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Skullbonz Art Gallery - May, 5th- Train Set and more


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First off, I think you did very well with the images. They look somewhat surreal. I'm referring to the very first two images.


"Ding Bat" has such a unique texture as if you took a photo of it. I love the eye because when metal melts (like tin), it has such a beautiful consistency--that's what it reminded me of. I remember working with my dad with carpentry and my dad would melt the tin to make some kind of clasps.


Second, your titles are perfect. I wouldn't change anything about them. ;)

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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Thank you everyone for the awesome comments. I really enjoy it when people like what I make,maybe I finally got the hang of this program,lol. 


Sorry about all the space pics,I'm a bit of a space fanatic and have figured out how to be on my way to some awesome pics and can't help myself,lol.   :D


I added a few more space,lol,but of course.   :)



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 Thanks minners71   :)

Thank you blackpenny,that was also one of the thoughts I had when I made it,lol.   :)   To be honest it was an accident but I liked it and have to work on more of them but first I'm working on nebulas. My planets are all made using pictures of rock faces,initially collected for textures,but ended up being perfect for planets using the Shape 3D plugin( MKT). But first adjusting your colors,lol,with a few others.


  I just added a Clipwarp(Red Ochre) window with a shape 3D frame. Need to work on the wrinkly effect and then some colors,then it's stained glass window time,lol.


   I also snuck in a few space pics,I'll let the names speak for themselves,lol.     ;)




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Thank you Red ochre,Minners71 and Barbieq25,the window was fun,hell they all are fun,lol. Well anyways here I go again,can't help myself,I just added four more pictures,lol. I used terragen to make the planet surfaces in the foregrounds but Paint.net to make the other planets and all the rest. I like using the two programs together for some of my pictures,it helps me learn both and the pictures come out pretty cool. I'm going to put my best ones in a video someday,lol.   



Edited by skullbonz



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Great view from the window and lovely Rusty Path! :)


The space images are superb. I especially love the space geysers--I always wonder what life is like on the planets. I know that life exists there, but what kind? You did a stunning job on the planet textures and fantastic backgrounds that go so well with them, almost like a tie-dye effect. Did I ever mention I happen to like tie-dyed t-shirts, but I'm not a hippie. I just like a lot of color.

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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Thank you Helen and blackpenny,isn't this program fun,fun,fun? ;)         I just love making pictures and looking at everyone else's. Everybody has different styles and ideas which fuels your own creativity. It amazes me some of the work I see being done with paint.net,it is by far the coolest program out there with many uses.   B)      This time around I am getting closer to a ripe old age and thought I should get a head start on my Cane collection,lol. I made 5 so far,heh,heh.



P.S. I can't get the album links to work here for photo bucket but I think you can scroll through on each picture you are viewing and see it anyway.


But here is the link back to page 1 of my gallery here;   http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21233-skullbonz-art-gallery-update-february-20th-cane-collection/page-1

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The canes are utterly breath-taking! Beautiful, intricate designs in all of them. You probably already know which ones appealed to me most because they give off a glow...


The pattern work in the golden one is unbelievable. Did you use some kind of render for it or did you use a stock image? 


Okay, how much is each cane? *whips out wallet* ;)


By the way, the new nebula is heavenly. I love it! 

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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I knew you would like the canes,lol,thank you for your comments. In the first one I used one of my wood texture pics and pdn for the shaft,all the rest was just pdn. Of course the Shape3D plugin played a part in all of these. The second one I used a picture of a skull ring from a jewelry store and wood again,the rest all pdn. The third one,the gold one a picture of a dragon ring with part cut off and effects added,the rest is pdn. The gold shaft was made using first a yellow-black gradient,then metallize,then gaussian blur,then shape 3D to make a cylinder tall and skinny,about 20 wide and deep is what I used here,now rotate until you get the look you want and duplicate it. On the top one use wobble and adjust until you have it far enough out so it looks like it goes around it. Duplicate and then on the duplicated layer use Layers/flip horizontal. Now uncheck one of those and go to the one visible and use the rectangle select tool to delete the sections out so that it appears to be winding around the straight one. When done do the same to the other layer. In my last cane you can see this more clearly because it is wider than the gold one,but it will give you the idea. In the gold one instead of having both layers go the same direction I took out the sections to make both layers cross over each other on front. Once you have all the three gold layers merge them and play with metallize again or blending two of these layers. You can also get some pretty cool looks using psychocolour different than gold,lol. Now the fourth one and the skull are my favorites but this one is number one,lol. I used four pictures from the space station of Earth at night for the background planet,one from a satellite of Earth for the ball on top and a picture of a spider made out of scissors,more wood and pdn. The last one is just wood and pdn. I hope some of this helps some instead of confusing them,lol,not sure I am doing it how others are.  And Thank you again for your comments.  


I apologize for not putting in links or names for the plugins but this will guide you to them;  http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15260-plugin-index/



Oh and a little something I put my head on where I was making a funny face,lol.


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Very nice cane collection, you have a unique way of mixing stocks with PDN work, thanks for the explanation on how you created them.
And I enjoyed the trip through your space views, they are with the colors are so breathtaking and again great mix of different graphics.
Did you say that you created that window in PDN? Of course I don't mean the picture in the glass, but the wood work and the design, that is really amazing, looks like a real window.
And that last photo manip is so funny :D

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   Thank you Helen and yellowman and you're welcome. Yes I made the wood,board by board in pdn using wood stock pictures and shape 3D but I did forget to mitre the joints at the intersections of the trims of each pane,lol. But that is something most people wouldn't catch so I let it slip by. I have a wide variety of wood stocks that I use for this purpose,texture overlays,frames,backgrounds and anything else that might work.

    You might also be interested that all of the whole planets you see are made out of rock,dirt,or snow stocks that I also use for those purposes. I found that with a picture of a rock face and a few different plugins I can make some awesome looking planets. The problem that I see people having when making planets is that they are too interested in forming a certain shape with the land. There was no blueprint of how the land was layed out when it was created in real life so why try in the picture world and just leave it to chance. But you can alter things,change colors,add clouds and get a cool look before shape 3D'ing it. 

    All anybody needs is a digital camera and some hard drive space and they could also make a texture/stock library. It will make their life so much easier in this world and be much quicker than creating each texture needed when doing a picture.

   Glad you both liked the photo manip,heh,heh,we have to keep a sense of humor in this present day fast moving cruel world,lol.



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Thank you Sasha and blackpenny.   :)


I looked everywhere and didn't see that it was against the rules so I am posting this video. It is a collection of all my favorite space pictures from the start of using PDN until now,a little over two years all stuffed in under 12 minutes,lol. The first two thirds is almost all PDN and I apologize for the terragen pics at the end but they were space and so I threw them in. It might count that I bring all them into PDN first and touch them up,maybe add color and change the file type. All the artwork,music mixing and slideshow assembly was done by me and no copyright laws were broken. This will give you a different way to view my progression and all the space pics in one quick sitting with minimal mouse clicking. Enjoy.   ;)




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