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The Pictorium! Post your created or edited images here!


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To whoever made the planet with the funny moon, some stars are cut in half. look at the bottom-ish of your image.

I'm working on it buddy...

.:EDIT:. Done! It'll be posted in the next update, which I hope is final, or contains a big improvement...


W00t 200 posts! :mrgreen::mtdew: :mtdew: :mtdew:


"I am the anarchist, I am the antichrist, I am the walrus, G'JOO G'GOO G'JOOB!"

I dig a pygmy, by Charles Hawtree and the Deaf Aids. Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats.

~John Lennon

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@Valiente:Nice username, and wonderful picture to go with it! It looks like a different way of using the fractal aurora tut!

Here's my test for the literature theme for SOTW:

Thanks and thanks :). Yes, I use.

Your picture is realy great ;).

I am from czech, sorry me poor english. I primary working with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, but work with paint.NET is funny.

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Also, here's a cool concept I discovered whilst messing around:


I'd like to know a bit more about the creation of that ^

(here's your attention!)

I'll try to make a tut, but it will have to be tomorrow at the soonest. PM me if I forget.

(Thanks for the attention! :P )

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assuming thats 100% PDN ; wow thats cool. even if its not 100% its still a very nice pattern, Makes me think of delicate craft paper.

@ all who enjoyed the swords; thank you very much I hope to improve on the blade next.

dang!!!thats awesome

how exactly did u make those circle things

I didn't. Its from a render.

Unfinished piece.


You have been chopping renders all this time?


retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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