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Importing a new image

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I was editing a photo tonight, I had my photo on the main screen as background, and added layer 1. Then I went to Importing a new image and the new image does not show up on the screen ! I am not sure what's wrong. I repeated the process several times with the same results. Can anyone help ?





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I was editing a photo tonight, I had my photo on the main screen as background


Do you mean the Desktop Wallpaper? Or an Image, loaded in Paint.net?


and added layer 1. Then I went to Importing a new image and the new image does not show up on the screen ! I am not sure what's wrong.



How do you try exactly importing a new image? You have to pay attention of the right sequence of the layers and what layer is actual marked/active, when you add a new one. If there is another layer on top with something, you can't see an underlaying layer until you change the opacity of the topmost layer or you have to change the sequence by clicking the big blue UP- and DOWN-arrows.

Edited by IRON67
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Thanks for your quick answer, this is what I did in each step:


1. Went to the layers category,  and clicked on it.

2. Then clicked on" Importing a new image".

3. Chose my picture for my Background, and clicked on it.

4. My picture is on my screen with no problems.

5. I wanted to add a new layer, so I clicked on " Add a new layer".

6. Then I went to importing a new image and chose my picture, and clicked on it.

7. The picture did not show up on my screen, but the picture did show up on the configuration screen after I saved. Not sure why that happened ?

Thanks,  LadyG1951

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1. Went to the layers category,  and clicked on it.

2. Then clicked on" Importing a new image".



Well, that is for me an really unusual way to work with layers.


Normally I simply LOAD an image by File → Open with no other layers as the image itself as "background". The option Layers → "Import from File..." is in my opinion mainly intended for importing not only one but a stack of images in several layers.

If you have no image loaded first (only a white standard image/canvas is seen) and import only one image by your method then you have the one empty white background layer and on top the imported image.



but the picture did show up on the configuration screen after I saved.


No idea, what your mean - maybe a language problem (I'm German). Can you please provide one or more screenshots?




My guess is, that you simply PASTE some content you copied before into a new image. So you have the original image, where you miss the content and a second (ignored) image, where the content is. This second image is marked, when you try to save the (original) image. And thatswhy you see the content in the saving options.

Edited by IRON67
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Hi LadyG,


I am not able to reproduce the problem either @xod


I got confused with the Layer Category (layer menu on the toolbar). 


Ok, so you've opened Paint.NET program, went to the layers & imported a file that you want to work on & then added a layer. 

Here is the important bit - did you put the new layer above or below the image that you imported the first time?


Layers work like this: The first layer when you open the program is white by default. When you add another layer it is like a transparent sheet (this is why you see the checkerboard, universal way of showing that this checker bit is transparent - contains no pixels.) These sheets can be fully filled with pixels or just a few. They can also be stacked in different orders & they can be welded (merged) together. If you have a fully filled layer & you put another layer underneath it, you will only see the top one. 


Isn't so hard to describe a problem when you are not sure what it is? I hope we can sort this issue for you.


@IRON67 I'm not sure that I entirely understand what you said about the save configuration. That is a bit techie for me. Ideal with pretties :D but with your computer expertise I will just take your word for it. 

So that being the case, the issue then is not related to the program itself, yes?


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@IRON67 I'm not sure that I entirely understand what you said about the save configuration. That is a bit techie for me. Ideal with pretties :D but with your computer expertise I will just take your word for it. 

So that being the case, the issue then is not related to the program itself, yes?


Here is, what I mean:




I think, it's only a problem of wrong marked image and/or layers.

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I was editing a photo tonight, I had my photo on the main screen as background, and added layer 1. Then I went to Importing a new image and the new image does not show up on the screen ! I am not sure what's wrong. I repeated the process several times with the same results. Can anyone help ?






Perhaps you forgot to hit "Open"?


Here is a video I made for you showing a couple of ways to import images.


I hope it answers your question ;)


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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Really nice vid Pixey!


Another way you can open pictures into paint.net is by dragging and dropping them.
1) From you PC, open the folder that has your picture.
2) Open/start paint.net.
3) Click your folder, and make the folder's window smaller (don't know how to resize your PC's windows? Read here.)
4) Find your picture in the folder, click, hold, and drag the picture into paint.net. You will get a prompt asking you if you want to "Open" or "Add a Layer". Choose "Open" if you simply want to open the image. Note, if you chose "Add Layer", but your image is bigger than the current canvas size, your canvas size will automatically increase. To avoid this, do not open the image by adding a new layer, instead, open it as just open, so that it opens into it's own canvas. You can re-size it while it's on it's own canvas and then copy and paste it onto the other canvas (sort of like what pixey demonstrated).

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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5. I wanted to add a new layer, so I clicked on " Add a new layer".

6. Then I went to importing a new image and chose my picture, and clicked on it.


I've never used Layer>Import From File (I likely will, though, now that I know about it), but this sequence has a small misconception. There's no need to add a new layer, because Import From File creates a new layer for the image it imports; in fact, if you import a multi-layer .pdn file, it will add a layer for each layer in the imported image. If you first add a layer, that layer will be ignored by the importation, so it will be empty.

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