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well done for the night think the face is now complete will start the body tomorrow and work him into my skull picture. thought at first only doing one side of the face would make it easier :roll: but its more difficult as the shading was harder to control. .

think he turned out fairly well and look forward to completing this picture compostion.


PS I just love his hat.

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well done for the night think the face is now complete will start the body tomorrow and work him into my skull picture. thought at first only doing one side of the face would make it easier :roll: but its more difficult as the shading was harder to control. .

think he turned out fairly well and look forward to completing this picture compostion.


PS I just love his hat.

Well made, your a master of 3D! (not joking)

Here are some things I made..

Cup of Coffee


ME before


Me after



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@scoopvideo thanks that is very nice of you to say that

that cup of coffee is looking mighty good. you use many of the same ideas of shading as what I use in the face. light, medium, dark areas forming solid mass on a 2d plane. keep at it, your work is really coming along. do you have a good book on perspective? either pick up a cheap on at chapters or your local book store. that will go a long ways in helping you out , the library is always a good source for books like that as well.

I'm especially liking the vector style drawing of you. very well done. you should use it as an avatar.

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looking good, just be careful on what you post, i found out the hard way :P, its a family forum, so some people might find this scary, or offensive, its looking good, that was just a freindly warning :P


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@scoopvideo thanks that is very nice of you to say that

that cup of coffee is looking mighty good. you use many of the same ideas of shading as what I use in the face. light, medium, dark areas forming solid mass on a 2d plane. keep at it, your work is really coming along. do you have a good book on perspective? either pick up a cheap on at chapters or your local book store. that will go a long ways in helping you out , the library is always a good source for books like that as well.

I'm especially liking the vector style drawing of you. very well done. you should use it as an avatar.

The Bold and underlined selected I don't get.. You think I need to buy a book to draw in it?

And As you can see I updated my signature, maybe the next new signature I will useing vector style..

P.S are you dutch :P


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@scoopvideo thanks that is very nice of you to say that

that cup of coffee is looking mighty good. you use many of the same ideas of shading as what I use in the face. light, medium, dark areas forming solid mass on a 2d plane. keep at it, your work is really coming along. do you have a good book on perspective? either pick up a cheap on at chapters or your local book store. that will go a long ways in helping you out , the library is always a good source for books like that as well.

I'm especially liking the vector style drawing of you. very well done. you should use it as an avatar.

The Bold and underlined selected I don't get.. You think I need to buy a book to draw in it?

And As you can see I updated my signature, maybe the next new signature I will useing vector style..

P.S are you dutch :P

no I think you need to look at a book to read about perspective a bit more. that cup of coffee is real good drawing but looks like it might be tilted to far forward. go over to the local library see if they have this book by Ernest R. Norling Perspective Made Easy. its really a good easy to understand and follow book about the laws of perspective. tell the librarian the ISBN # 13-978-0-486-40473-8 she'll know what to get in for you. beleive me quick read thru of that and your already great drawings will start to really have that 3d quality.

PS I'm Canadian/German


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@scoopvideo thanks that is very nice of you to say that

that cup of coffee is looking mighty good. you use many of the same ideas of shading as what I use in the face. light, medium, dark areas forming solid mass on a 2d plane. keep at it, your work is really coming along. do you have a good book on perspective? either pick up a cheap on at chapters or your local book store. that will go a long ways in helping you out , the library is always a good source for books like that as well.

I'm especially liking the vector style drawing of you. very well done. you should use it as an avatar.

The Bold and underlined selected I don't get.. You think I need to buy a book to draw in it?

And As you can see I updated my signature, maybe the next new signature I will useing vector style..

P.S are you dutch :P

no I think you need to look at a book to read about perspective a bit more. that cup of coffee is real good drawing but looks like it might be tilted to far forward. go over to the local library see if they have this book by Ernest R. Norling Perspective Made Easy. its really a good easy to understand and follow book about the laws of perspective. tell the librarian the ISBN # 13-978-0-486-40473-8 she'll know what to get in for you. beleive me quick read thru of that and your already great drawings will start to really have that 3d quality.

PS I'm Canadian/German


Now I understand you more, hmm Just Search on the internet and i'm done :P

(sorry ppl for dubble posting)


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Ok, just starting using Paint.net today, been looking through the tut's and worked up a signature picture. I am amazed at the art I have seen thus far created and I must admit, this program is the bomb, and I am definitely am going to learn as much about it as I can.


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

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Well im off for today but before i leave here is 2 banners ive recently made. Should i use any in my sig. If so, which ones.



hmm.. for a while there i thought you were ncfan. :shock: lol anyways, both of them look ok, the text on the first one might need a little :AntiAliasingOn: or feather... but i like the bottom one because it looks less busy than the other. but its your sig, use whatever floats your boat :)

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Somebody I know thought I looked like Harry Potter. Can't say I agree, but I whipped up this image for fun.

Never intended to look very professional, so didn't care too much about details or to cut people out properly, I just used gradients with transparency mode instead :mrgreen:

Here's the original:


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To be honest all I thought you did was add an effect around Harry's eyes until I read your post.

:lol: i guess... :?


Here's the original:


You look more like Voldie...

Voldie...? :?

who and what is that? :roll::mrgreen:

edit: ah I see. Vold(i)emort


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These are my to first ones (along with my sig (3)) im gonna be making more.



btw if i make a picture and i want to use it as a banner, how do i do that? (i no this might not be the best spot to ask but im here so why not, plus i posted pics :D )

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