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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. Coalescent Star Image Sorry, Possum, no jellysquid. =============================================
  2. amerikrainian, Do you have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed? It is needed for Paint.NET v3.5.2. If Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is already installed, try the repair function in Control Panel > Programs and Features. http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/5570/netrepair01.png
  3. Maybe. Best way to find out is to have someone with admin acct. try it for you.
  4. mike208, For this you can use the Drop Shadow plugin. Or: Open the graph image in Paint.NET. Expand the canvas, so there is transparency around the edges. In the top menu, Image > Canvas Size... Select the transparency, using the Magic Wand tool. Press the i key while holding down Ctrl. This will invert the selection. Make a new layer. Layers > Make New Layer... Use the PaintBucket tool to fill the inside the selection on the new layer. Fill using black. Deselect. Move the black layer down so that you can see the graph again. Apply Gaussian blur to the black. Use the Move Selected Pixels tool to move the blurred black down and to the right. Press the F4 key and adjust the layer opacity until it looks right to you. Save as PNG.
  5. Good point. That font indexes under "J" for Jellyka, not "G" for Gare.
  6. Adjustments > Advanced Rotate... This will be useful. Thanks!
  7. Dani, Re: SinWaves, first be sure that your hard drive isn't out of free space and is not write protected. Best to have Paint.NET closed when installing the plugin file. Are you doing this from an account with administrator's privilege?
  8. gekkoutora23, You can go to the first post in the thread for each plugin or plugin pack to see whether it says it has been updated. Also, go to the last pages of the thread to see whether people have been complaining about problems. Plugin installation thread: HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS
  9. If you haven't already done so, posting the problem at a Windows 7 tech support forum might give you better odds of success. The fact that they don't show up in WordPad points to an operating system problem more than a Paint.NET problem.
  10. oma, I just tried this on my XP system with Paint.NET v3.5.2, and it is working OK with the conditions that you stated. Maybe if you run PdnRepair and reboot, it will sort itself out.
  11. jerry533482, Could you give more details on what appearance you're going for in the flares.
  12. Muse, If you reduce the height and width dimensions by 60% each, that would give you pixel count that is 36% of the original, and would work out about right. .60 X .60 = .36 Just over a third. Is that it or am I off track?
  13. quantumloop, Have you upgraded to Paint.NET v3.5.2 yet? Many font related problems have been fixed in the latest release.
  14. pookie, To use the instructions above, use a black mask instead of a white mask.
  15. Toli, Your best bet is if you can play off the lighting shown in the pips against what is shown on the faces of the dice.
  16. I don't know of a way to efficiently use Search to find tutorials without plugins. Here are two more. Exploding Planets Glow'y Line Tutorial
  17. pookie, Please post a link to the fluffy dog image. That will help towards getting the best suggestions.
  18. lindsay2181, Open your background image in Paint.NET. Import the black mask as a new layer. In the top menu - Layers > Import From File... Use the Move Selected Pixels tool to position the mask. Be sure that the word "BOY" is over a dark area. You can resize the mask with the Move Selected Pixels tool on a corner adjustment node with the Shift key held down. Load the mask layer into the Clipboard: Ctrl A Ctrl C Remove the checkmark from the mask layer in the Layers window, to make the mask not visible. -------------------------------- Apply the Alpha Mask effect to the background layer with all boxes checkmarked in the Alpha Mask effect window. Delete the mask layer. Save as PNG.
  19. drixie0708, Save as PNG filetype, .jpg won't preserve transparency.
  20. Okay. So, it sounds like things have improved a bit. I don't know whether you have used the Align Object plugin before. It will only work on a layer with an object surrounded by transparency. Also, it doesn't work if the object is selected. Let us know if you continue to have plugin installation problems.
  21. mouseandmask, Give this a try. Delete the plugin files in your Effects folder. Download the plugin files to your Desktop, open any zipped folders and copy the .dlls to a folder in a removable USB flash drive. Unblock the files on the flash drive, then copy/paste them into the Paint.NET/Effects folder. Check to see whether they stay unblocked. Let me know whether this works for you.
  22. Follow the link: How to Post Images
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