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pyrochild plugins (2020-11-21)


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File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Borders N' Shapes.dll
     Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.bordersnshapes.BordersNShapes
     Full error message: PaintDotNet.WorkerThreadException: Worker thread threw an exception ---> System.OutOfMemoryException: CreateDIBSection returned NULL (8) while attempting to allocate 24576x16384 bitmap
  at PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.Memory.AllocateBitmap(Int32 width, Int32 height, IntPtr& handle)
  at PaintDotNet.MemoryBlock.Allocate(Int32 width, Int32 height, IntPtr& handle, Boolean allowRetry)
  at PaintDotNet.MemoryBlock.Allocate(Int32 width, Int32 height, IntPtr& handle, Boolean allowRetry)
  at PaintDotNet.MemoryBlock..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height)
  at PaintDotNet.Surface..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height)
  at pyrochild.effects.bordersnshapes.BordersNShapes.Render(EffectConfigToken parameters, RenderArgs dstArgs, RenderArgs srcArgs, Rectangle[] rois, Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
  at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.ThreadFunction()
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.Join()
  at PaintDotNet.Effects.BackgroundEffectRenderer.Abort()
  at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.DoEffect(Effect effect, EffectConfigToken token, PdnRegion selectedRegion, PdnRegion regionToRender, Surface originalSurface, Exception& exception)

Got this when I try to do Borders with x8 AA. I have 3 GB mem. Weird.

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I'll see what I can do about the AA memory-requirements for the next version of BNS.

I refuse to use GDI+ for AA, though, because that was half the reason for making this plugin in the first place. GDI+'s AA sucks hard for things like this.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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What does the community think of this idea:

A canvas-based plugin (a la Smudge, Splatter, Custom Brushes) that would apply any of Paint.NET's blend modes as brushes?

This would take care of the obvious Dodge, Burn, Lighten, Darken, and Glow; and also have some potentially interesting results with things like Difference, Negation, Screen, and XOR.

I would kiss you, personally. Something like that might be a nifty way to get airbrush effects - say, if you could paint with Blur? I'm trying to build stuff by adapting some GIMP and PS tutorials, and I'm still collecting the plugins that will give me the effects I'm after. (Also, you know, I'm something of a beginner to this stuff.) A plugin like this would be darn nifty.

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Something like that might be a nifty way to get airbrush effects - say, if you could paint with Blur?
Actually blurs are effects, not blend modes. To see the blend modes click the properties button on a layer in a multilayer image and see what happens when you change the Blending Mode (see the documentation for more illustrations and concepts). But an effect brush would be a perfectly reasonable extension to this idea. I'm glad you brought it up. It will probably increase development time of what I was planning on, but the end product will be a much more powerful extension to Paint.NET.
I would kiss you, personally.
If only I could elicit kisses from perfect strangers in real life. *sigh*


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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I am thrilled to hear you are working on or at least thinking about a new plugin. I am having trouble imagining how it would work but that is what we have you for. You make it I’ll use it. I am so grateful that RB has shared this wonderful program and that people like you love it enough to make and share wonderful effects. I am crazy about the smudge and what I have been able to do with it. A very BIG THANK YOU!


"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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What does the community think of this idea:

A canvas-based plugin (a la Smudge, Splatter, Custom Brushes) that would apply any of Paint.NET's blend modes as brushes?

This would take care of the obvious Dodge, Burn, Lighten, Darken, and Glow; and also have some potentially interesting results with things like Difference, Negation, Screen, and XOR.

You working on it? If you don't mind, I'm going to make a personal version of it, if you want to collaborate :D


Changed the text in the signature yay!

PDN gallery!

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What does the community think of this idea:

A canvas-based plugin (a la Smudge, Splatter, Custom Brushes) that would apply any of Paint.NET's blend modes as brushes?

This would take care of the obvious Dodge, Burn, Lighten, Darken, and Glow; and also have some potentially interesting results with things like Difference, Negation, Screen, and XOR.

I was seriously about to ask you about making something like that!

Yes! That's an awesome idea.



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What does the community think of this idea:

A canvas-based plugin (a la Smudge, Splatter, Custom Brushes) that would apply any of Paint.NET's blend modes as brushes?

This would take care of the obvious Dodge, Burn, Lighten, Darken, and Glow; and also have some potentially interesting results with things like Difference, Negation, Screen, and XOR.

Great, and why not also for the random shapes fill plugin...

But, I was about to ask a way to read (and write/update) the sls files from the scriptlab. Can you make the save as text instead binary?

I'm thinking about editing scripts to make repeatable effects with few changes like angles, etc...

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  • 2 weeks later...
What does the community think of this idea:

A canvas-based plugin (a la Smudge, Splatter, Custom Brushes) that would apply any of Paint.NET's blend modes as brushes?

This would take care of the obvious Dodge, Burn, Lighten, Darken, and Glow; and also have some potentially interesting results with things like Difference, Negation, Screen, and XOR.


:shock: :shock:

That would be SO AWESOME!

Better yet, if you could make it apply certain effects as brushes (I know next to nothing about coding plugins, so I don't know how hard that would be), that would be even more awesome. Then we could have a Blur brush! And a Dents brush! *goes gaga at the thought*

EDIT: Darn, got beat on that one by PeaceHeather.

Photobucket Sucks!

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How will ones based on blend modes work, since you can only access the current layer?


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I've already added the ability for ScriptLab to export as text (for the next release), but not import. That would be a hell of a complicated feature.

you did allow xml files at one time didn't you?

I have some in my documents that are scriptlabs. and matching xml files. I was able to edit those xml files.ciao OMA

EDit scrap that statement I just rechecked they were the xml files from Shape 3d. I was loading the xml to shape 3d and then using the settings in scriptlab.

ciao sorry for confusion but xml would be really nice feature.

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How will ones based on blend modes work, since you can only access the current layer?

It will use the same image as the top layer and bottom layer. Essentially the same as duplicating the layer and setting it to the blend mode. Alternately, it will provide an option for using an imported image or a solid color or maybe even a simple 2-tone gradient.

This project won't be started until after I graduate, so don't get too anxious.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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This project won't be started until after I graduate, so don't get too anxious.
Then I am hoping you are a senior ;)

I am.

This is freakin sick as hell but im new to this lol :D
Are you asking for help with something or are you just saying that you're new (in which case, welcome to the forum!)?


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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This is freakin sick as hell but im new to this lol :D
Are you asking for help with something or are you just saying that you're new (in which case, welcome to the forum!)?

I knew I was getting old when I realized that "sick" no longer meant either "ill" or "disgusting", but instead meant "really cool."

I'll just be over here in my ripped jeans, creating some totally tubular maps with Paint.NET... like, omigawd, radical!

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