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Everything posted by oma

  1. lcf4ever didn't say not like it say not understand how it would work. and not understand what would be purpose. we have enough people racking up post count needlessly would also have noob (I dislike that word) adding 100 layers just so they can say wow this is x no of layers so it must be good picture.? not sure of purpose. myself I would rather see more tools than counting layers. something to make it easier to draw. also another question if you move layers up and down and turn layers off does that change the count? ciao OMA
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    LFC4EVER you know my love of excess pattern. you honestly think I leave this way one step one layer of about 20 for that blanket. now I go back to bed and have good laugh. ciao OMA
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Helen. I like the textures but see I just boo boo and delete text file of steps. make me so mad. I can remember about 1/2 steps will have to redo and refigure out that. I know I should have put in wip progress notes so I had down safe spot. @Kamala thanks you for comments. I like eyes picture very much. Is my step daughters eyes I try to draw and my nose. I thanks you for nice words about my handdrawing. This comes with practice. When I am told by doctor to be on bed rest I am allowed to draw only. No computor. so I must only draw from photos. not as good a real life drawings. I don't think I could get elephant to stand still in my bedroom. so now I must scoot back to bed before hubby finds me at computor in office. I am going to be drawing by pencil for next day or so. So my elephant has to wait. for touch up. chat with you all next week. OMA
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    so now I must fix these areas before I go further. redrawing some of the lines. I leave my original sketch in so I know where I am on screen to redraw. much toggle back and forth from full view to close up zoom so I see real clear. full size version is on pg 48 under work in progress
  5. hello welcome to the forum. nice drawings, you have a very pleasant style, lightheated and playful. It shouldn't be too long before you make your own textures in this program, and you can say its all your work and will not have to link to someone else on the DA. you should put a link to your DA gallery in your sig here. see mine below I link to my gallery here and to my gallery at DA. That way we can check your work both places. ciao and once again welcome.
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you everyone for very nice comments. and yes Helen I just looked mirror I'm still there. not robot yet. Axel is my drawing by pencil and scanned into computor. This week my hands do not feel so well and it is just too difficult picture to do just line tool. so I scann and then trace with line tool a bit at a time as I feel up to it. I color in paint.net. Janetsue I work a bit slowly this week but the elephant comes more quickly than I thought it was going to be. Already I add some screen shots on the page before this one for you to look at. :wink: LFC4EVER I think you like yellowman I think about what you say. so I check maybe my drawing is not so out of perspective . It is a drawing of a picture of a handcrafted statue, and I think the original artist is out in perspective. Me not so much from my inspiration piece. first is picture of my inspiration photo of statue and my sketch pad. so you all see scale is much different so you know I do not trace. (both pictures full size pg 48 in wip shots of elephant) I think how can I check? so I bring both inspiration and my sketch to same scale size. I show this top of the next picture then bottom of the picture I have my sketch and change opacity of the gold elephant down until I can see thru to my sketch under. blue arrows show where my sketch is out to inspiration piece ( I see I miss arrow for elephant top of his head this also out should be bigger. In real life not so high as the statue shows) so I see I'm not so far off afterall. I feel much better. I lookedat Sketchup this looks nice program. but I have not enough memory and it advise not to use if you have intel .... my graphics card not good enough. Maybe when I save for new computor I have Demetrie sell me a real great computor and I download that program to try. goonfella thanks you for comments on how I arrange this gallery. I add many screen shots of my work so I have less PM about how I did things. And to stop the nasty pm's that people say I use another program and not paint.net. I missed out pages 8 to 12 and have finished resorting them now. some of my favourite pieces there. I love that bird I think the best. ciao OMA PS I just added two more screen shots on pg 48 work in progress.
  7. so if you work like I do maybe one section at a time. and I make 25 layers am happy with that and flatten then start another section is it going to continue on with 25 + or does it revert back to 1 + ? what happens when you delete the line guides out? what happens when you like in my feather tut use a separate larger size image for individual elements. just a lot of excess necessary nonsense coding for Rick. who really cares about the number of layers, its the final image that counts. ciao OMA
  8. perhaps you should put this under artistic. the effects menu is really over populated.
