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Paint.Net niggles!

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I wish that setting were "sticky" until changed by the user! Like - I want to save the majority of my pix as 1280x960 from some larger size - but can I ? Can I hell! I always have to retype 1280 as width each time - or 1024 as the height!

Another annoyance is that the "adjustments" boxes ALWAYS plonk themselves right in the centre of the screen where I - and I suspect that the majority of us REALLY NEED to see changes happening! It isn't as though the editing boxes can't be shifted to a less annoying area of the monitor screen - i.e those too are NOT "sticky" - they won't stay located in a less critical area of the screen until user moved again!

My ancient pix editing program [iPPLUS] from '97 stayed "STICKY" even today!

And I might note that a similarly ancient Scanner & editing program turned pix thro 90 degrees MUCH faster than paint.net program.

I've searched the latest beta to see if there's any way to make settings "STICKY" - without success. So frustrating since this is an otherwise excellent program.

What is this user to do when I have literally thousands of pix to "titivate"!

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hmmm...lets take a quick look

Tom and his design team, have given us Paint.net.. wait. It's just Tom. Ok, Tom has given us this wonderful program. GIVEN. we dont pay for it. So you are saying that Tom should go through and rewrite the thing so that preferences can be saved. Nice idea, but as I am sure hes an uber busy man, impractical. Even more so when you consider that he isnt the one writing all the wonderful plugins- also given. The guys and gals that write those make the same paycheck Tom does. That would be $0.00.

So to make it where preferences can be saved on every effect/adjustment/setting, not only would Tom have to devote even more time to redesigning PDN, all plugin writers would be required to rewrite their plugins as well, but they wont mind after all the money they make off it right? oh yeah, they're free.

As far as where the settings/adjustment windows open? I have seen plenty of the newer users have trouble locating the history and the layer windows... At least dead center is pretty easy to spot.

Yes i got a bit sarcastic- sorry. And it would be nice if i could save preferences, but then again, i tend to do something different every time i open PDN, so preferred settings wouldnt help.

Sudjesting something, or requesting a feature or plugin is great. But rather than rant about what PDN is not, Try celebrating what it is, and being thankful to the boys and girls that make it happen. This program, and the community surrrounding it, is so outstandingly unheard-of. I have struggled with PS and other graphics/photo-editing software, trying to learn to make the amazing pictures i have seen. I got nowhere until i found this place. Now i am nowhere near the best, but PDN and these forums havetaken me to levels i never would have imagined i could get to. And to realize that to get to even higher levels, all I have to do is look at whats already been explained, and ASK for what i dont understand. well.. i tend to get a bit out-of-sorts when someone pus it down like you have. One of my failings.

Maybe one of the people who write the plugins is working on this-after all they are seperate from tom and his work on the basic program. If not maybe one of us, or you, could learn to write code and work on it ourselves?


SARCASM- Just one of the many services I offer free to the public.

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hmmm...lets take a quick look

Tom and his design team, have given us Paint.net.. wait. It's just Tom. Ok, Tom has given us this wonderful program. GIVEN. we dont pay for it. So you are saying that Tom should go through and rewrite the thing so that preferences can be saved. Nice idea, but as I am sure hes an uber busy man, impractical. Even more so when you consider that he isnt the one writing all the wonderful plugins- also given. The guys and gals that write those make the same paycheck Tom does. That would be $0.00.

So to make it where preferences can be saved on every effect/adjustment/setting, not only would Tom have to devote even more time to redesigning PDN, all plugin writers would be required to rewrite their plugins as well, but they wont mind after all the money they make off it right? oh yeah, they're free.

As far as where the settings/adjustment windows open? I have seen plenty of the newer users have trouble locating the history and the layer windows... At least dead center is pretty easy to spot.

Yes i got a bit sarcastic- sorry. And it would be nice if i could save preferences, but then again, i tend to do something different every time i open PDN, so preferred settings wouldnt help.

Sudjesting something, or requesting a feature or plugin is great. But rather than rant about what PDN is not, Try celebrating what it is, and being thankful to the boys and girls that make it happen. This program, and the community surrrounding it, is so outstandingly unheard-of. I have struggled with PS and other graphics/photo-editing software, trying to learn to make the amazing pictures i have seen. I got nowhere until i found this place. Now i am nowhere near the best, but PDN and these forums havetaken me to levels i never would have imagined i could get to. And to realize that to get to even higher levels, all I have to do is look at whats already been explained, and ASK for what i dont understand. well.. i tend to get a bit out-of-sorts when someone pus it down like you have. One of my failings.

Maybe one of the people who write the plugins is working on this-after all they are seperate from tom and his work on the basic program. If not maybe one of us, or you, could learn to write code and work on it ourselves?

Sod it...... I was pleased to find this program .... BUT.... there are some things which ARE in my 1997's photo-editing programs which make ASPECTS of **them** easier to use than this program ...

After all, having the editing boxes smack bang in the MIDDLE of the screen - the point where MOST people place the most salient part of the picture that they HAVE composed is - to my mind, & to put it mildly - lacks consideration of the users usual pre-occupation of having the most important part of the picture right in the centre of the picture!!

