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I see. Very nice. Now I want a sundae. Well, lucky for me, I'm working on a glass of milk right now on PdN, so I'll use it drown out the sweetness. And also some of the oranges that you made and that I made should fill me up quite well. There we are, digital dessert. And BTW, did you see my tut on oranges? See my sig if not.

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@AFG: Sure, you can have the oranges. And thank you for your comments. :)

@DarkShock: That's what I wanted when I was drawing it. I've never eaten a sundae. I could only imagine how good it tastes. :D

@csm725: :P Yeah, that should fill you up pretty well. And yes, I meant to say that I did see your tut on the oranges. I just used my method, but yours was very interesting.

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
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Yeah, my tut goes for the more natural look while yours in cartoony in a pleasant way. I like yours more than mine because it looks funner. Well, it matters how you're using the orange.

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@csm...: Thanks. :)

@Bjarni: Glad you noticed the shading. Like I said earlier, I haven't tasted a real sundae before, I can only imagine the delicious taste! :shock:

@theonlychad: Thank you. Shadows are sometimes a bigger challenge for me than highlights. :)

@sokagirl: :lol: You should've seen my keyboard! I'm glad you commented on the napkin. Thanks!

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
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PDN Fans--My DA

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@Bjarni: That's very nice of you say that. Thanks! :)

@DarkShock: Art has many definitions. :P

@sokagirl: Thank you. I was trying to put the box somewhere and this is where I put it. I was trying to make it magical and I'm glad you saw that. :)

@welshblue: My usual? :lol: I have tons of different ideas floating in my head, but this one was inspired by someone else. I used Tile Reflection and then dents to achieve the "leafy" effect.

@janettsue: Thanks. I love dents because you can make so many things with it. :)

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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