  9. I know you don't need good luck wishes from me because I'm sure you've studied until you can't keep your eyes open any longer. What I will wish you is great success and marks above and well beyond what you expect. :wink: have a good week and we'll see you when you are done. ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes Minoeman with my little old pencil the old fashioned way on paper sketchpad. I could only draw stick men back in Jan of 2007. Still a ways to go as you can see I'm still struggling with perspective, but at least I recognize now where I go off in a drawing. I can see myself so much improvement in my work especially in the last 6 months. ciao thanks for looking and leavin a comment. OMA
  11. that's so great! what kind of tablet did you receive?
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no peanuts so here is first in what will likely be a long process. I have a sketch in my sketchbook. I used a picture of a small Asian Royal Elephant statue as the inspiration . At first glance it looks nicely drawn, considering I'm still learning. But I see some flaws that would take a major amount of erasing and re drawing. Perhaps I could get it correct but most likely I would wear a hole thru the paper and ruin it. So I'm going to try and salvage this image in Paint.Net and add some color at the same time. Yes Storm there will be pink. no tuttu's but a nice royal drapery. some real obvious areas of concern. 19182 from here I'm going to take the easy way and just go over the lines with the line tool, instead of drawing again from scratch with a mouse. This one is just a tad too complicated linewise for my old hands to master with the mouse. I look again at my inspiration piece I check maybe my drawing is not so out of perspective . It is a drawing of a picture of a handcrafted statue, and I think the original artist is out in perspective. Me not so much from my inspiration piece I add to his errors, this is why it seems not right to my eye.. first is picture of my inspiration photo of statue and my sketch pad. so you all see scale is much different so you know I do not trace. I think how can I check? so I bring both inspiration and my sketch to same scale size. I show this top of the next picture then bottom of the picture I have my sketch and change opacity of the gold elephant down until I can see thru to my sketch under. blue arrows show where my sketch is out to inspiration piece ( I see I miss arrow for elephant top of his head this also out should be bigger. In real life not so high as the statue shows) so I see I'm not so far off afterall. I feel much better. so now I must fix these areas before I go further. redrawing some of the lines. I leave my original sketch in so I know where I am on screen to redraw. much toggle back and forth from full view to close up zoom so I see real clear. I draw some guidelines to help with the perspective of drawing that little house on top of elephant. I think I must leave the trunk of elephant as is . I accidentally just deleted my text file of the steps for texture. :evil: :evil: :evil: makes me so mad! I could cry! june 4 2009 I'm not done yet. that little housey thing is going to be the death of me. just about tempted to leave it out altogether. will spend another day on it and if its not correct its going in the waste bin. june 6 2009 I'm not done yet. That house thing is killing me. so I ended up just simplifying it to this. still some clean up of the re draw but its looking a bit nicer. June 7 2009 well its a more simplified drawing but a more embellished little house. June 15 2009 I've not abandoned this pic just been under the weather and have only done sketching in my paper notebook. I managed to get some line drawing done for a revised little house portion. Thanks yellowman for the tiny little sketch by PM it has helped me to focus on just the house without the elephant distraction. here I show the little sketch I received and my sketch pad results. next picture is the line tool partially done. I still see some areas to correct but think it is looking better than before. when this is reduced just a tad over 50% it fits real nicely on the elephants back and that should take care of any wonky aa. now to figure out the coloration.
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes I'm quite concerned about Storm as well :wink: Welsh blue check your PM's maybe I should color that drapery pink :wink:
  14. thanks you here are the settings I also did some outline on an angle after these two settings.
