Add to that it required everything have texture, so some items look odd. Generally when I receive a comment from someone I judge merit and weight by looking at their gallery. Can not seem to find one for you? ciao OMA
  12. I know I'm a good researcher because I have been doing that as a profession for years, so it being a joke explains why I couldn't make any sense of why you would do something like that. ...thanks for telling me you were just joshing with me, I'd have stayed awake at night wondering.
  13. well I followed the conversation until this point. Googled and wikid windows server. not sure I understand.
  14. Oh I certainly hope not. In this finacially uncertain times I can't afford or wish to spluge on a new computor with Vista . Not now or in the near future. I'd truly be dismayed . :wink:
  15. when someone wants to skew a squared picture they generally use oblique plug in (part of Madjiks pkg) y I can't see why this can not be used reversely. You'd have to play around with the settings, but the plugin is fairly easy to understand, just move the little x in direction of the arrows. I haven't tested the plugin to do that but I'm thinking depending on how out of alignment original picture is it may result in some blank areas in the corners, requiring a crop down in size of original after using the plugin. if you need to get back to the orginal size just go to image > resize and type in your original size. Be warned upsizing a picture will no doubt loose some of the clarity. if its just a few pixels it may not matter but then again that depends of the photo. it is worth a try to salvage your photo. suggest you try it on a duplicate of your original first wouldn't want you to loose that precious photo captured moment. ! edit: another way which you may find easier is to make the canvas a bit larger than the picture and then use right mouse button to rotate the image to straight alignment. and crop out to original size. this one will for sure loose a bit of clarity but maybe using sharpen+ or one the other photo adjustments plugins will fix that up. ciao OMA
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @thanks you Boude, it is always a pleasure to welcome you to my gallery. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit! @Helen ...... great new word you have there. :wink: thanks you for nice words. My elephant is not 100% but I'm more than satisfied with the work I did on him. @Yellowman yes so much agree about the background the pink elephants were for StormShadow. this is the real picture "Elephant .... full circle" NOTE: This was not traced! see page 48 for work in progress shots. the actual inspiration picture was real tiny compared to my sketchpad drawings. I drew the elephant one picture and the little house portion another picture in my sketchpad. Scanned both drawings into paint.net and colorized from there. 100% my own drawing skills. and here you go StormShadow """ PINK ELEPHANT.... sorry no tutu """
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    why thanks you Starsai, Welsh that is so nice of you to say hope you enjoy the elephant I finally finished it. posted back on page 48. ciao OMA
  18. possum roadkill that's an excellent image glad its in the main gallery. very very well done. this one has been a slow slow process. Teach me to take on a difficult one when I'm a bit under the weather. thumb here larger image on pg 48 of my gallery. Notice I worked in those pink elephants for you know who. when I said what goes around comes around I meant " inspiration was a picture of a gold elephant statue, and I drew it on paper, then colored it in with paint. net and at the end it was a gold elephant statue."" right back where it started out again, full circle. ciao OMA
  19. plain old zip file please. ? do not have any desire to download another program just to open one file.
  20. this is very interesting plugin. I have an idea for using it perking away in the back of my mind already. I will need to really explore the limits of it and what the settings will do. Complexity is fine as a slider label. ciao thanks for sharing with us picture makers. OMA
  21. enough shilly shalling around here. so is this what you've done? 1) downloaded Ed Harvey pkg 2) unzipped it 3) Ed says both items need to be in the PaintNet Effects folder (and you've also checked that they are not in a subfolder inside of Paintnet effects folder) 4) you have turned off your computor and restarted it 5) you've opened a new paint net picture 6) hit the effects button 7) go to distort and clik the drop down arrow you do not see lens or dents? is this what you are telling us? OMA
  22. enough shilly shalling around here. so is this what you've done? 1) downloaded Ed Harvey pkg 2) unzipped it 3) Ed says both items need to be in the PaintNet Effects folder (and you've also checked that they are not in a subfolder inside of Paintnet effects folder) 4) you have turned off your computor and restarted it 5) you've opened a new paint net picture 6) hit the effects button 7) go to distort and clik the drop down arrow you do not see lens or dents? is this what you are telling us? OMA
  23. enough shilly shalling around here. so is this what you've done? 1) downloaded Ed Harvey pkg 2) unzipped it 3) Ed says both items need to be in the PaintNet Effects folder (and you've also checked that they are not in a subfolder inside of Paintnet effects folder) 4) you have turned off your computor and restarted it 5) you've opened a new paint net picture 6) hit the effects button 7) go to distort and clik the drop down arrow you do not see lens or dents? is this what you are telling us? OMA
  24. enough shilly shalling around here. so is this what you've done? 1) downloaded Ed Harvey pkg 2) unzipped it 3) Ed says both items need to be in the PaintNet Effects folder (and you've also checked that they are not in a subfolder inside of Paintnet effects folder) 4) you have turned off your computor and restarted it 5) you've opened a new paint net picture 6) hit the effects button 7) go to distort and clik the drop down arrow you do not see lens or dents? is this what you are telling us? OMA
  25. ? why in the world would you download codelab if you want lens and dents? Both are in Ed Harveys pkg of plugins. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26244&start=0 <=== clik this link that will take you to the page of ED's pkg. read that top few lines carefully! Ed gives you a zip file to download into your paint.net effects folder. download that. then you need to extract those files! as they are a zip file. a few lines down from there he tells you that two files must be in the effects for any of his plugins to work. make sure you have both in your effects file, he also give the link to how to install plugins. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023 I haven't had to download these in ages so can not remember but it is possible you may have to close your machine down and then restart for the items to show up in your paintnet effects drop down list.
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