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(superseded) Simon B's plugin pack for 4.0 including CustomBrushesMini 2.2 beta

Simon Brown

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I wanted the updated CustomBrushes plugin, so I deleted the one I had then tried to install this pack. I think all the plugins were added correctly, but now I can't find the newer CustomBrushes Mini. Did I goof somthing?
On the topic of layers, I don't know what kind of layers Null54 wants, but I would like to see brush sets be more usable.
You probably don't need this explained, but just so we're on the same page, here's what I mean...
I often get brushes from brusheezy, and most of them come in sets. Which is normally an abr file that has 2 or more brushes in it, each brush on it's own layer. These brush sets don't de-layer in CustomBrushes Mini, making it so the set of brushes are a single flattened brush. Because of this, I first have to use a program like abrMate to divide the brushes up. Once they are individual brushes, I can then use them in CustomBrushes Mini.
As a side note : Paint.NET has an ABR file extension plugin, using this plugin I have loaded the brush sets into Paint.NET, which opens the sets in layers.



PS : THANK YOU for your hard work and the plugin updates. <3

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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@Cc4FuzzyHuggles, you could also download abrViewer from Source Forge.  It basically converts ABR file into individual graphic files in .PNG format.  I have used that method in the past.


@SimonBrown, is there any chance the interface could load a copy of a layer onto the canvas?  For example, lets say I have an outline of a sketch on Layer A, and I want to paint in Layer B.  I would copy the sketch from Layer A, then on Layer B, I would run the brush plug-in, and paste the sketch as a "layer" onto the canvas for guide.  I haven't tried that, by the way, I was curious if it was possible.

Edited by TrevorOutlaw




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@Cc4FuzzyHuggles, you could also download abrViewer from Source Forge.  It basically converts ABR file into individual graphic files in .PNG format.  I have used that method in the past.


I actually tried that program first, but for some reason it didn't work well on my PC, so I had to find an alternative. In the end I found abrMate, and I think in some ways I like it more. :)

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Would having that behaviour for few specific filetypes be sufficient? Is abr the main one you have in mind?


That would work, although it may be easier to check the SupportsLayers property than trying to detect specific filetypes.

The ABR filetype is the one that I was referring to.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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I wanted the updated CustomBrushes plugin, so I deleted the one I had then tried to install this pack. I think all the plugins were added correctly, but now I can't find the newer CustomBrushes Mini. Did I goof somthing?

Did you get it working? It should be under Effects -> Tools.

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Custom Brushes mini not working on build 5284. It threw up this error about IMPDF File type even though I tried to open custom brush mini :/


Exception details:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'ImPDFPlugin.ImPDFFileType' threw an exception. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at ImPDFPlugin.ImPDFFileType..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at ImPDFPlugin.ImPDFFileType.Debug(String message)
   at ImPDFPlugin.ImPDFSaveConfigWidget.Finalize()





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I recommend releasing your 4.0 plugin pack in a new thread. It makes users aware that this may not work on 3.5.11.

If you are not supporting the old pack We Mods can lock it - or you can remove the link.

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Are we talking about this one?  http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15218-simon-bs-plugin-pack-custom-brushes-editable-text-and-more-2014-06-22/


IMHO a change of date isn't enough to indicate to users that an update has taken place.  I would have missed it entirely in my monthly revision of the Plugin Index because I don't scan old thread titles.  


How about at least a post in the thread to indicate that all your plugins work with 3.5.11 and 4.0x?


Slightly aside:


I don't want to play hide-and-seek with plugin authors.  If any of you are revising or changing the contents of your plugin packs make it clear with a post or let me know via PM so I can update the Plugin Index.  A new thread is a great way to show me and others that new stuff exists, and it's date-stamped. 

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Sorry about that. I also posted in the CustomBrushesMini thread that an update had been posted. Apart from updating the date in the plugin pack thread, is there anything else I can do to make it clear?

Since 4.0 hadn't been released when I posted the update, I made sure the plugins supported 3.5.11 as well. However, support for 3.5.11 may be dropped in the next update.

I've added a notice that the plugins should work in 4.0 and 3.5.11.

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Thanks Simon.  Changing a post or a thread title doesn't raise a flag for me.  I rely on a new post or a new thread to see changes as these are flagged as "unread".  Either will do.  A PM would also work :)

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