  15. you have many pretties here. love the pattern pieces, I always find patterns are fun to do, and often more challenging than many people realize. did I miss the bird somewhere that you had been working on? I happen to find that picture RainbowII a very soothing image. made me think of birds feathers and flight. :wink: ciao great gallery I always enjoy my visit here. OMA
  16. stunning interpetation of a psd tut! Like yellowman I prefer your version as less busy, which I find strange for me as I'm an all out add as much as I can type of gal. But you've really pared out the excess that was unnecessary and focused us on the important and magnificent. I've bookmarked that tut. Great job, and a pleasure always visiting your gallery. ciao OMA
  17. shhhh! hear that it is the telephone ringing brinnnnng birinnnnnggggg OMA "hello " OMA "yes she's here" OMA "Janettsue the phone is for you....it's Pixar calling .... they want to use that little mouse in a full length feature film!" @Janettsue that is by far your best image. truly well done. ciao OMA
  18. wow I miss a day or two out with a headache and you add and add and add to your gallery. way to go Helen! musical notes picture I really like. reminds me of many of my dreams. swirls of colors. ciao OMA
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @yellowman I'm not hurt, I just love the fact that I'm in touch with current ideas, and I've found other imaginative and creative people. It simply amazes me the number of times many of us work on similar projects and how very different we all interpet things. @Storm.Shadow a dancing elephant wearing a tutu. That's stretching it even for my warped sense of humour. I'm not sure I can do that one. But I have started my elephant and I think you will be surprised, especially if it turns out to be a half decent image. we will have to see, I'm really still learning to draw but think I've come up with something of a challenge to my skills. ciao OMA .
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no Helen haven't started yet. I'm painting the deck this afternoon. (helping paint the deck I just heard the work crew politely but firmly tell me... guess that means I'm on Icetea patrol, and I really wanted to weild the paintbrush.) I plan on starting later this evening. I have to find a good working image to base the picture on. I'll be flipping thru all my sketch book and some pictures I took last fall at the zoo. There ought to be something I can work with there. If not I'll be viewing images on the internet.... LOL! ciao OMA (evil is as evil does.... LOL!)
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I thought you might especially considering how we often come up with similar ideas. just though I'd warn you all to stay off my turf. ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    hope that room is clean if those eyes are following you around your room. yesterday I spent about 2 hours at the library trying to come up with some inspiration. I picked this wonderful little cartoon/information book up about Cleopatra. Great inspiration ideas were coming to me! so what do you think I open forum and wow! Yellowman has this wonderful image. Pop there goes that picture I had in mind. so what do I draw now? fair warning this is new item don't anyone steal my idea 19092 Above picture is first walk thru from the idea stage. What can I learn by doing a picture like this that I haven't already worked on previously ? ummmmm Well I can perfect skin and wrinkles. Other than that it should be fairly straight forward line drawing and colorization. Maybe I'll even try smudge, well maybe, don't know if its how I want this to look, will think on it. . So I guess it will be a little work piece until some other idea grabs my attention and presents a bigger challenge. so first decision shall I draw an African elephant or an Asian Elephant? there are differences especially in the crown area and end of truck. Ears are different in each type of elephant. second descision shall I draw old Elephant or young ? the ridges and skin texture is different between old and young. Just like people old Elephants ar much more wrinkled.
  23. welcome to the forum. you have a very nice gallery so far. and I've enjoyed looking at all of the pictures you've managed to complete. will be back often for a little look see at what you are working on. may not always leave a note, but I try to check all the galleries at least once a week. ciao enjoy your time with us on the forum. OMA
  24. I'm glad because I know I was really harsh in critique. It does have potential but I think you need to have a few more practice sessions under your belt with some of the odd ball plugins. This would make a good deep down background foundation on which to build an abstract. If I was to have anything like this in any of my abstracts it would be as a semi transparent picture well in the background with many twists and turns on layers over it. :wink: keep going you have the start but need the meat and potatoes now. introduce some cleaner colors now in layers over top. make sure you use nothing with grey undertones. I often reserve pictures like this and wait a week and come back and work the next layers in. Seems to give the brain a chance to introduce tension into an abstract. ciao OMA
  25. oma


    that is really really really good. I like that Queen. I just had to laugh at how insync many of us are on this forum. my first words when I say your lovely queen were " darn there goes my next picture. " honest I'm not joking. Here is the book I just picked up today at the Library for ideas. I've scanned the cover just so you know I'm not just saying that. I truly did look thru stacks and stacks at the library for inspiration today. guess I'm back to library tomorrow. all I can say is darn and double darn and congrats on an excellent image. ciao OMA
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