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Thank you Madjik. How did I miss that? I love everyone who makes tuts.

This is for all out there like me who have a love hate thing with polar inversion.

In moderation I think it is beautiful. You know at first blush we all think WOW and then we think now what. Maybe I like symmetry to much.






"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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@verndewd- awesome top pic!- it looks like a wheel for a car from the year 3000!

@Vlad Vampire- nice second pic- I like the colors- looks like 3 evil :twisted: gates or something

@rainshadow- yeah- I like your siggy- try to make the text a bit smoother- it's a bit choppy around the edges, bu other than that great job!

@yosuhara- great art- looks like it's coming out at you or something- I like the colors!

@janettsue- I like all of yours- (especially the 3rd)- great job

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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hard to say I like the text style and placement in #1 but seems everyone is going that background lately. #3 isn't up to the standards of the others. mainly because of the text

I'm not really a manga lover but my vote is either #2 or #4. If you still havepdn, use feather on that figure on #2 before flattening to background he's a little jaggy around the edges. and that's the one I like. but then again that's just my opinion, its your sig which did you learn the most on? and which appeals to you the most?

@ Rostigalen not bad sig 7 out of 10... only thing I can think of is the name is a bit too small. you are more significant than that wee tiny name. give yourself some importance there. beef up your name I want to know who you are when I look at your sig.
what advice would you give me, give me a name that i could use, please im new to this i need to know what to do, if you could help it would be much apreciatted
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k i am really really really bad at making sigs so idc if u make fun of them just please message me if u have ne ideas to help me improve and i have a website and thats why some of them say things on them,





OMg please do not discrace the name of zelda with pokemon its just un sanitary...

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@ void: yea i know about moving the line didn't want to run it in fast mode lol

@ vern: what is bad in your book

because in mine its not good lol but i do know what sick is lol

That sig. You really should tut that thing. Oh and lucifer is bad in my book but I am still deciphering the Oops garden of eden purpose, so far it looks bad for both sides. On one side it looks like entrapment and on the other it looks like abuse of infinite free will and malicious desire.

Christ is my god. yours is your own to choose and no concern of mine.



retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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i would do a tut if i could get my print thing to work on curves it wont show up all it shows is paint.net window when i hit print screen haven't figure out what's going on and i sure don't wont to spend 10 hours typing

my god is out side and in my heart not in a building what you may see on devint is just art work to me no matter what it is.

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i would do a tut if i could get my print thing to work on curves it wont show up all it shows is paint.net window when i hit print screen haven't figure out what's going on and i sure don't wont to spend 10 hours typing

my god is out side and in my heart not in a building what you may see on devint is just art work to me no matter what it is.

Not for me to judge at all. I opened the black books long ago and shut them nearly as fast. driven by feelings of powerlessness in a world that only serves its desires. Animals and humans share more than we know in our methods. And time puncuates that and makes it rediculously clear how bonded to the caves we choose to be.

And you likely wont see me going to any of mans hollow buildings, even god hates religiosity.


retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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to get the metal look that i have put your anti-alis on 20 then over lap with same pic with out anti-alis then just mess with the curves but for my sig i also used polar invention

[edit]: i used your way of black chrome

Vlad it looks like a pepsi bottle, and a tut worthy one at that. :)


Final skin 100% original PDN

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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