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:lol: Jeremy its a study of the color gold. I was forcing the yellow tones to the limit to see just how far I could stretch the idea of gold with out overstepping the clarity.

Welshblue yes some releif in one layer. the others I've mentioned in my pm to you.

Helen thanks you. funny my stepdaughter often tell me that same thing.

Goonfella thanks you

Stormshadow. ahhh now there are so many things to make sharp pictures.

but in this case lots of additive mode layers and very judicial placements of backlight. salmon and green tones.

ciao all thanks for looking.

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thanks you pophri I try.

flip you are correct they do need aa that was the last thing I added to the image it was the final that overstepped the clarity. see my message to Jermey I was pushing plugins to determine their limits in doing gold metal, before the metal faded out and it just became colors again. :lol::lol: and bad :AntiAliasingOff: ones at that. :lol::lol::lol: .

Jeremy its a study of the color gold. I was forcing the yellow tones to the limit to see just how far I could stretch the idea of gold with out overstepping the clarity.
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All the super glue in the world didn't stop my mind from blowing up after seeing that one, maybe I should try ducktape or a stapler. Anyone any advise?


History repeats itself, because nobody was paying attention the first time.

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Oma, I secretly call you the "blurring pro." :P:P I love how you have the shadows and the composition of the piece makes it just what the title states. Really nice! Did you try making the eyes a bit darker or even a different color? I think it will make this image even abstractinger. :)

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

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"blushhhhh" thanks you Helen, I try to be good person.

I work on tut but it is difficult to have just a few steps and layers , when I might do about 40 little tiny bits on individual layers to give depth to shading. That area around the blue eye was simplified to about 20 layers and its not the best. so I work to make even less? complicated not sure I can but I will try.



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i couldnt say anything wrong about it. its very well composed and followed through with. excellent job oma.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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Those eyes seem to fallow me around mah room! Scary...

:lol::lol::lol: hope that room is clean if those eyes are following you around your room. :lol::lol::lol:

yesterday I spent about 2 hours at the library trying to come up with some inspiration. I picked this wonderful little cartoon/information book up about Cleopatra. Great inspiration ideas were coming to me!

so what do you think I open forum and wow! Yellowman has this wonderful image. Pop there goes that picture I had in mind. :lol::lol::lol:

so what do I draw now?

fair warning this is new item don't anyone steal my idea :lol::lol::lol:



Above picture is first walk thru from the idea stage. What can I learn by doing a picture like this that I haven't already worked on previously ? ummmmm Well I can perfect skin and wrinkles. Other than that it should be fairly straight forward line drawing and colorization. Maybe I'll even try smudge, well maybe, don't know if its how I want this to look, will think on it. . So I guess it will be a little work piece until some other idea grabs my attention and presents a bigger challenge.

so first decision shall I draw an African elephant or an Asian Elephant? there are differences especially in the crown area and end of truck. Ears are different in each type of elephant.

second descision shall I draw old Elephant or young ? the ridges and skin texture is different between old and young. Just like people old Elephants ar much more wrinkled. :lol:

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no Helen haven't started yet. I'm painting the deck this afternoon. (helping paint the deck I just heard the work crew politely but firmly tell me... guess that means I'm on Icetea patrol, and I really wanted to weild the paintbrush.)

I plan on starting later this evening. I have to find a good working image to base the picture on. I'll be flipping thru all my sketch book and some pictures I took last fall at the zoo.

There ought to be something I can work with there. If not I'll be viewing images on the internet.... LOL!



(evil is as evil does.... LOL!)

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Is that Elephant ready to enter your factory? Or he is in already? Poor he doesn't know what Omas hand will do to him, I am so excited to see him after the work, I am sure he will have a decent plastic surgery :lol:, his Friends will be jealous. It gonna be a very nice piece as usual oma I am sure. And I am sorry if I did hunt some of your flying ideas but they were above my head didn't know were yours :lol: .

And this image looks very nice, there is a lot of thinking and hope in those eyes, you are a blur professional.


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:lol: @yellowman I'm not hurt, I just love the fact that I'm in touch with current ideas, and I've found other imaginative and creative people. It simply amazes me the number of times many of us work on similar projects and how very different we all interpet things.

@Storm.Shadow a dancing elephant wearing a tutu. That's stretching it even for my warped sense of humour. :lol::lol::lol: I'm not sure I can do that one. But I have started my elephant and I think you will be surprised, especially if it turns out to be a half decent image. :lol::lol: we will have to see, I'm really still learning to draw but think I've come up with something of a challenge to my skills.




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I've taken a look through finally at your new stuff! Its definitely a pleasure-pain waiting for the images in your gallery to load, so I went and started a load of laundry while I was waiting. :lol: Your stuff simply amazes me! I wish I were on that level.. I was playing around with eyes just last night, mine didn't turn out anywhere near as good as yours did! I have problems with shading it seems, on paper and on PDN. Any tips would be appreciated. :)


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