That the boxes can be "moved out of the way" is useful, but much more so IF they then stayed out of the way and were there until at least the program was shut down and re-opened again later.

This was certainly the case with my 1997 programs which I have used successfully until I was introduced to Paint.net, but editing was slower with the '97 era programs.

BUT : Apparently, the programmers, even way back then, understood that the user wanted to see the important parts of the picture to be edited & set out to assist them 14 years or more ago, and allowed the "Stickness" factor so that the box - once moved - did not get in the way again that session.

That is why I'm surprised that this otherwise excellent editing program had not taken previous user experience into greater consideration when designing it from "scratch"

Yeah, I know it is "Free" but PLEASE - if constructive criticism is unwelcome - how can any program be improved????

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As far as I understand, constructive criticism is very welcome...as long as it isn't done in a bashing manner...=)

As for the stickiness, that would still mean that all the plugin writers, as well as the dev team would have to do major overhauls to "fix" something that is at most a minor annoyance. I've tried to learn how to write plugins. Just putting a "dot at center" is confusing enough. Some of the writers have 20+ programs...If they all had to go through and add in a few lines of code here and there, that would add up fast, taking time away from their lives and taking time away that could be better spent adding in new features that the majority of users are crying for (like tablet support hinthint) ...Bottom line, I although it could be a useful feature, the time it would take to change everything doesn't really (IMHO) equal the usefulness of the feature. Just move your box over. I do :D

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... new features that the majority of users are crying for (like tablet support hinthint) ...

The majority of users are not asking for tablet support. If they were, my inbox would explode.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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As for the stickiness, that would still mean that all the plugin writers, as well as the dev team would have to do major overhauls to "fix" something that is at most a minor annoyance.

At least for IndirectUI plugins, Paint.NET controls the dialog position. Not saying it would be easy for Rick to implement, of course.

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As often as people lose the 4 docked windows, I'd hate for that to happen to the effect dialog windows as well!

The initial window placement in the middle of the screen is annoying, sure. But, less annoying than Rick's inbox filled with "I can't see any effect dialog boxes" emails.

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You mean Rick.

OMG! i didnt! i did.boltbait.hmm.png Im sorry Rick. I actually have a long time friend from La. named Tom Brewster. I've mixed up the names while talking before, but this is the first time i did it in printboltbait.neutral.png


SARCASM- Just one of the many services I offer free to the public.

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As often as people lose the 4 docked windows, I'd hate for that to happen to the effect dialog windows as well!

The initial window placement in the middle of the screen is annoying, sure. But, less annoying than Rick's inbox filled with "I can't see any effect dialog boxes" emails.

Amen to that.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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I played with the idea of docking an (unreleased) plugin dialog to one side of the screen. Not something that was successful boltbait.sad.png so I gave up the idea.

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As far as I understand, constructive criticism is very welcome...as long as it isn't done in a bashing manner...=)

As for the stickiness, that would still mean that all the plugin writers, as well as the dev team would have to do major overhauls to "fix" something that is at most a minor annoyance. I've tried to learn how to write plugins. Just putting a "dot at center" is confusing enough. Some of the writers have 20+ programs...If they all had to go through and add in a few lines of code here and there, that would add up fast, taking time away from their lives and taking time away that could be better spent adding in new features that the majority of users are crying for (like tablet support hinthint) ...Bottom line, I although it could be a useful feature, the time it would take to change everything doesn't really (IMHO) equal the usefulness of the feature. Just move your box over. I do :D

It's all very well saying "Move your box over. I do"

However when I'm working on "titivating" hundreds and thousands of "backed-up" digi-pix, its very annoying to have to KEEP moving the "box" to see just what changes are happening.

And when I have to wait so long for Paint.Net to turn a picture thro' 90 degrees, it is one heck of a lot faster to revert to my 1997 parallel port 32 bit scanner editing program to do that for me !

I wish that *I* was the one "In Charge" of the auto-level adjustments too, I tried it on some pix and it slung in so much "blue" into the pix that I had to stop using it! i.e. It would be "nice" if the user could have some influence over the settings of the "auto-level".

I'm sorry if my constructive criticisms are taken as "slagging off" the programmer(s), but I do feel that having the editing boxes stuck smack-bang in the middle of the screen SHOULD have been foreseen as a pretty ridiculous place to plonk them for each and every picture that needs editing attention! It is lack of consideration & thought that placed it there.

I don't use ANY "Plugins" ; all I am attempting to do is speed up the editing *&* titivation of the thousands of pix that still need work done on them. It is a race between me and my grave - I'm rather ancient, and have other things I'd like to do before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

I don't want to be forever shuffling the ruddy boxes to one side to finish as many pix as possible before I'm fitted for a "Wooden Overcoat"!!

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i.e. It would be "nice" if the user could have some influence over the settings of the "auto-level".

Do you even know what "auto" means?

If you want control over the levels, use the Levels or Curves adjustments.

It would be nice if the car I bought with an automatic transmission would let me change gears.
Then buy a manual transmission car.

^ This is how much sense your criticism makes here.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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