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Minners, a lot work must of went into your pixel images, the shadow behind the letters don't need to be there...

Rafroller, you have a tight composition. Colors, font, like it a lot.

Minners71 - 0

Rafroller - 1




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Nitenurse - 2

NinjaManDan - 0

Ninja not enough "signature" visible. great fire though


  Age is only  a number --in my case a Really BIG number, but there you have it

When the prefect paint.net image is created, I will still be wondering "How they Do that?"- sigh☺️


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NN79 - Crisp and clean with a great choice of colours. (My personal fav from you )

NMD - Good fire but name is too faint and don't like the black areas.

Nitenurse79 - 3

NinjaManDan - 0

WINNER - Nitenurse79

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Whoa Minners, How'd you do that? Yours has it with the cleverness factor.

Welshblue, It's an optical illusion, I can see this standing on edge or as a platter.

Minners71 - 1

Welshblue - 1




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@Welshblue, your image does not include your forum ID therefore as I see it is not actually a signature :( I will let it slide this time ( unless you beat me then I may have to re-think my decision ;) ) Personally I think you should of put forward your current sig its one of my all time favs :)

Just to clear up for any other entries a signature must inculde your forum ID somewhere in the composition.

@Doughty - after a few mental gymnastics to get my head round the idea it wasn't that hard ;)

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Like I said, not gonna be a signature nazi on this one as the rules do not state that they must but I think after this one and when I get a bit of time I will redo the rules ( if that is OK ) to include that sigs must contain the forum ID of the member making them or of the person it is made for.

As for the one you pointed out it was technically made for a gaming forum, gunslingers.com as a general publicity sig therefore the inclusion of "gunslingers" was the ID ;):)

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So what if we make a Sig without our or someone elses ID on it, but still give it a signature or allude to a signature through imagery

Such as my Ghost entry below.


Minners: 3


Minners, I really love that pivot displacement on the text.

Minners wins!

My entry:


Edited by NinjaManDan21

Sig Battle Wins: 5
My Gallery
| Smoke>Flames Tutorial

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this in your sig if you're one of the 4% who will

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NinjaManDan21, Like the colors, the soft background doesn't make it exciting and Ghost needs more presence.

Nitenurse79, OMG...don't know what to say. Maybe a little black outline around the letters will tone it down;

not make so contrasty with the grey.

NinjaManDan21 -1

Nitenurse79 -0




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NMD - When doing render based sigs you really need to blend well, one reason I steer clear of doing them, so for this reason I am giving my point to NN79.

NN79 - A bit bright for my liking but overall a clean job with no rough edges.

NMD - 0

NN79 - 2

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